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Everything posted by Hoff

  1. What the hell do you do with 8 Bio Blasters? Shadow can't throw them. Okay here's the big question: Kefka or Sephiroth? I say Kefka because he was a psycho bastard, and Sephiroth is beloved by the Yuna_fireroses of the world. Ewwww. I think the Bio Blasters amuse me because the game won't let you buy more than one. I like carrying around way too many. I don't know, it amuses me. Kefka's an awesome villian. He's straight out of a comic book. I love him. The scene where he poisons Doma is one of my favorites.
  2. Get the Thief Glove in Zozo. You'll almost always succeed with Steal.
  3. Well okay, if you're just looking to kill kill kill, then sure.
  4. More on Locke...he's not a bad fighter, either. Not Sabin or anything, but, if you stick a Genji Glove on him, you can give him the Thief Knife and the Asassin and let him go to town. Big damage with the possibility of theft and instant death.
  5. I can't believe everyone is so down on Locke. You can get some great stuff with him. Nothing beats having like 8 Bio Blasters when you come out of the Magitek Facility, but you can also get a bunch of cool swords, as well as helpful shit like Tinctures and Potions.
  6. Then don't level up to hell in the split storylines. The only leveling I do is to get Sabin the Fire Dance, and then it's back to Narshe. Locke is usually only a level or two behind at that point, and he'll make that back between Kohlingen and the Opera House. Zozo is great for leveling up.
  7. Gogo would make an interesting gimmick poster.
  8. It always seemed like Celes to me. She got the big opera number, and she's your initial character after the "end of the world" That's an interesting take. Celes does play an awfully pivotal role on the Floating Continent, as well.
  9. No I get that, but the World of Ruin is ass anyway. SETZER has the most intriguing storyline. I've always thought it was Locke, and his struggle to make something of himself, to be more than a treasure hunter...but common wisdom seems to be Terra. I dunno.
  10. Terra is woefully bad. I'm playing III/VI right now and she's beyond retarded. Here's the thing: if they had gone with a Terra/Locke relationship as opposed to Celes/Locke, all of Terra's "love me" crap would have so worked. Celes/Cyan would have been a better story, as well. Let Cyan's biases be eroded as the two get to know each other. Here's one: who's the central character in III -- Terra, or Locke?
  11. Hoff

    Recent purchases

    Used for $7.99. w00t
  12. Well, who didn't? So hot, with all that...green...hair...
  13. Hoff

    Why do they let old people on

    Hey, it's sound strategy. At the same time, I do believe those people have a special place set aside in Hell.
  14. Hoff

    Martial Arts that you've taken?

    I've studied Joe-Jitsu.
  15. Okay, smart guy: is Kain brainwashed at the start of the game, or is he just a loyal Baronian soldier? I've never been sure of that.
  16. Hoff

    H00f's first column for TSM

    I'll have it up next weekend, in all likelihood.
  17. When I was a young lad, I refused to play the Final Fantasy games without my Game Genie, for fear of losing. However, they kept erasing my save files. I swear, I played the opening few hours of Final Fantasy II like 20 times in 1993. Good times.
  18. Hoff

    On Gravy and Peggy

    Just for reference.
  19. Hoff

    On Gravy and Peggy

    Hey jackass, I live here. I know the score. I've always thought of those states as just west because they're often associated with cowboys and stuff. They're more "western" in culture. The couple of...Coloradans?...I've known have been culturally different than conventional Midwesterners (as much as two US states can differ in culture, that is).
  20. WELL STOP IT OR FACE MY STEEL TOED BOOT. It'd be funny if there weren't thousands of morons who have no idea what they're talking about. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE CORRECT ANSWER THEN SHUT UP ALREADY
  21. I knew it. I KNEW K was gonna piss me off. Fire up Contra, I dare you, and try it without the extra BA. I guarantee you it works. Also: http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/gaming/7c07/ There's your fucking shirt.
  22. That's interesting. I used to think they did too many break-up feuds, back in the 80s and 90s. But, maybe my memory is playng tricks on me. You're certainly right, now, though. They just let teams disappear these days. It doesn't make sense.
  23. WHAT THE HELL is with you people? UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A START. No select button, no extra BA. Just put in the normal fucking code and you get 30 lives.