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Everything posted by Anya

  1. Remember Jerry Flynn's boiler room gimmick or whatever? What was that called?
  2. Anya

    Triple H Pulled From Weekend House Shows

    When was the last time Crips was actually 100%?
  3. Anya

    How did Orton and Batista join evolution again?

    Ric managed Batista because Dave had a rough childhood and dead parents or whatever and Ric saw himself in Batista or something.
  4. Anya

    Angle's return

    Of course. They could do skits were Kurt pretends to be a mobster and uses goofy mobster movie phrases. I had no idea Albert turned. Was it over the FBI thing? He could be the third man in their team!
  5. Anya

    Angle's return

    Morgan and Albert are feuding with each other? I thought they were on Team Hoss? Angle could help Benoit feud with the FBI. Benoit/Angle as goofy friends vs. the FBI in a huge tag match!!!!
  6. Anya

    Angle's return

    Albert and Morgan.
  7. Anya

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    Doesn't something bad happen if you get too high of a Brave?
  8. Anya

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    I am halfway through Chapter 3 now and everyone has Auto-Potion and Throw Item. I've kept Ramza a Squire the entire game and he is really powerful. He has a ton of HP and his normal attacks do more damage than my Knight. Also, I decided to go ahead and use Agrias. It didn't take all that long to get her at a decent level and have her learn the good Chemist stuff so she could heal herself. I'm glad I did, her abilities own.
  9. Anya

    WWE - Positives of 2003

    With me, I stopped watching one show at a time until I realized I didn't watch at all. At first it's weird, it's like you think you should have it on...Monday is RAW night. Then I just got used to it and stopped caring. Now I hardly ever remember it's on. It feels good. I recomend stop watching to everyone. I still follow it though, by reading results and this board. Maybe in a year I will be done with that and be rid of WWE period?
  10. Anya

    WWE - Positives of 2003

    It was so bad I finally was able to completely stop watching it.
  11. Anya

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    Also, is it just me or does White Magic pretty much suck? I never have much MP and it's just so much easier to use Items, especially with the Throw Item ability. It's not like potions are expensive, and I always have tons of money. Maybe WM gets better later on?
  12. Anya

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    Well, what sucks is she is at level 12 and has almost no abilities. I don't want to take AGES to level her up to match the others in my party if she's not any better.
  13. Anya

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    I just got Agrias to join my party full time. Should I use her? I don't want to invest time into leveling her up and giving her abilities if she isn't going to stick around.
  14. Anya

    I think I'm going to buy a Game Cube

    The only reason I care about GC is Nintendo's exclusives. So I get like one game every 3 months, I beat it, then it collects dust again until the next.
  15. Anya

    The OAO Games and etc you got for Christmas

    Viewtiful Joe(GC) Tekken Tag Tournament(Arcade) Wavebird controller Gameboy player
  16. Anya

    Game soundtracks

    I have two copies of the KI soundtrack, Killer Cuts.
  17. Anya

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    I got the arcade version of Tekken Tag Tournament.
  18. Anya

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    B.B. Hood(Darkstalkers) Karin Kanzuki(SF Alpha) Steve Fox(Tekken)
  19. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    In "Amends" The First Evil is totally different than it is in season 7. In that it is like a spirit that the Bringers call forth and it can be touched. In season 7 it's now more like it's own being that is capable of thinking for itself and in charge. And of course cannot be touched. Anya's original origin was that she took her human form to more easily manipulate humans. She was rude because she had never been a human and didn't understand it. Later they changed it so that she was a human in the past and looked like she does and was just always rude.
  20. Anya

    The Smartmarks Official Video Game Awards

    Multiplayer Game of the Year: Mario Kart Double Dash Racing Game of the Year: Mario Kart Double Dash Fighting Game of the Year: Soul Calibur II RPG of the Year: Final Fantasy X-2 Platform Game of the Year: Prince of Persia The Sands of Time First Person Game of the Year: Medal of Honor Rising Sun Action Game of the Year: Manhunt Advenure Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker Doesn't fit into any other category Game of the Year: Mario Party 5 Most Surprising (surprisingly good that is) Game of the Year: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic XBox Game of the Year: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Gamecube Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker PS2 Game of the Year: Final Fantasy X-2 Console of the Year: PS2 Game of the Year: Final Fantasy X-2
  21. Anya

    Free subscription to EGM

    I stopped caring about Gamepro when their fighting game coverage died. Gamepro had the best MK coverage back in the day. They must have been close with Boon and Tobias or something, because they got the coolest behind the scenes pics and interviews. Gamepro had a MK II cabinet in their office, they get cool points for that. I like to look at old magazines. I have a bunch of old EGMs with like the debuts of MK II, UMK3, Tekken 3, SF III, and more. It's funny seeing their impressions and what not.
  22. Anya

    boredom + php + SvC Chaos rips = this

    This thing is the coolest. Since when is Hugo dead?
  23. Anya

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    Gamecrazy is some spin off of Hollywood video or Blockbuster or one of those other chains.
  24. I love stuff like "everyone in Hollywood" and "Hollywood is high on Mick Foley". Who exactly is "everyone" and "Hollywood"?