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Everything posted by Hoff

  1. Hoff

    Regarding Name Changes

    Ooh ooh ooh!! Sweet Hoff Alabama Please.
  2. Hoff

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    You don't even HAVE a johnson.
  3. Hoff

    Is taking a year off from college a good idea?

    I can't tell you about your situation, specifically, but I can speak from related experience. In two and a half years of college, I found myself slightly depressed, lonely, and even more disturbing, unable to settle on a major. In the middle of that fifth semester, I started to think about transfering or taking time off of school. I made the decision to leave Marquette, and I took about three months off before enrolling in a local business school, under some pressure from my father (and I am NOT making excuses. This was MY decision...I'm simply stating the facts as they lay). After three quarters there, I dropped out without a plan, without informing a soul. From there, I told my mom, asked if I could move back in for a bit, and just think about things. And the more I thought, the more I realized that I had never really wanted to be in college. I wanted the lifestyle, sure, but not the schooling. Smart as I am (arrogant as I am, heh), for me, simply working a steady job and taking my free time to write and play music was infintely more fulfilling. I'm now faced with some harsh realities. I'm paying student loans while living paycheck to paycheck. I will never be able to get certain jobs or careers, and I will likely never be a rich, unless I hit big as a singer or writer, which I'm aware enough to realize is a very, very slim possibility. But, I'm also happier than I'd been in years, even while I was partying it up. My life is FULL. I have time to write and play and sing. I have time to pursue hobbies. I work 40 a week and make enough to save a little, and hopefully strike out on my own this spring or summer. I'm putting care into my body for the first time in years, and losing weight. Things are not perfect for me, far from it. But I'm a happy man. Here's my advice. Take time off only if you know you can use it productively. Weigh your options. Look at careers. Think about what you want to do with your life. Prioritize. Do not take these months to goof off. I, like many, have seen people do that and get lost in life. But I have also seen people be happier for it, like myself. I have seen the decision made both to continue away from school, and to return to it. And in both cases, the people seemed better off for it. Never forget some things. You can always go back to school. Yes, the cost may increase and your available funds may decrease, but there's almost (almost, mind you) always a way to make it work. Financial aid, loans. No door is ever closed if you're determined to open it. Trite? Maybe. But worth considering. Also, never forget that, despite what so-called "college prep" highschools tell you, there IS life outside post-secondary schooling, and many, many people live that life without regret or remorse. There is nothing saying that just because you're smart or a good student or because someone says you SHOULD go to school, that you HAVE to go. The choice is yours, always. I hope that this helps. I hope you do take the time to really evaluate everything and end up making the right call. Best of luck.
  4. Hoff

    Let's Play Clue!

    Good turnout so hard, a winner will be hard to pick. Contest ends when I say it ends.
  5. Hoff

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    Johnson also alluded to being another "established" poster back before he was banned, as Johnson, in 2003.
  6. Hoff

    Let's Play Clue!

    That's it, you're tossed. I am amused by the thought of someone getting nailed in the skull by a comet, though.
  7. Hoff

    Let's Play Clue!

    That's a yellow card, son. One more and you'll be ejected.
  8. Hoff

    Let's Play Clue!

    So far Inc's killing you other two bitches.
  9. Hoff

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    I'm telling you, I would more than likely hang out with that site's webmaster.
  10. Hoff

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    Hmm.... I bet this "Decadent Slacker" reading the thread with me is Johnson. Just a wild hunch.
  11. Hoff

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    SPINEBUSTERS HOFF~! Now that is profound. One of these days, Rant, I swear I'll have my revenge.
  12. Hoff

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    I hate that "Von Douche" crap probably even more then the fad that started it. Even if this guy wasn't Johnson, it'd still be prudent to at least consider banning him.
  13. Hoff

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    *I* think it's profound.... no I don't
  14. No shit, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw this. Plus, I'd think a more polite warning would have been in order, for a first warning, anyway. But that's really a minor detail. Anyway, Photobucket rocks.
  15. Hoff

    Regarding Name Changes

    Actually, "Piss-Brand Hoffsicle" would be nice, if you would be so kind.
  16. Hoff

    Next guy to win the title...

    All right, then let me ask the following: is there a "too long?" I think, as long as a guy stays over, and has something to do, he should be kept away from the world title. Cena's a great example, as, despite having been around for a couple years, has really only had one "run" and done one thing. They can change the act, they can repackage him, and as long as he can work the crowd he *should* stay over. It'll be a test of whether he's getting the rap gimmick over or vice-versa, to be sure, but it's probably good to test someone in that way. I can't say I necessarily agree with this logic. Maybe, rather than shoot the midcarder to the top, it should serve as a wake-up call to the main eventers to try a little harder. I'm not saying that's always the case, but it could be argued in some situations.
  17. Hoff

    Eddie Guerrero DVD details

    Thank you thank you thank you.
  18. Angus is a fucking TIGHT movie. EDIT: And thanks for the compliment, Jack.
  19. Hoff

    Nintendo DS $180?

    $20 isn't that much more. $70 is. That's the cute thing about price ranges: you gotta be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. PSP looks tight, I just hope it doesn't run Nintendo out of town. GBA gets a lot of crap for having a lot of damn good games. People seem down on Nintendo, from what I've seen anyway, and Sony could take advantage of that...which would be bad news for fans of the big N. Hopefully, ideally, the two can coexist, because both the PSP and DS look great, IMHO. And the prices will fall, sure as the sun rises.
  20. Pinksy was on Boy Meets World? Jesus, I missed somethoing there.
  21. Hoff

    According to Meltzer.....

    But a guy WORKING to become a "true main eventer" shouldn't have the WORLD TITLE, should he? I'd think they'd want to wait until he made it to that level.
  22. Hoff

    Eddie Guerrero DVD details

    Semi-related question. Is there any old Coliseum video where one could find the Michaels/Owen match from the February 1996 In Your House? The one where Michaels swung off the roof of the "garage." I remember really liking that match...plus it's friggin' Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. Hoff

    Next guy to win the title...

    But (and this is touching on what I said in the other thread), isn't there something to be said for a guy finally getting the belt after being over for so long? It's possible to stay hot for years. Guys used to do it all the time. I say, given Cena's charisma, let him run for awhile, do some fun stuff, maybe turn him heel at some point. It needn't be forever, but I think even waiting another year would make a Cena title win more important and more special. It might even allow him to improve in the ring. There's certainly nothing wrong with giving the hot hand the title, but as they say, the money's in the chase.
  24. Hoff

    According to Meltzer.....

    Jeezy peezy, I just typed a huge reply and I got an error message. Hmph. Anyway, I'd personally rather keep the belt off of Orton and let him do more in his career, because I think that makes the World Title win that much more meaningful. Look at guys like Bret, Shawn, Benoit, even H. They all did so much before winning the big one, and no one can deny they all had great careers and will be looked back on as legends. They could do that with Orton, too, if they just had some patience. Edge, too, although that's a whole other argument.