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Everything posted by Hoff

  1. Hoff

    Feedback for 4/15

    I didn't mean to slight you, Dama. You know I think highly of your writing. I was more referring to, well, everything NY has put forth since coming in, because I think he's really, really good.
  2. Hoff

    Booking for 4/22

    I figured that's who you were planning for today, Papa. It'll still be awesome. Anyway, SHIT GOES DOWN between Hoff and Gibraltar as Agin' Abe tries to find a way to resolve this conflict.
  3. Hoff

    Feedback for 4/15

    You're not. NY, your stuff has been great week after week, and this week was no different. You can write, boy. That's for sure. Anyway, yeah, great show if a little promo-heavy. Hack Malibu was the best thing I've seen in a long, long while, and I marked out for Gunner finally turning on Axel. Good stuff all around, and might I say I'm really looking forward to Flaire/Black at LA.
  4. Hoff

    What do you look like...

    It'd be cooler if you DIDN'T have eyes. Conformist.
  5. Hoff

    Where is Stacy Keibler?

    Beauty is subjective, kids. Remember that. Personally, I don't find Stacy's face all too attractive, so the boobs and BUTT become irrelevant quickly. Some people are like that. Some like Stacy because she has a nice ass. Some people like Stephanie because she has huge tits. Whatever the reason, everyone's got their own opinion on what's hot. Anyway, I for one LOVE Muzz's "Carmen Sandiego" angle, honestly. I mean, not for a main event-type guy, but it could lead to entertaining TV. The detective(s) could follow leads, investigate other wrestlers, etc. Might be entertaining for Hurricane to do, actually.
  6. The funny thing is, when I picture a poster whose pic I haven't seen (or don't recall), I picture a kind of gray silhouette...with hair. And for some reason, I pictured you with dark hair. So basically, my entire conception of what you look like was shattered. Thanks a lot.
  7. Hoff

    Random questions

    I wish it would rain. I fucking love rain. Maybe subconciously I'm goth or something, but I love clouds and rain and wind. I know we need the sun to "live," but not all the time. Damn.
  8. Hoff

    Frigid Evaluations

    Hey now. I'm not Canadian; don't go spreading that kind of shit around.
  9. Hoff

    Frigid Evaluations

    Hoff in a fur coat, rapping? No way. I'm going to picture Hoff doing something right now, and I'm going to write down the first thing that comes to mind. He's drinking a beer in a dark room, organizing his stamp collection by light of a hockey game on tv. Isn't there an HNL.com commercial like that? Or have I taken one too many to the head... Anyway, nah. I'm not sayign I'm a fat white rapper/pimp -- for one thing, I wouldn't want to step on Biggie Size's toes. But Frigid's eval was closer to the real thing. I do like hockey, though.
  10. Hoff

    How Old Are You???

    672. 673 this August. 22 years, three months, twelve days. Bloomington, MN, just southwest of Minneapolis; the state's fourth-largest city. Home of the Mall of America. Former site of Met Stadium.
  11. That Lindsay Lohan chick is the cutest in that movie, PK. Sorry but true. Also Zack: STFU, kthx. *fumes*
  12. Hoff

    Booking for 4/15

    Memo to MST3K and PFL: you're planning on using the same jobbers in the same night. I know it's fiction and all, but, that is a little odd.
  13. No one kicks out from two, let me tell you.
  14. Hoff

    Umm.. Interesting...Video...

    The odd thing is that now, one of my pictures in the other thread is "UYI has no penis." Odd.
  15. Hoff

    Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

    Hmm....maybe not. Well, anyone else who wants to jump on the debate train, feel free. EDIT: Nice, IDRM. Very classy.
  16. Hoff

    Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

    Banks, it looks like you're trying to turn this into an actual debate. Maybe I'm misreading...but if not, allow me to further the cause. The way I've always looked at it is like an acorn. If it hits the ground and takes root, barring any natural causes, it's going to become a tree. Consequently, I've always been pro-life, but in favor of birth control methods...because then, the "tree" doesn't "take root." Maybe that's a bad example, but it's how I've made sense of it. Here's a question: are there any pro-choicers who favor laws which count the murder of a pregannt woman as two charges? Because I've always wondered about that.
  17. Hoff

    Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

    Be glad. EDIT: That was to K909's comment of not knowing Johnson.
  18. It's all good mang. I was just making sure, since you seemed short and irritated. Go back to your show, I'll keep posting links to Sandy's thread. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093
  19. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093
  20. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=53093
  21. Hoff

    What do you look like...

    Hoff wants to sleep with you. Who I do or do not want to sleep with is really none of your business. (hey Munky, call me later babycakes )
  22. Hoff

    What do you look like...

    Up a ways on this page. He's not a bad looking guy. Strong jawline.
  23. Hoff

    What do you look like...

    Munky: your face is thinner, but there's a definite resemblance, especially in the mouth.
  24. Hoff

    What do you look like...

    You'll catch no argument here. Artie Lange -- maybe. I can spot a world of difference, but I can also see the comparison.