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Everything posted by Hoff

  1. Hoff

    The One and Only Axel Thread

    *Warrior presses out*
  2. Hoff

    The One and Only Axel Thread

    *foot on ropezor*
  3. Hoff

    The One and Only Axel Thread

    *goes over everyone*
  4. Hoff

    The One and Only Axel Thread

    *gives thread the anklelock*
  5. Hoff


    I'll post it. But again I'm still looking for a replacement starting in May; by the end of May (as in BEFORE June) at the latest. I may have an occasional Thursday night free to help out, but don't count on it. SEND THINGS TO ME FOUR REAL~! Usual time applies. Show will be eminating from Miami, Florida. Expect a RAZOR RAMON appearance (seriously).
  6. Hoff

    FEEDBACK 4 THE 4/7 show

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More (read: actual) feedback later, as I gotta jet. But !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like ran around the room I was so happy.
  7. Patty's week of custody. He picks the locale. Might be some AM fallout, I reckon. By the way, starting in mid-May I'm gonna need someone to take my posting spot, as I'll be tied up Thursday nights. If someone can do it and would like to, let me know! And for what it's worth you can start sooner if you so desire, I have no opinion one way or the other.
  8. *dances on the thread's grave*
  9. Hoff

    Booking for the 4/7 (4/8?) show!

    I vote we all send things in late and see if he makes good on this threat.
  10. Hoff

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    You nailed it, man. Thank you.
  11. Hoff

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Odd coincidence if nothing else.
  12. Hoff

