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Everything posted by Anya

  1. Anya

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    Even old school MK didn't have cheap throws. +1 for MK.
  2. Anya

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    I think "Fatal Fury" refering to Terry and Andy's desire for revenge against Geese. Or it's just a generic "intense" cheesy sounding name for a fighter....like DEADLY ARTS~! MORTAL KOMBAT~! KILLER INSTINCT~! PRIMAL RAGE~! or whatever. BTW, Rage is going to be on Midway Arcade Treasures Vol 2 along with the MK games. That is cool.
  3. Anya

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    There's no desperations or supers of any kind in FF1. FF1 is like really old school. More than SF II even. There's like 3 specials per character and no advanced techniques at all. The game only has 3 buttons too, punch, kick and throw. You can't even play as anyone but Terry, Joe and Andy in the original version. Desperations were added in FF2.
  4. Anya

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    Have you ever played WA? It sucks, but not because it's a remake of FF1. It doesn't look, sound, play or feel like FF1. It's a shame too, because the game is worse than FF1 and it being a straight remake of it would have been better. Everyone has all their new moves. FF1 doesn't have a power guage and all the crap that goes with it, like the desperation attacks, super specials and counters. The button layout is different. The roster is also totally different. Kim, Mai and others introduced after 1 are in and a bunch of people from 1 like Richard Myer and Duck King are out. There's new characters too. The roster is more like FF2 than FF1. The story is told through FMV cutscenes and is different than the original. The game has the same basic story, but is retold. The presentation is also totally different, with new music, stages, art, and all that. It doesn't look like FF1 at all. It's more like a modern game, in 3D, with the FF1 story. Take away the story and it could easily pass for a brand new game.
  5. Anya

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    ....and they could just block all that.
  6. Anya

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    That's the point. People will say it like they're revealing a huge scandel. Like it's some big horrible secret that praciting or knowledge is good.
  7. Anya

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    Speaking of those people, how about "you only won because you play this so much!" or "I used to be good back in the day but I'm out of practice!".
  8. Anya

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    Throws are not cheap in MK. People that get angry at the arcade are lame. They're the worst kind of scrubs.
  9. Anya

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    Stryker will win next year.
  10. Anya

    Who is getting the PS2 HDD?

    I'm playing FF XI. It's so cool. I'm on the Fairy server. I am a hume red mage named Anyanka. The game is really fun, and really overwhelming. The "living city" aspect of GTA or Shenmue is just a joke compared to this. I can't believe how friendly people are too. A lot of people go out of their way to help newbs.
  11. Anya

    RPG Baddie Nominations~!

    Seifer Almasy(FFVIII).
  12. It could be but unless they specifically mention it later it's not canon.
  13. I can't really think of anything that's got me upset now. Generally if I don't think I'll like something I just don't play it so I never have much to complain about. I guess Acclaim is pretty lame, with their sea of licenced games.
  14. Anya

    Has Anyone Played Sonic Heroes Yet?

    I played the demo and thought it was crap. I couldn't even finish it. It was just so stale and boring. It felt really shoddy too, bad camera and I just fell off the stage at one point.
  15. Not much new from IGN. Too bad they didn't confirm a new character or something. Them hyping up stage Fatalities as something never before seen is sad. Theyve been around since MK1!
  16. Anya

    Games you should avoid like the plague

    Yeah, but some are into Olsen twin and FF games.
  17. Anya

    Who is getting the PS2 HDD?

    HDD has been out for like 2 years in Japan. What a nonsensical thing to say. I got mine today. I played a little of XI.
  18. Anya

    Splinter Cell Pandora Tommorow

    Ill pick it up today, for the one player game.
  19. Anya

    Games you should avoid like the plague

    Of course the female demographic doesn't automatically mean liking games that suck. I don't think boys have any bigger income than girls, but it really doesn't matter who's system they're playing as long as they're buying the games. Acclaim already has stake in the market....they're the ones publishing the Olsen game If the girls like FF then that's good for them. That just proves the female demo likes good games, even with a little Mary-Kate and Ashley love. I actually have played the Mall one for PSX.
  20. Anya

    Who is getting the PS2 HDD?

    HDD for PS2 was annouced before Xbox.
  21. Anya

    Games you should avoid like the plague

    These games like Barbie and the Olsen Twins must sell because there's so many of them. There has to be a market. I think people underestimate the female demographic.
  22. Anya

    Who is getting the PS2 HDD?

    Im getting it for FFXI, just because it's Final Fantasy.
  23. Anya

    Games you should avoid like the plague

    Could be pretty big.
  24. Anya

    New Resident Evil 4 Screenshots

    That's EXACTLY it. They've been building to this blow off with Umbrella since RE2. That's like 6 years ago. There's nothing wrong with a side story or a prequel in moderation. With RE it's just ridiculous. It's just been a nonstop stream of them since RE2. Now RE4 is finally coming and it looks to be just another side story..... I guaruntee in RE4 Umbrella will end up being behind the crazy villagers and in the end Leon will swear that he's going after them...in other words the same ending they've used for every product since 2...