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The Buzz

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Everything posted by The Buzz

  1. The Buzz

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    They probably changed because the number one thing people used to say bad about WWE dvds was the lack of matches. Now they are doing like 25-30 on each release rather then 6-12.
  2. The Buzz

    Motor City Machine Guns

    That was true, and unfortunately a lot of the well-praised guys in wrestling right now are guilty of it.
  3. The Buzz

    Eastbound and Down

    I liked him in The Heartbreak Kid and Pineapple Express so I'll give this a try.
  4. The Buzz

    When TNA closes...

    I've even thought WWE should scale back to 8, but I've read the stats where they'd lose money from doing so. TNA would be fine with 4-6 ppvs.
  5. The Buzz

    Best Live Show that you've attended

    "She's hardcore! She's hardcore!" Yeah, I remember that. Didn't she at least get a bunch of merchandise for her troubles? If I remember correctly a few of the guys autographed a dvd for her boyfriend(my friend) on our way out. I was dead tired from working the night before and driving there.
  6. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    He was a damn good hype man, I'll agree with you there. I'll even admit I sometimes miss him on WWE.
  7. The Buzz

    Robert Roode: Future Star?

    Riveting Buddy Rude
  8. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    For a long time Grisham was the new Todd Pettingill, but he's slowly earning my respect as a commentator. He just needs a little more fire on occasion.
  9. The Buzz

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    If piper showed up in decent shape and worked a brawl with Jericho ala that awesome brawl he had with Orndorff thats on the new SNME dvd, I'd be all for it. But if the Piper that showed up at the Royal Rumble a year or two ago showed up, no thank you.
  10. The Buzz

    Saturday Night's Main Event

    I thought the slow count was funny, then all the sudden hogan pins terry and gets a super fast count.
  11. The Buzz

    TNA Impact - February 19, 2009

    Did I miss something while reading the next two weeks of spoilers or did Samoa Joe disappear? Must have some backstage segments or something.
  12. The Buzz

    TNA Impact - February 12, 2009

    I wouldn't have guessed it considering that I think the build up that all the guys were doing to lead up to the angle was very entertaining stuff.
  13. The Buzz

    TNA Impact - February 12, 2009

    I have a feeling the empty arena match leads to the rest of the MEM and Angle destroying Sting with no one around to stop the attack. That way he can take a month or so off and rest up from his recent knee surgery before finishing up his TNA contract.
  14. The Buzz

    Biggest "Drop the Ball" Moment in Ever

    As far as fans that didn't tune in to see the Invasion-based ppvs in WWE because of a lack of stars. I think they did lose a lot of potential fans when WCW died. I know WCW didn't have as many as they once did, but I think a lot of wrestling fans stopped being wrestling fans when WCW died. Had a stronger roster been used for the invasion I think word would have gotten around and people would have tuned in.
  15. The Buzz

    Kayfabe Era- What be your thoughts on it?

    I miss it because I feel it has hurt the actual matches, as people want more and more from the wrestlers which has caused the need for all the high flying, chain wrestling stuff without rhyme or reason that seems to flood the business. It also seems that anyone younger than the age of 35 is apparently more deserving than someone whos older, but in reality knows what they are doing more. Those are the things that are most annoying to me.
  16. The Buzz

    TNA Impact - February 12, 2009

    The problem with debuting for TNA is, if you're not an established legend or star. The crowd expects you to be able to perform circus acts in, around, and off of the ropes. Not all wrestlers are able/ nor want to do that type of shit. Not saying he was great or anything, but I thought he had some potential if built up right. His promos were pretty decent.
  17. The Buzz

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    If anyone spots a sports book covering his and Tank's matches next Friday, hook me up I want to bet aganist both I guess Tank and Ken Shamrock's next fight after this friday is against each other. Sorry if posted elsewhere already, the fight would have been interesting about ten-fifteen years ago.
  18. The Buzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    They probably think he is too small in terms of muscle mass. Which is unfortunate because he's got something special to him.
  19. The Buzz

    Best Live Show that you've attended

    I was standing south of the main entrance seeing as how my third row seats sucked major ass. Didn't have any chairs fly over my head, however my friends girlfriend did get hit by a chair Adam Pearce was leaning on in the crowd that he threw to the side when the CZW guys came out.
  20. The Buzz

    TNA Against All Odds 2009

    Well AJ is probably better off last night getting that segment because it's in my opinion the best promo he's ever done. His work was solid at the start of the Sting angle, and tonight he did a nice job compared to his usual promos. Not to mention Samoa Joe is interesting again right now, as it seems he's back on form to be the near unstoppable badass that everyone grew to love.
  21. The Buzz

    TNA Against All Odds 2009

    My ppv provider listed the ppv at 9.99. If it was mentioned earlier in the thread sorry, but did anyone else notice this or is it just my provider making an error. The show was only worth about ten bucks anyway.
  22. The Buzz

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Maybe even just a dvd that picked the best 10 matches from superbrawl, slamboree, and halloween havoc or something along those lines. I wonder what the chances are of dvds for guys like Goldberg or DDP. I think both deserve to be chronicled with atleast a single disc.
  23. The Buzz

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Jericho was in no way wrong about this incident. I can guarantee almost anyone would have done the same, and if a regular person did the same thing under the same circumstances I highly doubt he'd have assault charges slapped on him seeing as how he was overly provoked into defending himself.
  24. The Buzz

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    It's a sad day when I don't know if Ken Shamrock has it in him to beat a guy whos 1-6 in his last seven fights. Then again he is a big mother fucker.
  25. The Buzz

    Best Live Show that you've attended

    I went to the first few Detroit ROH shows and Better Than Our Best, enjoyed myself tremendously. ROH is fun to watch on dvd, but is amazing live. TNA Bound For Glory 2006 was awesome just to see Sting win the world title live. At that time I figured it'd be his last title reign, and to see my favorite wrestler win a title was very cool. The only other shows I've seen were Price Of Glory wrestling in Coldwater, Michigan and some WCW house shows back in 97 and 98.