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Thanks to everyone who feedbacked the opener thus far. I've noted that people seemed to like this match more than Zero Hour's, but also had some criticisms and I've taken them to heart. I appreciate what people had to say and if anyone wants to go into more detail on the negatives, I'd love them forever. But enough about me... ANGLEMANIA IV~! What a show. Really, I was impressed top-to-bottom. With all the legends returning combining with all the new stars shining, it really felt special. To me, last year's card was "bigger," but this year's meant more. I could tell everyone put in that little extra "oomph." I was gonna try a new feedback formula, but I think I'll save that for this week's HD. This show and the effort involved, everyone deserves detailed feedback on their stuff. So... The Show Before the Show: Docs/Hitmen I apreciated the explanations for these guys not being on our TVs much recently. Murder? Awesome. It was a good match. Short, but rightly so. The Docs really stepped up their game, which follows after their last outing, so it was nice to see the continuity in that respect. It felt like the Doctors caught HH by surprise with their skills. Some good back-and-forth, and a fitting ending given the Hitmen's chaotic nature. Nice to see some agression out of Pigley at the end, and that's the kind of thing that could get me into the Docs a little more. Really got no complaints with this one. The video package was PIMP~! It gave the following proceedings a special feel. The kind of thing that would be out of place at say School's Out, but worked here. Spliced together very neatly. Kudos. The banter between Tony and Jesse ran down the card, with a natural, unforced feel to it. I'm a little sad I didn't get to go over everybody in every match. AXEL VS. CRYSTAL It's funny. Reading through this, there were a lot of parallel spots between it and Drek/Hoff, just by sheer coincidence. I liked it. Axel was PISSED and it showed. Crystal used her brain, both in the form of staying away from Axel and not letting him get momentum going, as well as working the leg over. Axel was just letting out his frustrations more than wrestling per se, and I liked it. The spot into the Crystalling was tight, and the finish as well. I like how Crystal's taunting bought Axel the time to get up, rather than just having him be superhuman. My only complaint was the Frog Splash. It seemed completely out of place. I mean it's cool...but it's so out of character for Axel. Not to mention that it was weird to see Axel break from the ass-kicking to pull off a technical, high-risk maneuver. But small complaint really in a thoroughly enjoyable affair. PANTHER VS. THA PUERTO RICAN Before I get to the match itself, something I noticed. A lot of people have come down on PR for being long-winded, but I actually thought it was appropriate here and really enjoyed this contest a great deal. Here's MY complaint, and this is more general. PR has like a million "trademark" spots. I mean, every other move the guy does has a name. At times he seems like a brilliant wrestler, and at times he seems like a spot machine. I dunno...I think either cutting down the number of spots, or the frequency with which they appear, would help a great deal. But I digress. I was really into this match. PR seemed alternately squeamish and vicious...which makes sense when you think about the character and the feud. Panther was gold, from his climbing entrance to his relentlessness through the actual match. The two fought tooth-and-nail. I loved the "chairfight" sequence (although PR's shouts of "en guarde were a bit TOO corny in my book), and I loved them just HITTING each other. Basically all the chair stuff was a nice touch. I *was* confused by the fans cheering for PR. Maybe after the match, but he didn't do anything THAT impressive I saw to turn the crowd at all. Also, not to step on anyone's dick (and I swear I liked the match), but what is the 99=pound PR doing throwing spinebusters? Boo. All complaints aside, it was a vicious affair I got into. BUT IT NEEDS AN ENDING. Anyway. BROCK AUSSTIN VS. PRINCE KILLINGS I never worked with Spike Jenkins, but he or someone should come back and handle Brock because Cal and Frig have gotten the guy over. This was ridiculous. From a booking perspective, I guess the right guy went over, but I thought it would have been better to see Prince lose after the shameful showing. I liked the "Prince thinks this is Hollywood" arc, but I would have liked to seen how he handled some egg on his face. It told a cute story, though. In the end, well, it was what it was and it was well-written, so that counts for someone. The camera spot was neat too, although if Prince was going to blind Brock with it he may as well have just done so instead of hitting him with it. The blinding seemed accidental as it stands. Eh. THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS VS. THE NEW NEW MIDNIGHT EXPRESS I marked out like a little bitch for the ending. It was good. A lot of fast action and good tag action. I liked Tiff stepping up his game as he was getting kicked around. Some great near falls, and Logan's reaction to Tiffany not getting the pin off the racketshot was memorable. Great ending, and nice to see the Saints pull it out. Really, no complaints. ALFDOGG VS. SANDMAN9000 Honestly, it was hard for me to get into this one. It seemed like a lot of random violence. The people running in was cool, but would have meant more if I knew who they were. And then JINGUS seemed out of place, but again, there's clearly a lot going on here I don't know, so. But the match itself was just a blood-and-gore show and that's not what I'm about. The psychology was not so much present. This is in stark contrast to a certain match a little later...but we'll get to that in a bit. THE JOY OF X Awesome, awesome match. This was a breeze to read. Great action...no no hang on. GREAT action (you'll note the capitalization there, see what I did? Woo!), and just AWESOME (there again) near fall sequences. It really put over the X-Champ, too. I have no complaints, obviously. It was written well, smooth flow, all that. KC should be proud to the max. I like his stuff all the time but this was maybe my favorite thing of his. COD VS. GPX Fun little spotfest. I laughed a lot, as I always do when reading COD matches. The girls busted out some very impressive moves, and while it wasn't the greatest MATCH per se, it kept me hooked. Nice use of the Canadian Destroyer (and nice name!) too. THE 70'S DUDE VS. CALVIN SZECHSTEIN I'll keep it brief since I already told Frig what I thought in private, but I loved it. THIS was violence with a story. It made the Dude look like a star and it was utterly memorable. Be proud, Adam. Be proud. THE ORIGINAL ELITE VS. ZACK, CABOOSE AND SOME GUY Excellent match, and again I find myself with nothing bad to say. It did a marvelous job of portraying the animosity involved. At times, it reminded me of Rock 'n Sock vs. Evolution, I think partly because of the legends involved. But it was great with some great wrestling sequences and some great spots. Ending sequence was hectic, and OMG TRIPLE SCHOOL'S OWT ruled. Just fun FUN match. DREK STONE VS. AXEL NYU already knows my thoughts, so I'll just say GREAT dramatic main event, all that tape watching paid off , and of course, congrats to our new champion. Given that we went with the WM X scenario, the babyface party at the end was a nice touch. If NYU is really done (no! ), it's a great match to go out on. Overall, this was just a ***** affair we should all be really proud of, because everyone brought it hard. It'll be tough to top.
  13. Hoff

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Problem: PR/Panther doesn't so much have an ending.
  14. Hoff

    Booking for the 4/7 (4/8?) show!

