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Everything posted by Anya

  1. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    They never do explain how he is back. His story mode makes it seem like it might be someone else but then the very end implies it's the old one alive somehow.
  2. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It's a mistake. That is Dragunov.
  3. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, they do Master System games too. That's the easiest way to get MK1-3 for Master System.
  4. Anya

    E3 cancelled for next year... AND BEYOND!

    Great but the point of E3 isn't ticket sales or for the public to preview games. It's a trade show. They don't want the public in for a reason. That's why you see more and more of the good stuff being shown behind closed doors. If E3 was just a fan convention you wouldn't see nearly as many annoucements, interviews or unfinished product.
  5. Anya

    E3 cancelled for next year... AND BEYOND!

    Oh well. Doesn't bother me. Might end up being better off.
  6. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    There's one type where it's like a camera that hooked up to it and shows up on a TV. They seem crappy. The other type is a mod, you have to replace the real PSP faceplate. It allows you to use any PS2 controller.
  7. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, diagonals. It's not like it's impossible. If you are just standing there and hit d/f it'll come out. It's just inconsistent. In the heat of battle I often miss the end of a juggle or punishing a blocked move with bad recovery. Like with Julia I will end juggles with d,D/F+1,2 and when d/f+1 is a totally different move it's way to easy to screw it up with a bad dpad. No amount of practice is going to make the dpad design get any better. It's mostly "playable" but when I play the arcade version all the time I don't have the tolerance for that. If you're looking for something to play casually for fun and you didn't mind the dpad for Alpha 3 you'll probably like it. At least assuming you liked T5. Tolerance for the dpad aside it's a great port. Playing the Japanese version was my first time playing PSP and I couldn't believe how close it was to arcade/ps2. And it's a good port of an already great game. DR is such an improvement over T5. Armor King has been totally redesigned, Lili and Dragunov are solid and everyone got 3 or 4 new moves and tweaks. I'm happy with how Namco upgraded Julia, it's hard to go back to 5.0 now.
  8. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I play the arcade Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection all the time. I've played the PSP port quite a bit. Mostly in two player. It's technically an impressive port. It has almost all the content from the arcade version and the graphics are very close. The only reason I'm not that interested is because I play the arcade one so much against good competition I don't have much desire to play one player modes. Limitations of it being on a handheld mess up the two player game. It's noticably laggy in two player and I can barely tolerate the PSP dpad. If you're not that serious and didn't mind playing SFA 3 Max or Darkstalkers you'd probably find it fine but it's too unreliable for me. I'm still kinda hyped though, I am going to buy the English version tomorrow. I got a PSP just for this. It'll be worth it for practice/testing and the novelty of having DR at home. I almost never use handhelds though. The only time I ever do anything where I'd play one for a length of time is traveling....usually to play DR somewhere. I'll tell you anything you want to know about DR! Is it merciless? I assume you mean difficult? I do not find any version of T5 to be hard but I guess it's about the same. Mortal Kombat Armageddon looks like trash. I wish I could NOT buy it. I know I will though. I am not even that interested in the story anymore. That was the only thing keeping my interest since the gameplay is the same as MKDA and MKD. Blaze as the final boss? What a weak boss that is. A minor background character turned thrown together playable hidden character is now the big bad for the supposed final game in the main story. So dumb. I've been playing Final Fantasy VII again. I usually play through it about once a year. This is the first time where it's been kind of...lame. It hasn't aged well at all. I mean it's still pretty good but usually when I play through it I am instantly in love again. This time not so much. I think if I had to list my favorite games again FF VII would be in danger of losing it's #1 spot. This past year hasn't been good for my nostalgic favorites. I don't even like MK anymore.
  9. Anya

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    I don't know why this would be a huge blow to THQ. The PS2 version is the most important.
  10. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Oh yeah....ok I should probably pay more attention. Ok well I'll say that No One Can Stop Mr. Domino is actually a good name. It's just so weird. But I do agree with Umjammer Lammy. That name makes no sense, but I guess neither did most of that game's story.
  11. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    That list is weak. Tobal? I wouldn't play that now but it wasn't bad. It certainly wasn't bad enough to be brought up in a list. Shaq Fu isn't even that bad. It's not good but if it weren't for the silly premise and name nobody would care about it.
  12. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Brother and Shinra were funny. I liked the whole cast. I like Lunar but there is like no gameplay. As simple as X-2 and some other FF games are they're no where near as limited and simple as Lunar. Lunar's characters and story make that game.
  13. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Like me? I love the characters. I was emotionally invested in FFX.
  14. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    There's nothing wrong with X-2.
  15. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I love FF X. VII, VIII and X are my favorites. X might have my favorite overall cast in a game.
  16. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    At the time PS2 came out DC was seen as a contender. Sega still tried. They just failed badly.
  17. Anya

