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Everything posted by Hoff

  1. Hoff

    Final Fantasy III (JP) for the DS

    'Burnie, you're Americano, right? They released Chrono Cross over here, on the PS1. In fact, I'll send you *my* copy if you want, as you seem like a nice guy, and I don't think so highly of the game either.
  2. Hoff

    Final Fantasy III (JP) for the DS

    I haven't thought it through, but CT seems like a game that'd be able to make good use of the dual screenage, as far as stuff like menus, but also techs, time switching, and whatnot. Dunno. Or, hell, just put a map down there. I'd shell out hard-earned cash for a GBA port, let alone a DS.
  3. Hoff


    Don't leave us hanging like this. We need details. No, pal, YOU need details. As wild as this was, I think most of us are okay with not knowing.
  4. I'm just curious, as I really like this sandwich and every place does it a little different, but I always end up enjoying them. This is likely due to my general love of food and more particular love of steak, peppers, and onions. But I mean, I've heard people from the northeast talk about a "real" Philly cheese steak, and I have no idea what that means. Is it something in the preparation? The presentation? Je suis confondu. Help a brotha out, if you have any info.
  5. Hoff


    Yeah hi, it's a *wrestling* board. Quel suprise that wrestling fans would populate it.
  6. Hoff

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

  7. Hoff


    I think we're on the verge of a stunning revelation where "CanadianChick" is actually, like, six different gimmick posters, and she's got this Vince McMahon-like plan where she drops the littlest hints, and slowly but surely we piece it together, but we're all in denial, because she's a sweet kid, and it CAN'T be her...then one day, Mike the Admin is addressing the board when he's assaulted by the entire mod staff, and out comes a robed figure, who reveals herself to be CC, screaming "IT WAS ME, TSM! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!" Then they string Mike up to a cross-- er, symbol, and we go off the air with the fate of TSM hanging in the balance. I mean, it probably won't go down like that...but it could.
  8. Hoff

    Final Fantasy III (JP) for the DS

    Yeah, that's why I threw the JP in there, but clarification is probably in order. To my knowledge, it's the only FF game not released stateside, although it's apparently readily available on emulators.
  9. Hoff

    I'm a dad...again.

    HA! You nerd. Oh, I'm still only 200 pages or so into the Martin book, FWIW.
  10. and I don't want to go move the car in but then I might have to brush snow off the car, never mind the fact that my phone is out there and the cold isn't good for the battery or the LCD and I don't have a car charger but I'm in my pajama pants (yes I have pajama pants, WHAT ABOUT IT) and I don't want to go outside right now because Yahoo says that it's 15 degrees fahrenheit and that's not factoring in the windchill. In the future, they'll have cars that put themselves away. And...walking...phones.
  11. Hoff


    (____(________________((:::: I just wanted to be cool.
  12. Hoff

    I'm a dad...again.

    Dude, awesome. Good for you. Have you ever thought about namign one "Kurt?" Serious question.
  13. Hoff


    I'm with YPOV -- this just screams gimmick to me. Can't put a finger on it -- maybe it's because I picture the WildPegasus character as having SAD or something that'd keep him indoors. Yeah, I'd like an answer here too. What gives, is FBTG a stalker now or something? Are we SURE he's not Gheyme?
  14. Hoff

    A Brief Note on Randy Orton

    I'm glad that the two people who read and comment have brains. Alf: re: OAOAST I'll...get back to you on that.
  15. Hoff

    Crucifixio Jones?

    And we'll see you tomorrow night!
  16. Hoff


    Chris was, like, a superhero or something. Taylor was real good, but he doesn't have shit on Chris.
  17. Hoff

    Man, I love tax time.

    I apologize if there's already a thread for this. I looked, didn't see one. Anyway, I can't be the only one who loves doing his taxes. I ran mine last night, and I'll be getting a combined $619 back from the governmnt, which I'll be using to fly out and see one of my best friends in Seattle. My roommate, who filed 0, got some $1500 back. So awesome. Anyone else got any big plans for their refunds?
  18. The center plate of the belt will be fitted with a car horn. The side plates will be replaced with speakers, and everytime Rey slaps the center plate, "La Cucaracha" blares from the World Heavyweight Championship. VIVA LA RAZA~!
  19. Hoff


    Didn't GoldDust enter twice out of no where? Since the question is supposed to be tricky, that's probably not right. Goldust entered twice, but in 2002, his comeback was promoted by the WWE, along with Perfect, aaaaaaaaaand...two other guys.
  20. Hoff

    Why do they let old people on

    What's sad is that I've become so jaded and so used to the dollar-over bidding that not only do I accept it, I don't understand why people don't do it more. There was a time when I was, say, ten that I would literally yell at the television screen in protest. PK's right about old foreign people, too, because there's the age barrier AND the language barrier -- and of course that's not the case for all foreigners, but there's some fresh off the boat that head right down to the studio.
  21. Hoff