    Well, at least that's not confusing. .....
  15. Hoff

    OAOAST AngleMania IV Predictions

    She's so cute. She was "berry berry" upset. Such a sweetie. Also for record, my second set of picks were the joke ones. Hoff over everyone in '05, THAT'S how I roll.
  16. Hoff

    OAOAST AngleMania IV Predictions

    Boooooooo. Zack Malibu/Caboose/Some Guy vs. CWM/T-Bod/Dan Black I have to like the faces here. I say they go over, and the heels beat them down post-match to keep the feud going. Axel vs. Crystal I happen to know the outcome, so I'll stay quiet. RAGE IN THE CAGE Tha Puerto Rican vs. Panther I would think Panther normally, but I have a funny feeling about it. It'd be a feather in PRL's cap...so I gotta say Tha Puerto Rican. TEXAS DEATH MATCH The 70s Dude vs. Calvin Szechstein This has to be The Dude's coming out party. HAS to be. I think back to my own "career" and how Hoff/CWM at AM III did so much for me to be taken seriously. From both a character and writing standpoint, mind you, and this is similar because I know that Frig is writing this one. So yeah, this is the Dude's time to shine and if Adam tears it up, it could mean big things, so to speak. OAOAST Tag Team Titles Chicks Over Dicks © vs. The Global Party XChange I can definitely see GPX costing themselves with a mistake here, causing them to blow up at each other. Too much ego on Jam and $cotty lately. THE JOY OF X Leon Rodez vs. The Superstar vs. The Amazing Rando vs. K-Money This has to be a showcase for Leon, who'll go over in style. STIPULATIONS LIKE CRAZY The New New Midnight Express vs. The Heavenly Rockers The Rockers win their freedom from Cornette. Prince Killings vs. Brock Ausstin Prince Killings. It's his debut. Alfdogg vs. ??? I have NO IDEA what to even expect. Sandy? Who knows. I look forward to it. PREGAME SHOW: HIYAH TAG TEAM TITLES Hell's Hitmen © vs. The Love Doctors I say the LURRRRRRRRRVE Doctors give it a valiant effort, but still come up short.
  17. Hoff

    OAOAST AngleMania IV Predictions

    OAOAST Heavyweight Championship Drek Stone© vs. Hoff Hoff OAOAST Heavyweight Championship: PART II Drek Stone/Hoff © vs. Axel Hoff Zack Malibu/Caboose/Some Guy vs. CWM/T-Bod/Dan Black Hoff beats down all six men and pins them all. Axel vs. Crystal Hoff RAGE IN THE CAGE Tha Puerto Rican vs. Panther Hoff Future Shocks them both, climbs over the cage wall, then beats up on Chris Stevens for a little while. TEXAS DEATH MATCH The 70s Dude vs. Calvin Szechstein Both men will be knocked unconcious, prompting the official to declare Hoff the winner. OAOAST Tag Team Titles Chicks Over Dicks © vs. The Global Party XChange Hoff, after everyone in the match is mysteriously injured, only Alix will be able to go on. Since GPX are taken out, she offers a one-on-one shot to anyone, prompting Hoff to come out and beat her in like ten seconds. THE JOY OF X Leon Rodez vs. The Superstar vs. The Amazing Rando vs. K-Money Hoff, who will then be declared X-Champion, unifying the titles. STIPULATIONS LIKE CRAZY The New New Midnight Express vs. The Heavenly Rockers Both teams will agree not to fight, instead becoming Hoff's slaves for a year. Prince Killings vs. Brock Ausstin Prince Killings Alfdogg vs. ??? Not the fans! Ho ho! Just kidding, Hoff. PREGAME SHOW: HIYAH TAG TEAM TITLES Hell's Hitmen © vs. The Love Doctors Hoff and T.W. Hoff, and if you don't know who THAT is consider yourself lucky.
  18. Really great AM build this week. A lot of cool, slick promos. I've only skimmed, but Frig's sticks out in my mind. More detail later!
  19. Hoff

    Nicknames that never caught on

    I remember it from like two pages ago. Taker in his biker run, aside from that horrible "Booger Red" nickname, was also being called "Big Evil Red Devil" by JR. Man, that poor bastard really drew the short end of the stick.
  20. Hoff

    Feedback for the 3/31 show

    Frig: the gym thing was just an attempt at something a little different, stylistically. I had already cut the lighter promo earlier, and I wanted something more serious to contrast with it.
  21. Hoff

