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Shooting Star

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Everything posted by Shooting Star

  1. Shooting Star


    I'm confused....can anyone explain the whole Maria gimmick to me?
  2. Shooting Star

    Daddy Yankee signed with Interscope

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miami/EFE — El artista de reguetón Daddy Yankee anunció ayer su alianza con la discográfica Interscope, en la que trabajará junto al rapero estadounidense Pharrell Williams que será el productor de su próximo disco titulado “El cartel”. “Desde los inicios de Interscope hemos tratado de tener los mejores artistas, en cualquier estilo musical y es obvio que al incorporarse Daddy Yankee tenemos, sin duda, al mejor artista del género”, dijo a EFE, Jimmy Iovine, presidente del sello discográfico que es una división de Universal Music. Además, “Yankee es alguien que como el rapero Pharrell (Williams) puede llevar el género a otro nivel y verdaderamente explotarlo”. Williams fue muy parco y escueto en su declaración y se limitó a decir que le gusta mezclarse con la gente, “yo quería que Yankee hiciera algo para mí y Yankee quería que hiciera algo para él”, y agregó que no podía esperar a ver la reacción de la gente. Por su parte Yankee, que acaba de conquistar el Madison Square Garden de Nueva York con su concierto “Who`s your daddy” e hizo vibrar los MTV Video Music Awards, se siente feliz y complacido con los logros obtenidos hasta ahora y con todo el ánimo del mundo para acatar los compromisos musicales que tendrá con su nueva familia de Interscope. El artista lanzará en noviembre su DVD “Barrio Fino Live”, un documental sobre su recorrido por el mundo llevando su conocida canción “Gasolina”, el reguetón, y el nombre de Puerto Rico en alto. I'm not going to translate all of it , but what it says is that his next album "El Cartel 3"is going to be under Interscope and going to be produced by Pharell Williams. He is not my favorite but it's nice to see a genre that just 4 years ago was only heard in the caribbean is now the biggest genre in Latin America and that it got the attention of people like Dr. Dre, Neptunes , Methood Man , Nas(he was the first one to do a reggaeton song) and 50 Cent(when he went to P.R he contacted Tego Calderon and did the P.I.M.P remix with him at a concert and it leaked to the internet) And it's nice to see real latinos getting mainstream attention internationally and not bootleg ones like Jennifer Lopez who can't even speak spanish.
  3. Shooting Star


    Why hasn't anyone checked her IP or something?
  4. Shooting Star

    Well, hey, Deinyl1.

    I still think she is real...she writes girlie enough.
  5. Shooting Star


    Es que no estan acostumbrados a ver chicas entrando pal foro...tu vives en latino america o en estados unidos? yo vivo en Republica Dominicana gusto en conocerte
  6. Shooting Star


    I think she really is a girl and not a gimmick...gimmicks post in LSD. No les hagas caso Maria es que no estan acostumbrados a ver nenas posteando en un foro de lucha libre...la mayoria somos hombres aqui...pero eso no los paro de postear fotos desnudos para que todos se vieran unos a otros.
  7. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    Normally I don't watch american award shows but Daddy Yankee , Don Omar and Tego Calderon are gonna be on it. They are not my favorites but they are still repressenting Reggaeton...my favorite music genre since I was 7, I have about 270 cd's and have been to 30 concerts..I was even willing to ditch my girlfriend's 15th birthday party to go to a concert. Reggaeton is a mix of Jamaican dancehall , Dominican Bachata and Merengue and Puerto Rican Salsa. I am also really glad that finally people are noticing the Caribbean hispanics(I hate that word but oh well) and not just Mexicans. I remember one thread about Carlito where someguy said "why are they calling him caribbean if he's spanish?" well anyways.... Daddy Yankee is nominated for MTV2 award for his song Gasolina(The video was filmed in my country Dominican Republic and the beat was made by Luny Tunes who are Dominican Reggaeton producers) he is the most internationally known reggaeton person(not the best though) Don Omar I don't know what he's going to be doing there but before Daddy Yankee he used to be the most famous one. His most famous song is Dale Don Dale. Tego Calderon my favorite out of the 3 and he is my 5th favorite overall. Well enough about that...oh and the Alicia Keys video Karma was also filmed here in Dominican Republic so yeah
  8. Shooting Star


    Hey Maria como estas! me imagino que tu sabes español por el nombre...bueno mi nombre es Eduardo tengo 17 años y soy de Puerto Rico pero vivo en Republica Dominicana. No le hagas caso a ellos es que normalmente aqui son todos hombres...namas hay como 2 o 3 nenas. Bueno ya tu sabes que la pases bien aqui son todos unos locos...chekeate los archivos de las mejores threads pa que te rias mucho
  9. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    That's just you.
  10. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    Holy shit! Don Omar did a bit of his song "Reggaeton Latino" and Tego Calderon did "El Abayarde" and Daddy Yankee did "Gasolina"...I'm glad they were repressenting Puerto Rico only as Don Omar had a Puerto Rican flag on his shirt and on the background and after Tego was done he said "Viva Puerto Rico". I hate it when they put us all together in U.S.A using the words "Latinos" or "Hispanic" we are all different and individuals. I feel proud tonight
  11. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    Oh well Daddy Yankee lost.....
  12. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    So is R. Kelly gay?
  13. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    La Tortura...haha after they spent years saying that reggaeton would never get big now thanks to it they are the first people to perform in spanish at the VMA's.
  14. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    Karma won..I don't like R&B but the video was filmed here
  15. Shooting Star

    The one and only VMA's thread

    Kayne West won best male and Kelly Clarkson best female.
  16. Shooting Star

    11,000 peple apply at Wal-mart in CA

    Probably all illegal immigrants.
  17. Shooting Star

    Just when you think you've heard it all

    Damn dirty americans....just like the cookie baking girls only even worse.
  18. Shooting Star

    Translation os Rap Lyrics

  19. Shooting Star

    If Shawn Michaels never hurt his back

    Are you a gimmick poster or something?
  20. Shooting Star

    What the hell does "Orale Vato" mean?

    No idea...mexican spanish is weird....we make fun of them in every spanish speaking country...what's sad though is that Konnan isn't even Mexican he's Cuban.
  21. Shooting Star

    Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story

    Anyone got a link where I can download it?
  22. Shooting Star

    CM Punk's gimmick

    I can't wait until they do a gimmick with a guy who has that disease where you don't have an asshole and have to shit through your waist.
  23. Shooting Star

    Wrestlers mentioned in songs..

    El abayarde by Tego Calderon. "¿Tú quieres llegar somewhere? I'll take you there! El Ric Flair , Im'ma body slam your ass en la brea Boricua hasta el hueso, buscando progreso Simplemente eso, mi jugo es espeso Cogele el peso, le meto seso"
  24. Shooting Star

    There hasn't been a major innovation in music

    Yes...but the song is not that bad it's just that it got too much radio play. Not the best reggaeton song but not the worst. I guess to people who are not used to it, it might be annoying but it's really good and I'd say it's the best genre. I've been listening to I was 7. To newbies it's annoying at first but once they get used to it they love it too. I don't know about mexicans though....I don't think you guys can understand our brand of spanish but if you don't you can still dance to the beats. For me it's the lyrics though.
  25. Shooting Star

    Russo's side of the story

    Best thing he ever did in WCW. Has Booker ever told his side of the story?