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Everything posted by Hoff
Sick and wrong. You disgusting deviant. I think I'm going to form a Chaveosexual hate group. Of course, like all Chaveophobes, I'm probably just in the closet...shhh....
I'm questioning how the misogyny claim applies here. The board on the whole can take a flying leap, for all I care. And as far as the dolls go, you're missing the big picture. The dolls themselves are fairly harmless, but they promote an image that is associated with promiscuous behavior. That's all, and as far as I'm concerned, that's bad enough. You're wrapping yourself in the argument of the dolls being totally unrealistic. Well, no shit! People really don't have giant heads? I had no idea. That's not the point at all. The point is that this style of dress is associated with this lifestyle that attracts a lot of kids these days. Because, get this: Kids are impressionable. Yeah, I know, it's hard to believe, but children often pick up bhaviors and traits from what they see every day...and not only in the popular media, but from their friends. And if a perfectly good little girl starts dressing this way, she may end up running with others who dress the same, and I don't want to shatter anyone's utopian vision of not judging a book by its cover, but some of the girls who dress up in these tight, skimpy outfits are sexually active. The concept is social responsibility, folks, and it's not a hard one to understand. Even the world's best parents can't protect their kids from everything, and if they could, it probably wouldn't be healthy. It's up to the rest of us to help out by not encouraging these types of behaviors. And if you don't agree, that's fine, but don't ever come crying to the rest of us if you catch your fourteen year old girl sucking dick. And hey, no that probably will never happen. But it does happen to some people out there, and not just degenerates or lowlifes. And frankly, if I see something that encourages this kind of behavior, I'm going to be firmly against it. Which pretty much brings us back to the original argument. These dolls, these toys, are not the death knell for chaste virtues. A lot of girls will have these dolls and think nothing of it, and it won't change their lives in the least. But the dolls are another outlet for the media to say "this appearance is cool," and the underlying message, believe it or not, is "so is this lifestyle." One last thing. You make an exceedingly eloquent point about GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, and the like. I think the outrage about Bratz, though, comes from the fact that this is a relatively new phenomenon. Twenty years ago, you didn't see thirteen year olds dress and act the way they do today -- and I'm not just talking sex, but the impoliteness, vulgarity, and detachment that is far more common in teenagers today than it ever was, no matter how young kids have always had sex. Sometimes, the attitudes associated with am activity are worse than the action itself. I'm not trying to be a prick here, and I hope your daughter never ends up sucking dick at fourteen. But there's another side to this argument that you seem to be dismissing out of hand simply because these dolls have disproportionate heads, and that's a shame.
Ugh. The vast majority of celebrities who dress similar to the "Bratz," in terms of tons of makeup and skimpy outfits, tend to act very sexual and provocative. Kids see these actions from people they think are "cool" and figure it's okay. These dolls are a reinforcement of that lesson. They make this sort of promiscuous behavior seem okay -- not by doing it themselves (they are just dolls), but by popularizing an appearance that is, however unfairly, associated with a certain behavior. Furthermore, I find Ripper's claims of "misogyny" to be ridiculous. I'm sitting over here worried about the young girls who could be negatively influenced by these dolls, and somehow, that makes me biased against women. I must have missed the connection there. And for record, I don't give a shit how adult women act. It's the kids that worry me.
Having known addicts, my guess is that CWM probably doesn't want anyone's "pity." It would be nice to see some support, however, for his fight against the addiction. He's trying to beat this, and no matter what you may think of addicts, that's a hard thing to do. I'm just not sure why we have to dwell on the negatives. Who knows what his circumstances are? Maybe he fucked up somewhere in his life. Most of us do. But all I know is that a guy I believe to be a good sort is trying to get clean, and that is something that we all ought to be able to respect.