    Feedback for the 3/31 show

    Ah, you might not be as far off as you think. *hides under a bridge*
  22. Hoff

    Feedback for the 3/31 show

    That thing scares me a little.
  23. Hoff


    Show = up!
  24. Hoff

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 3/31/05

    COLE Main event time! COACH Who'd have thought Thomas Rodriguez would be main eventing anything? COLE Not me! CABOOSE Not the bookers, that's for sure. COACH Probably not even Thomas Rodriguez! COLE But he is! Ominous music plays, and the lights lower. The Steel Cage slowly lowers down to the ring. The crowd pops, knowing what’s coming up next. Chants of “PAN-THER! PAN-THER!” are heard. COLE Well fans, this is not “Rage In The Cage”, but this is a Cage Match that is coming up next. Panther, who will take on Tha Puerto Rican in a Steel Cage this Sunday at AngleMania, is going to fight in another Steel Cage Match tonight against an unlikely opponent, Thomas Rodriguez, The Lightning Crew referee. COACH PRL surprised all of us, especially Thomas Rodriguez himself, when he announced this match. But I guess he wants to tire Panther out before their match this Sunday. CABOOSE Like I said, before. Genius plan from Tha Puerto Rican. He certainly knows how to prepare for a match of this magnitude like “Rage In The Cage” this Sunday. COACH By having his opponent fight in a Steel Cage Match 3 days before he has to fight in ANOTHER Steel Cage Match? CABOOSE Exactly. Give himself the advantage heading into AngleMania. It’s genius, I tell you! Genius, and I should know! A deep, slowed voiced man yells out “LIGHTNING CREW!” The crowd stands up, and begins their usual routine of booing The Lightning Crew. The opening chords of “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds begin playing, while smoke fills the entranceway. The crowd eagerly awaits the arrival of Thomas Rodriguez. A lightning bolt hits the entrance, and “No Chance In Hell” begins playing. *No Chance (No Chance) That’s what ya got (Ha, Ha, Yeah) We’re up against a machine too strong Pussy politicians buying souls for us are…PUPPETS! (Puppets)* After a few seconds, the doors slide open, and Thomas Rodriguez appears. He is shaky and sweating up a storm. He steps out through the smoke, and looks at the fans. He takes a big gulp, and slowly, walks to the ring while muttering to himself “I’m going to die. I’m going to die.” *DING DING DING* MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a STEEL CAGE MATCH! Introducing first, coming down the ramp, weighing in at 144 lbs. Originally from Burbank, California, but now residing in San Juan, Puerto Rico; He is the Official Referee of The Lightning Crew: THOMAS ROOODDDDDDDDDDRIGGGUUUEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Thomas Rodriguez continues his walk to the ring, but stops at the cage. COLE This match is arguably the biggest mismatch in OAOAST history. Thomas Rodriguez, a 5’1 144 lb referee, is about to compete in a Steel Cage Match against the 5’11” 197 lb Panther! In every category: wrestling ability, ring experience, height, weight, muscle, Thomas is outmatched by Panther. So the question still remains: Why would Tha Puerto Rican put him in a match against Panther? CABOOSE Like I said before, it’s an attempt to tire Panther before his and Tha Puerto Rican’s Steel Cage Match this Sunday at AngleMania IV. That way Panther isn’t 100%. It’s a great idea, corporately executed by Tha Puerto Rican! COACH WOULD YOU STOP SAYING “CORPORATE”! CABOOSE Nope! Referee Nick Soapdish orders Thomas to enter the ring, but Thomas is very hesitant. Finally, after a good 2 minutes, Rodriguez enters the ring. He looks at the cage structure, which causes him to faint. He wakes up quickly, but still lies on the mat in a fetal position, shaking. Soapdish picks him up. Rodriguez rests on a turnbuckle, and prays for his health as “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Boyds dies down. The lights go back in the arena, while the fans patiently await “The Champion Of Champions”. "Roc U" by the Young Gunz and Beanie Sigel kicks in over the PA system and the video feed suddenly cuts out to a black and red radar screen, at the center of which, a glowing red panther's head appears after each sonar revolution. After the seventh revolution, the radar fades away, leaving just the glowing Panther's