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    So I fell asleep in front of the TV, and I wake up to see Smilin' Palmer Cannon with his midgets. I watch the following segment in half a daze. My God, if they just gave me two hours of that, I'd be a happy, happy man. That was beyond entertaining. So I get to thinking. The Boogeyman, who doesn't really do anything, but is weird and colorful, gets love from the 'net. Paul Birchill, who doesn't really do anything, but is weird and colorful, gets chastised. Yet Finlay, who is vanilla as vanilla can be, is like the smark sensation. What gives? I've tried to wrap my head around it, tried to draw some connection between these men, and the only thing that I can figure is that the rest of the internet likes what I hate and vice versa. Also, when the hell did we turn against Matt Hardy? I must have missed that memo. I patiently await the mounds of praise for the awful Taker-Henry match. And does it bother anyone else that when Taker crouches into his shoot-fight stance and starts throwing body blows, that's "vintage Undertaker?" Damn you, Cole, 2002 is not vintage.
  22. Hoff

    TSM Arcade *** Poll *** & Feedback

    It's not trying to be funny. But, thankfully, your improvement has ceased and I can put your fat ass on ignore again. Whew. Nobody talks like that! Also cute that I was apparently "improving" until I took a shot at you. You get the high score for odd coincidences! So, anyway. Does anyone else think that the "arcade" link in the upper right is kind of out of the way? Might be good to put a link at the top of the forum for awhile, or even to mention it on the flashy new main site. Something like "now with ARCADE~!" under the link to the board. Or...it could just be me. Just a thought.
  23. Hoff

    My Perfect Mania

    Copied and pasted from the "Save Wrestlemania" thread. I'm lazy. Here's what I'd like to see: Main Event for the World Title Kurt Angle © vs. Rey Mysterio The obvious choice and a much better (in all likelihood) main event than Angle/Orton, as much as I like Orton. A lot of backstory, and an easy set-up for a great match and a happy ending. WWE Championship Edge © vs. HHH HHH as the face here, which if he quits cutting promos on Eddie is an easy enough turn. They need to keep Edge's heel character strong. Let him win the belt back at Saturday Night's Main Event. Ideally, let him go over Triple H, but no one could be that delusional. At least having him win it again puts him on a level with Cena, despite losing to the "King of Kings." Interpromotional Match John Cena vs. Randy Orton Here's how you do it. Have Orton talking about how he's sick of everyone hearing about John Cena being the future of the WWE. He's the Legend Killer, and he's going to kill John Cena's legend before it starts. Orton costs Cena the WWE Title at SNME, and we're good. Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock Vince McMahon brings the Rock back in to show HBK how business is done. Simple enough. Let the McMahons get involved -- there's nothing on the line, so this should be a "fun," very spotty match. If you can't get Rock, use Shane, and have Vince as special guest referee in any case. Intercontinental Title Shelton Benjamin © vs. Rob Van Dam It'd be fun. There's no reason to extend Benjamin/Flair and RVD/Carlito past SNME, and this gives both men something to do. I'd like to see Van Dam go over here and have both men trade the belt a couple times afterward. United States Title Booker T © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Finlay I was tempted to throw OJ in here, but a Triple Threat is cooler, and if OJ is getting the new character, it doesn't hurt to keep him off TV for awhile. Upsell the WCW history over the US Title and there's suddenly a story to be told. I don't care who goes over, as long as it's not an Irish guy who likes to fight. Benoit would be best. The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry Undertaker will get his big pop against a shockingly somewhat over Mark Henry, it'll be impressive to the casual fan, and the streak is alive. Plus, both men are in this match, preventing them from ruining other matches. Tag Team Turmoil Unification Match Big Show and Kane © vs. MNM © vs. Carlito and Masters vs. The Mexicools vs. Cade & Murdoch vs. The Dicks Who are we kidding? I was scraping bottom to find six teams. Let the tag champs either float, or move exclusively to SmackDown. Cade and Murdoch would be a nice surprise (well, a surprise, anyway). I see it MNM eliminating the Raw champs via some chicanery, and it getting to them vs. Carlito and Masters. Masters acts tweenerish, he's getting some cheers, but Carlito turns on him after weeks of "abuse" from Masters, setting up their feud and giving MNM their due. Not like they're great or anything, but they're the best we got. Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley Not likely, but I can dream. It'd give Mania some needed star power and be a hell of a mark-out moment. Let Foley play heel and let Flair pop the crowd. Cruiserweight Championship Battle Royal Gregory Helms © vs. FUNAKI~! vs. Jamie Noble vs. Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Nunzio vs. Kid Kash vs. Chavo Guerrero Or do another "Texas Tornado" match, or whatever. Just something to get the belt on the show. Chavo winning would make a great moment. Women's Championship Trish Stratus © vs. Mickey James The obvious, and a real potential sleeper. Let Psycho Mickey go over, and let her really brutalize Trish, and bring some surprise to the normally face-friendly event. Not that anyone reads this, but if anyone has any comments, fire away. -Hoff