Why this folder sucks in '03
Hoff replied to rising up out of the back seat-nuh's topic in No Holds Barred
*comes back ten months later looking for who hit him, gives Billy Gunn the Stunner* -
You ignorant little bastard keep your pie hole shut. You make it out like it was one single thing that made me and CWM not like each other, oh wait! You weren't here then. So you know dick. We already established I was here then. Congratulations on not remembering one week ago. Maybe your problems with substances run a little deeper than you know. On the other hand, you could just be a truly spectacular idiot. In either case, you're quite the pathetic excuse for a human being, and for what it's worth, you still can't flame with a single ounce of intelligence or cleverness. But I guess I know "dick" (dick meaning penis LOL), so take this with a grain of salt.
Why this folder sucks in '03
Hoff replied to rising up out of the back seat-nuh's topic in No Holds Barred
*looks around the crowd before hesitantly clasping JSYK's hand, seemingly unaware of the attack to come* -
He tried to get you banned from an internet message board. You...laughed at his problems with substances. Not quite the same, but whatever floats your boat.
Why this folder sucks in '03
Hoff replied to rising up out of the back seat-nuh's topic in No Holds Barred
Ha! *no-sells and returns fire* -
Demo disc? It came with the preorder. Slow down, Chocolate Chip Charlie. Preorder? Of a Cube, or Mario Kart DD? Because if you bought a Cube recently and didn't get the Zelda disc, you got snowed. That disc is your f'ing lord and savior.
Why this folder sucks in '03
Hoff replied to rising up out of the back seat-nuh's topic in No Holds Barred
Well, in all fairness, you were dumb long before I made my rapier comment. We couldn't really be sure. *zing* -
Hold on, I can see the future. Johnson: "Who says breaking the addiction is good? I have lots of addictions and I know they're bad but my life is good so addictions must be okay!" *insert smiley* The key that JSYK (I refuse to EVER call you...that) missed is that, whatever you think of breaking addictions, it's HARD, and it takes discipline, and anyone who does it deserves praise.
ADDENDUM: I am every poster on the forum...at all times...at every forum.... EXCEPT Johnson.
Why this folder sucks in '03
Hoff replied to rising up out of the back seat-nuh's topic in No Holds Barred
I think he is, although there's something to be said for the adjective form of rape. Well...maybe that's across the line. Still, a little amusing. -
Why this folder sucks in '03
Hoff replied to rising up out of the back seat-nuh's topic in No Holds Barred
Your sage-like insight and rapier wit are a force to be reckoned with. -
Fucking lamers, being concerned with the disturbing social trend of preteens acting more adult, and in turn, sexual. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you watch TRL like a normal human being? *dies of sarcasm poisoning* Seriously, though, anyone who doesn't see this trend, as well as its negative effects, needs to wake up. And "Bratz," while not exactly cancer, aren't helping things any.
Well the last part goes hand in hand with the first. Yeah, that was the joke. Remind me never to bet on you in a race.
Why this folder sucks in '03
Hoff replied to rising up out of the back seat-nuh's topic in No Holds Barred
This thread would be better if it was just me talking and you all listening. Actually, every thread would be better that way. You guys are punks. -
I am every poster on the forum. Every poster that was, is, and will be. I'm actually every poster on every internet forum. I'm also very lonely.
You most certainly do not. Use a flute in the warp world (was it World 9? I forget) and BAM, World 8. The jury's still out on the legitamacy of this, though.
There are people out there who're more stubborn about this than Middle Easterners are about Israel and Palestine. I am one of those people. Come to my house with Coke, and I will knock your fucking teeth in. Grr.
There's a difference between "jokes" and "being a bullshit tough guy, even if you're kidding." "Two black eyes" is a joke, told obviously to garner laughs. "I'd put her head through a wall" is something said somewhat maliciously in referrence to a real person one doesn't care for. Think of it like this: "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes" is funny, "I'd give that bitch a black eye" isn't. Of course, these are just my opinions, but there's something to be said for the context of a statement. And there are far worse crimes than making an off-hand remark about such a thing, such as committing said act. Doesn't make you a bad person.