head. All at once, the head zooms forward, and… BOOOOOOOOOOOOM~! …we're taken back out to the darkened arena, which is rocked by a HUUUUUUUUUUGE pyro blast. A thick cloud of smoke forms at the entrance, the entrance doors open, and a bright white spotlight emits from the locker room, highlighting Panther's silhouette. The light steadily gets brighter as the cymbals begin to clash in the background, each clash accompanied by a bright red spotlight that highlights a portion of the entrance set. Finally, at approximately the 23-second mark, the white light begins to flicker and suddenly disappears as the flashing red spotlights converge on the entrance and Panther steps through the smoke. He heads out to the edge of the stage, taking a moment to take in the crowd's reaction. Then, he slowly raises his arms into the air, holding them high above his head momentarily before snapping them down by his side, at which point the red lights disperse about the arena and he starts down the ramp to the ring. COLE You can bet Panther is looking forward to this match! BUFFER And his opponent, coming down the ramp, weighing in at 197 lbs. From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the self-proclaimed “Champ Of Champs”, He…is…. PAAAAANNNNNTTTTHHHHEEERRRRRR!!! COLE Folks, let us take you back to last week’s HeldDOWN~!, where Panther took on Vitamin X in an one-on-one contest, with Thomas Rodriguez being the referee. There was skepticism as to whether Thomas Rodriguez would be an impartial and fair referee, but as we would soon find out, if you are apart of The Lightning Crew, you are only fair to The Lightning Crew. The HeldDOWN~! logo flashes by on the screen. Footage marked LAST WEEK appears on screen. Clips from the Panther/Vitamin X match are shown. The Lethal Injection is shown. Panther reaches out and grabs the ropes, but Thomas Rodriguez kicks Panther’s right hand off the bottom rope. Vitamin X rolls Panther up, and Rodriguez does a fast count, giving Vitamin X the win. Cut to Vitamin X and Thomas Rodriguez embracing, and laughing in Panther’s face. Panther chases after the two of them, but X and Thomas run out of the ring, up the ramp. The footage ends with Thomas and Vitamin X laughing, and Panther fuming WITH ANGER~!. The HeldDOWN~! logo flashes by on the screen. COLE Panther dominated Vitamin X the whole match, but when Vitamin X captured Panther in the Lethal Injection, Thomas’ allegiance was shown. Panther grabbed the bottom rope, which would normally mean that X had to let go of his submission hold. However, Rodriguez kicked Panther’s hand off the bottom rope. Seconds later, Vitamin X rolled Panther up, and Thomas did a fast count, giving Vitamin X the win. Thomas and Vitamin X screwed Panther last week! CABOOSE Hey, all is fair in love and war. You do what you gotta do to win. That’s just the way it is. COACH That’s just the way it is. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dah. Things will never be the same. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun---OW! Caboose slaps Coach in the back of the head. CABOOSE Stop it. Panther enters the Steel Cage. Thomas watches Panther with a look of fear on his face. The flashing red and white spotlights return as Panther climbs the ropes and begins to play to the crowd. COLE The rules for this match are just like the rules for the Cage Match this Sunday: Pinfalls and submissions count, but you can only win the match by going over the top of the cage to the floor, OR, by exiting through the cage, through the door, with both feet touching the floor. COACH I bet Panther can’t wait to get his hands around Thomas Rodriguez’s scrawny throat. COLE And I bet Thomas is praying that he survives this match. Referee Nick Soapdish checks both Panther and Thomas Rodriguez. Thomas is wearing a blue tanktop to show off his (lack of) muscle, long blue tights with PUERTO down the left leg in white blocky letters, RICO down the right leg in white blocky letters, blue elbow pads, blue wristbands, and blue boots. Rodriguez tries some last minute negations to get out of the match, but Nick Soapdish doesn’t pay attention. He calls for the bell. *DING DING DING* STEEL CAGE MATCH: PANTHER VS. THOMAS RODRIGUEZ As soon as the bell rings, Thomas climbs the cage. Panther prevents Thomas from climbing out by grabbing the straps on his tanktop and pulling