    God Hand

    The Bouncer is good. It just wasn't what Square had hyped. It's a fine beat em up. One of the better 3D.
  18. Anya

    God Hand

    Urban Reign was the best I've played in the past few years. Especially the middle part where you had a new partner almost every mission and new team up moves to see. The gameplay was smooth and the moves had impact. When you powerbombed someone it actually looked strong because of the animation. That is a small thing that can make a beat em up better. Maybe the one thing they screw up most is grappling. Grabs are key! So many beat em ups have like one generic throw or no throws at all and it hurts the game. You cannot get by with just attack, jump attack and special. The games should be simple but not too simple and grappling is a good way to add a little variaty. Like in Streets of Rage you can punch them a few times, walk up to them to grapple and then from there you can do the knees then throw them or flip behind them. There's the team attacks and special situations where you can throw them at enemies or into bottomless pits. SOR and Final Fight are two of the earliest classic beat em ups and they have the best grappling system.
  19. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Messiah came out years ago. Like 99-2001. It was by Shiny, the Earthworm Jim people. That was one of the last games Dave Perry hyped up before losing his credibility and fading into obscurity.
  20. So like, I just recently bought the 3 GBA Castlevanias after playing through Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission left me wanting more. SOTN is one of my favorite games ever, but I just never got around to them now. I've never really been into portable gaming. I thought COTM was really good, but it didn't seem close to SOTN. The card system was messed up. Why are they such rare drops? By the end of the game I had like 3 cards. I basically never used magic the entire game. How are the other two? They need to make a new one on a console. Playing an epic adventure game like those on a portable is weaksauce.
  21. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yes, I will get it and I am confident it will be the best. PS3 is still likely to be the most successful.
  22. Anya

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    The VF2 title screen is a white background with the logo. I would hope Genesis could do that well. I played VF2 for that like once for 5 minutes. That was enough for me. It's worse than Tekken Advance. Doom for SNES was hard to play, especially at first. Once I played it for hours I could get into it. It has more content than the 32X port which is missing like half the game...it's just so ugly. Tekken DR comes out soon. I still haven't decided if I want to get a PSP for it. Maybe not...the main reason I wanted it was to play as Lili at home and lately I've been back to Julia more than her anyway. Time Crisis 4 is out. I don't really like the new feature, in some scenes you can move left and right to change directions, but the level design is good. It's better than 3 but still hasn't topped 2. A dollar a play is INSANE though. I hate it when arcade games are that much. Even 75 is weak. At the very least the settings need to match the price. If I'm paying 75 for T5 I want 3/5 rounds. If I am paying a dollar for House of the Dead I want 5 lives.
  23. Anya

    So Virtua Fighter 5.

    I like the animation and the new VF.Net features. But no one plays it and I'll probably never see a VF cabinet. So I've got no interest at all.
  24. Anya

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    Ok, can you give a specific example of a normally safe move that Paul can punish on block with a CH deathfist? I'll test it. Arcade or PSX? Jer is right, it sounds like you're friends are trying something when at minor disadvantage and getting CHed.
  25. Anya

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    Most of what you just said about Tekken makes no sense. Like, how would blocking a poke give you a CH deathfist? They don't always tone down Paul. He's good in T4. He's ok in 5. He's got a lot of good stuff the past few years. D+1+2, the JFs, b+2 are better than counters and the choke throw. Deathfist is still fast. What are you talking about? It's 13 frames. Modern Kazuya is not like Tekken 1 Kazuya. You know, electric? While rising Twin Pistons? Tekken 1 Kazuya had like 10 moves. Mishima staples like WGF, hellsweep, and 1,1,2. Kazuya and Mishimas in general have evolved. Who was playing Mishimas like they do now in Tekken 1? That is the craziest thing I've ever read about Tekken.