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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. It was probably a...take a paycut or leave situation.
  2. The Buzz

    How far is too far?

    Over the week or so I've changed my opinion. Fans nor wrestlers should touch each other, but under the pretense of rules are made to be broken. If it's in good fun, yes. If it's in defense(fan or wrestler) yes. So basically I think it should be just like it would be on the street if some guy busted you in the nose randomly.
  3. The Buzz

    OAO 5/4 Impact Thread

    I guess not all ex superstar wrestlers can be crackheads or fugitives ey? Anyways I liked the show, but even being a big Sting fan...I'm not really into the whole buildup for this match. Atleast it's something new though.
  4. The Buzz

    WON News and Notes

    I know I'm over analyzing the picture with my dirty mind, but Rey looks like a girl on prom night hugging her boy of choice.
  5. The Buzz

    KENTA vs Samoa Joe vs Bryan Danielson

    I got tickets to the detroit show, and to be honest I'm really not a fan of Kenta. I do look forward to Joe and Bryan being in the same ring again as its been awhile, and I know the addition of Kenta will interest a lot of fans. Should be a good dvd matchup whenever I get it.
  6. The Buzz

    New X3 Preview clip - "Calm Under Pressure"

    Well I thought it was good. It was a good, put your brain on the shelf movie. Then again I'll admit theres not many movies I can't find redeeming qualities about. As far as the clip goes, I still have to see X2, but I thought X1 was pretty decent. I'll probably check out X3 when it goes to blockbuster.
  7. The Buzz

    How far is too far?

    I think you'll see how far is to far when one day Chris Hero, Samoa Joe, or any other wrestler decide to work or remove a fan and have themselves a nice little fight on their hands. Not every wrestling fan in the world is a wimp who can't defend his or herself. I quite honestly think that slightly contact such as pushing from a wrestler should be allowed, maybe even a slight slap...but I also feel if they take that liberty they should be willing to get whatever happens in return.
  8. The Buzz

    WCW's greatest matches DVD...

    That list is actually a pretty good list. It's missing quite a few things that I would want on there, but overall it'd be a good list of extra matches to go along with a nice documentary. Alot of classics.
  9. For me the best recent moment was any five minutes of Sting's return at Final Resolution. I think overall the Hogan heel turn to form the nWo is way up there.
  10. The Buzz

    ROH: 100th show

    The reasoning given is that after fighting Homicide for so long, Colt's wrestling abilities are rusty. He is now going to work his way up from the bottom of the card back to a title shot to get ready.
  11. The Buzz

    Aries the center of a media controversy

    Hmm..he signed onto a wrestling camp..did he think they were going to hit each other with pillows and sip on lemonade all day?
  12. The Buzz

    OVW news/stats/stuff

    If you're interested in getting the OVW tv, ROH sells the dvds by the month for OVW. I'm sure OVW probably sells them right off the site as well.
  13. Gibson had some good stuff, but I think he falls in the lower end of the top ten of ROH's best talent from 2002-now.
  14. The Buzz

    Corino to Scherer:

    Ditto, but I guess Jeff and Jeremy over at TNA have a hard time living up to promises and responding to emails to make it happen.
  15. The Buzz

    WWE DVD Home Videos

    I glanced over your list, and might have missed it, but the fourth season of tough enough had a dvd produced. The season that was a weekly segment on smackdown.
  16. The Buzz

    What DVDs would you like to see the WWE release?

    This doesn't classify as something that wont sell well, but once his tna deal is up I'd like to see a comprehensive 2-3 disc set on sting.
  17. I don't know if anyone saw the WWE site earlier, but The Ultimate Warrior edged out Owen Hart, Bruno Sammartino, and Macho Man in some poll on WWE Mobile Alert as to who should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. here is the url if anyone is interested. http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/halloffamepoll
  18. The Buzz

    Warrior speaks at DePaul

    Well..so much for my "Warrior isn't crazy, but outspoken" defense from around the time the dvd was released.....This just blew that out of the water.
  19. The Buzz

    Steve Austin

    While I think it'll be a cold day in hell before either of those three would accept, Bruno would probably be the first.
  20. I checked last night on highspots and saw november.
  21. The Buzz

    Joe Rogan is a fuckbeast.

    I guess Snipes has a black belt in tae kwon do according to a few sites I saw on google, and studies various martial arts such as Karate, Kung Fu, and Capoeira . I don't know if hes experienced in grappling though.
  22. The Buzz

    My April 1st Wrestling Pros & Cons

    Cool man..I won't be at the next midwest set of shows, but if you ever see me say hi. My name is Buzz.
  23. The Buzz

    My April 1st Wrestling Pros & Cons

    Yeah I was by the computers with a black shirt on. My girlfriend was sitting in front of me and I was with my big friend john and his gf. I thought it was pretty funny that I never found 98th street until I was at the Frontier Fieldhouse via 99th street.
  24. The Buzz

    My April 1st Wrestling Pros & Cons

    While I disagree with you on a few points such as the chanting...I'm glad they have that much heat for the show. I do agree on the set up for the seating. I had third row tickets to both the detroit show and this show, and I found myself standing behind the sound table at 4/1(since I could see everything without blocking the bleachers view...cuz yes I care, and beside my row of seats on 3/30. Storm vs Danielson was pretty sweet and just behind the Tag Title Defense for me for motn. My only problem for the show was finding the fucking place...just a word of advice for anyone who reads this thread...MAPQUEST IS BAD...DON'T USE IT...
  25. The Buzz

    ROH WM Weekend Night 2

    I was there for the second chicago show, and it was just as good as the detroit show for me. It was cool to see Storm since I want to attend his wrestling school, and judging by last nights match that will be a good choice on my part. Everything flowed well at the show