him down to the mat. Panther punches Thomas repeatedly in the face with the hot crowd cheering him on. Panther follows the punching by slamming Thomas’ head onto the mat several times. COLE And Panther is on fire as we start the match! CABOOSE Hold on, Thomas is just warming up. Wait until 14-15 minutes into this match, AND THEN Thomas shall be a force to be reckon with. COACH I don’t think this match will last 14-15 minutes. It might not even last 4-5 minutes if Panther continues to have his way. Panther picks the already dazed Thomas off the mat, and punches him back down. Thomas gets up again, so Panther socks him in the face once more. Rodriguez goes to climb the cage once again, but Panther stops him before he can even begin his climb by giving Thomas a back suplex. Panther goes for the pin, but gets a two count. Rodriguez is back up, but so is Panther, and Panther proceeds to give Thomas several more shots to the head to the crowd’s delight. Panther whips Thomas into the ropes, and gives him a running front elbow. Thomas goes right back to the kicking, and then proceeds to choke Thomas. COLE Panther is just laying into Thomas, for what he did to him last week, screwing him out of a win against Vitamin X! COACH This isn’t just for Panther. This is for all the wrestlers Thomas has messed with. This is for all the biased officiating Thomas has done in his time with the OAOAST. CABOOSE Oh will you stop bitching about that! Panther grabs Thomas and whips him into a turnbuckle. Thomas hits the turnbuckle hard and falls to the mat. Panther picks him up and whips him into another turnbuckle, and Thomas hits it back first. Panther isn’t done yet, whipping Rodriguez into the third turnbuckle, and then into the fourth one. COLE Panther is just having his way here with Thomas. I don’t think he’s gotten a single move on Panther this entire match! Thomas walks right into a dragon suplex by Panther. Panther goes for the cover. 1…2…Thomas kicks out. The crowd chants “PAN-THER! PAN-THER! PAN-THER! PAN-THER!” Thomas Rodriguez gets on his knees and begs Panther not to hurt him. The crowd boos that, and then tells Panther to kick his ass. “FUCK HIM UP PAN-THER! FUCK HIM UP! *CLAP CLAP* FUCK HIM UP PAN-THER! FUCK HIM UP! *CLAP CLAP* FUCK HIM UP PAN-THER! FUCK HIM UP! *CLAP CLAP* FUCK HIM UP PANTHER! FUCK HIM UP! *CLAP CLAP*” Panther looks at the crowd, and flashes a cocky smirk. The crowd pops. Panther snaps his fist and walks towards Thomas. Thomas begs off the attack, but then out of nowhere, low blows Panther. CABOOSE You see! I told you! I told you he would come back! I told you he would! Caboose: 1, Other guys: 0. Thomas Rodriguez takes advantage of the low blow, and punches Panther in the face. The punch hurts Thomas more than it hurts Panther, but Thomas does it again anyway. Thomas kicks Panther in his knees, and then does the CLUBBERING, THEY BE CLUBBERING~! forearms. Thomas applies a facelock on Panther, and then goes for a DDT, but Panther escapes, and Thomas falls to the mat. Thomas gets up, but Panther punches him in the face several times, and whips him—NO!—Thomas reverses, and actually gives Panther a clothesline. Thomas drops an elbow, and then goes for the cover. 1… KICK OUT. Thomas kicks Panther down to the mat. He picks Panther up and whips him into a turnbuckle. Thomas yells out a war cry for some reason, and then charges towards Panther, but Panther moves out of the way, and Thomas hits the turnbuckle, chest first. Panther gains the advantage, doing a T-Bone Suplex onto Thomas. Panther seats Thomas on the mat, and then rushes to the ropes, and gives him the Frontline. Panther picks Thomas up, and whips him into the ropes, giving him The Deep End (Samoan Driver) and covering him. 1… 2… KICK OUT! COLE And Panther was only seconds away from ending this match! COACH Thomas should just let Panther climb out of the cage so that he can stop this beating he is receiving! CABOOSE That will never happen, because Thomas Rodriguez is not a quitter. He is a fighter. He is a warrior! COACH Doesn’t look like much of a warrior right now. CABOOSE Shut up. Panther stops to pose, and the crowd cheers. Panther drops some knees onto Thomas’ back, and then begins to climb the cage. COLE And now Panther is ready to finish this match! However, Thomas uses all the energy he has left to grab Panther and bring