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Shooting Star

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Everything posted by Shooting Star

  1. Shooting Star

    Favorite internet lies?

    I'll Kill you
  2. Shooting Star

    Favorite internet lies?

    Well I've never heard bling bling but when I went to NY a lot of people would say "fly" "holla" and "homie"
  3. Shooting Star

    CCC and one more C for Charismatic

    The puerto rican smarks love him. Just not the casual fans.
  4. Shooting Star

    Edge admits to juicing...

    Wasn't Christian a light heavyweight champ?
  5. Shooting Star

    Any good ghetto movies?

    I was watching Manito and Do the right thing and I was surprised to see how real americans live and not the way I've been told my whole life that your all blonde and rich and pretty. So I was wondering if you guys know any movies that are about like you know black ghetto or hispanic that I could see.
  6. Shooting Star

    Any good ghetto movies?

    Yeah I meant american ghettos but City of God is a great movie that everyone should see.
  7. Shooting Star

    Any good ghetto movies?

    So far that's the best one out of the whole bunch I just saw.
  8. Shooting Star

    Cheer up emo kid

    Who's the one with the chick magnet sig?
  9. Shooting Star

    Any good ghetto movies?

    Funniest movie EVER specially after just watching Juice, Menace 2 society and boys in the hood right before it.
  10. Shooting Star

    Which Wrestlemania Moment

    In no particular order... Shane doing the van terminator to Vince after Linda kicked him in the nads and Foley beating him around a bit. Benoit and Eddie Celebrating after they both got out of Wrestlemania being World Champions. Hogan Hulking up. Austin comepletely loosing it after not being able to beat Rocky and starts hitting him with the chair non stop until he finally gets the pin to a MEGA POP!! I'll never forget that. Arn giving the spinebuster to Taker out of no where.
  11. Shooting Star

    How long is WM this year?

    Last years cruiserweight challenge could have been great ..even WCW would have given them enough time.
  12. I couldn't see it...what was it?
  13. Shooting Star

    Ask Vitamin X

    Alguna vez has venido a Republica Dominicana? y de que parte de cuba tu eres? yo fui pa Santiago una vez...come pinga
  14. Shooting Star

    Ask Vitamin X

    And I'm Dominican! we can form a caribbean alliance and not just kill off all the americans but the mexicans too !
  15. Shooting Star

    Most Obscenely Funny Song

    Mine's in spanish but oh well....Maldita puta/Carlitos Maldita puta maldita bellaka se pasa toda la vida saboreando matraca singa en los partys singa en los montes singa en tu carro y donde quiera que la montes meale en la chocha escupele en la cara a esa jodia perra que no vale nada te dice que te quiere y tu sonries un momento sin saber a cuantos machos le ah hecho ese cuento la madre dice que ella no hace nada que alsen la mano los que fuman mariguana y en la calle es una palga una maldita puta llega a tu casa y te da la chocha y en la calle es una palga una jodia puta llega a tu casa y te lo mocha Un dia con carlitos fui para san juan estabamos bellakos queriamos singar de momento yo vi 2 tremendas gatas fuimos donde ellas a tirarle la labia porsupuesto ellas cayeron con nosotros ellas se fueron y rapidamente desesperado estaba yo le baje el pantalon le pregunto su nomre y me dice ramon...oooooh shit la noche se jodio por estar bellako mira lo que me paso oye mira jorgie pero tu no hiciste na? esperate carlitos dejame terminar de el cuello lo amarre en el carro lo encerre el no se imaginaba lo que yo le iba a hacer de el carro lo saque corriendo el se fue saque mi .9 y par de tiros le pegue asi mi historia pudo terminar
  16. Shooting Star

    Cheer up emo kid

    Who's the guy with the chick magnet sig?
  17. Shooting Star


    I'm posting this in HD in case someone wants to flame or anything. I was watching the Goobacks episode of south park and at first I thought it would be ripping on Terminator but then I realized they were actually ripping on Immigrants. I live in Dominican Republic so I don't know much about U.S.A but it seems to me like people from every country are moving to the states this days and taking jobs from americans. I know most americans were Immigrants to begin with but I don't think it was as bad as it is nowadays with all those illegal Immigrants. Not only that but most of those immigrants refuse to learn english..if your going to move to a country you might as well learn the damn language, I don't live in U.S and I still learned it...but I'm not going to go on a rant here I just wanna know if americans are as disgusted by this as I am?
  18. Shooting Star

    I am Suprised this Hasn't Been Mentioned

    Marques Houston?
  19. Shooting Star

    Jay-Z dissing Game

    I thought Scarface was the president of Def jam
  20. Shooting Star


    If a Lesbian got a sex change operation and became a man and a gay guy got one too and became a girl and then both of them got married would they still be lesbian and homo?
  21. Shooting Star

    The OAO 2005 Grammy Awards Thread

    Is this the first one where someone sings in spanish?
  22. Shooting Star


    How did this turn into a root beer thread?
  23. Shooting Star


    So I guess the veredict is...Illegal Immigrants are ok as long as they don't beg for money.?
  24. Shooting Star

    someone came to my school with a gun today

    And for some reason in my school 9/10 it was 2 black girls. One time it was a black girl and a white girl who were lesbian lovers and one cheated on the other. Dude!
  25. Shooting Star

    The new chicken enchilada burrito at Taco Bell

    Next to Burger King, Taco bell is the most expensive american food place in my country. Gotta love the chicken burritos though.