him off the cage. Thomas then rushes towards a turnbuckle, and uses one as a launch pad onto the cage, and begins his climb over the top. CABOOSE COME ON THOMAS! WIN ONE FOR THA PUERTO RICAN! Thomas is slowly climbing the cage. The crowd is going nuts, but before Thomas is even close to the top, Panther punches Thomas in the back several times, to stop the climb. CABOOSE DAMN YOU PANTHER! Thomas sits on the top rope. Panther puts Thomas in a facelock, and then puts Thomas’ right arm over his head. Panther grabs Thomas’ right leg, and leaps off the top rope, hitting the Pantherplex to a loud pop. COLE What a move from Panther! The Pantherplex took the wind out of Thomas Rodriguez! Panther slowly gets up, and then picks him up. He gives Thomas an Atomic Drop, and then smiles. Thomas has a scared look on his face. PANTHER CUTTER! The cover. 1… 2… KICK OUT! CABOOSE Whew. Panther is frustrated, but he still remains calm. Panther kicks Thomas several times and then picks him up, whipping him into the ropes. Thomas goes for a clothesline, but Panther ducks, and gives Thomas a German Suplex. Panther stands up and looks at the crowd. COACH HE’S FIRED UP, DAMN IT! Panther waits for Thomas to get up. When he does, Panther grabs him, and gives him a second German Suplex. Panther pops back up, and waits for Thomas to get up. He does, and Panther gives him a third German Suplex. Panther gets back up, and plays to the crowd, getting them hyped up. Panther yells at Rodriguez, waiting for him to get up. Rodriguez slowly gets up, getting on one knee. COLE And now Panther is going in for the kill! Thomas is now up. He turns around, and gets a soccer-like kick to the gonads. The crowd feels Thomas’ pain. Panther then grabs Thomas’ head, and gives him repeated kicks to the no-no place. The crowd counts along. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20! CABOOSE Hey, he’s cheating! Panther is cheating! COLE There are no rules in a Steel Cage Match! The only rules are that you win by either pinfall, submission, climbing over the cage, or through the door! COACH Panther is trying to make sure that no little Thomas Rodriguez’s are conceived! Thomas crumbles to the mat, but Panther picks him back up, and places him between his legs. Panther lifts him up quickly, and brings him down with DA BOMB~!. COLE DA BOMB~! DA BOMB~! PANTHER’S FINISHING MOVE HAS BEEN HIT! IT’S ALL OVER! Panther points to the cage, and the crowd cheers. Panther signals that he is going to climb the cage. Panther climbs the cage, with Thomas Rodriguez down on the mat, knocked out. The crowd is cheering like crazy, but is also paying attention to the entranceway. Panther is at the top of the cage, with his right foot over the top, when he sees that Cuban Wall is outside the ring. Panther then notices that Mr. Boricua is also standing outside the ring. COLE Wait a minute. The Lightning Crew! The damn Lightning Crew is out here once again! COACH They’re trying to block Panther from exiting the Cage! Vitamin X and Stephen Joseph Popick are at ringside also. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and “The Corporate Champion” Tha Puerto Rican soon appear at ringside also, laughing evilly. Panther is holding onto the cage, refusing to climb back into the ring, despite The Lightning Crew’s threats. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” PRL dares Panther to leave the cage. PRL, Stephen Popick, Mr. Boricua, Vitamin X, and Cuban Wall all stand outside the ring daring Panther to climb out. COLE Panther is outnumbered here! If he climbs out, he’s going to have to deal with all 6 members of The Lightning Crew and Stephen Joseph Popick! COACH Well Popick isn't much of a threat, but Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall are powerful enough on their own, let alone together! Panther jaws with Tha Puerto Rican, not noticing that Mr. Boricua ripping the cage door off the cage. The 7-foot monster rips the door off, and PRL, Popick, Wall, and X rush into the ring. Panther tries to climb out, but PRL grabs him and brings him back into the ring. PRL beats on Panther along the way. COLE DAMNIT! Panther had this match won, but The Lightning Crew has interfered! CABOOSE Hey, PRL wants to make sure Panther isn’t 100% at AngleMania, this is a genius way to do it! Genius, PRL! Genius! The Lightning Crew beat on Panther in the middle of the ring, while Thomas Rodriguez is still knocked out. The crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” The Lightning Crew beat Panther down to the mat. CABOOSE Well Panther, you want to fight Tha Puerto Rican, you have to fight The Lightning Crew. They ride together. They die together. COACH CUZ THEY’RE BAD BOYS FOR LIFE! *SLAP* COACH Ow. Suddenly, Panther gets a burst of energy and beats on The Lightning Crew. The LC keeps fighting back, but Panther keeps beating on them. Panther leaps up and gives Mr. Boricua the PANTHER CUTTER! Panther Cutter for Cuban Wall! Panther Cutter for Vitamin X! Panther Cutter for Popick! The Lightning Crew are all lay out in the ring, except for Tha Puerto Rican, and Miss Lindsay Gonzalez who is on the outside. PRL looks at his fallen LC members, and then at Panther, who is PISSED OFF~! The crowd cheers even louder, awaiting the inevitable PR/Panther confrontation. COLE Panther has decimimated The Lightning Crew! Tha Puerto Rican is the last one standing in the ring! It’s just Tha Puerto Rican and Panther! COACH We might get “Rage In The Cage” three days early! Tha Puerto Rican and Panther engage in a staredown while the crowd goes wild. Both men are furious, and are ready to explode. Finally, PR goes for a punch, but Panther blocks, and gives a punch of his own. A slugfest erupts between Panther and Tha Puerto Rican. Panther gains the edge. More punches follow, and Tha Puerto Rican is left in a daze. Panther goes for the Panther Cutter, but PRL escapes, and exits the cage. Panther exits the cage also. Nick Soapdish calls for the bell. *DING DING DING* (8:56) COLE I don’t think Panther realizes he just won the match! He just wants to get Tha Puerto Rican! BUFFER Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the Cage Match…. PAAAAANNNNTTTHHHEEERRRRR!!! Panther doesn’t notice the announcement, instead chasing PRL up the ramp. The Lightning Crew and Popick are still knocked out in the ring. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez goes to check on The LC members while the cage rises. “Roc U” begins playing while the crowd cheers. The camera cuts to the parking lot. Tha Puerto Rican is still running away from Panther. He hops into his low-rider, The Lightning Crew Mobile, and starts the car, driving away. Panther arrives in the parking lot just as PRL drives away. Panther stands in the parking lot pissed off. COLE That coward! He ran away! CABOOSE Well, he drove away, actually. COLE Either way, Tha Puerto Rican left the arena because he knows what’s going to happen to him should he and Panther be in the same ring at the same time! CABOOSE He didn’t run away. He’s just conserving his energy for this Sunday! He’s going to need 100% of his energy for “Rage In The Cage”. You think he was going to fight tonight, when one of the biggest matches of his life is only 72 hours away. You must be crazy! Panther is still in the parking lot. He speaks: “Sunday. This Sunday. I’m going to get you this Sunday!” COLE You hear that? PRL may have ran away tonight, but he’ll have nowhere to run this Sunday at AngleMania IV, when he and Panther are locked in the Steel Cage! COACH I bet Panther is looking forward to this match more than Tha Puerto Rican or any of us are. CABOOSE Panther has no idea what he is getting into this Sunday. He thought PRL was dangerous at the Lethal Rumble, and at Zero Hour, he has no idea how dangerous he can get, especially in a Steel Cage Match! COACH I don’t think this is even about the Lethal Rumble anymore. This feud is personal. This feud is a bitter war between two men to decide just who is better. They HATE each other. That’s pretty much why they’re fighting this Sunday. COLE No doubt there is no love lost between Tha Puerto Rican and Panther, and this Sunday, they will clash in a 16 feet high, 20 feet wide Steel Cage. CABOOSE AngleMania IV will go down as one of the best nights in the history of the OAOAST, and the Cage Match will be one of the reasons why. I just can’t wait to see Tha Puerto Rican beat the hell out of Panther. This is going to be AWESOME! COLE “Rage In The Cage: PR/Panther II”. It’s going to happen, and it’s going to happen this Sunday at AngleMania IV: The Classiest AngleMania Ever! Folks, we'll see you there! For The Coach and Caboose, I'm Michael Cole! Good night!! *FADE TO BLACK*