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Everything posted by Anya

  1. I've beaten it probably 6 times on PSX and once on N64. It's ok. MK Special Forces is a LOT worse. I could only beat that once.
  2. No. He has no special attacks at all. Also.... Noob does Sub-Zero's freeze and shatter fatality in MK4 if you set it to one button fatalities....
  3. In MK Mythologies you fight the human Scorpion. You actually like control the point where he is killed.
  4. They need old revisions playable too. I really want access to revision 1 of MK4, or better yet, betas. Never going to happen though. War Gods is awesomeness. Kabuki Jo should be in the next Capcom dream match game. A couple weeks ago I saw a War Gods machine for sale. I kind of wanted it, except it was a conversion and not dedicated. I wonder if I could install a WG pcb into my MK4...that would be kinda cool....
  5. Yeah, MK Gold wouldn't be on MAT3, but it SHOULD be on PS2 it some form since it's part of the story. The Making of MK3 vid in MAt2 is pretty funny. It's really old though. I can't decide which game is funnier: NARC or Pit-Fighter. Both are just too goofy. For some reason the PS2 version of PF is insanely fast. It's like Super Pit-Fighter Turbo. MAT 3 needs: UMK3, MK4, Primal Rage II, War Gods, Mace The Dark Age, Rush: The Rock, Rush 2049, Artic Thunder, Hydro Thunder, Carnevil, and The Grid.
  6. I was playing the PS2 version earlier. I've since played the XBox one. I'm thinking the slowdown is only on PS2. It was very noticable on PS2, but I didn't see any at all on Xbox. There's more sound problems than that. For example, the sound cuts off entirely during the ending. It just stops halfway through the cast until the end. The problems are minor. The sound issues are mostly just hardcore stuff. The slowdown on the PS2 version is during moves or chains, where it doesn't really matter if it's slower. And they absolutely crush the SNES versions. It's not even close. The issues I've brought up aside, these are GREAT versions. Arcade like right down to the Revolution X ad in MK II. Now that MK1 is on PS2 you can play the komplete MK story on PS2....with the exception of MK Gold. They need to port that to PS2 in some kind of collection or something. It's annoying how a game important to the story like that is only on DC and is really buggy.
  7. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Giles isn't even a regular! It should be the 6 regulars. Or it could be... Anya Xander Andrew Anya & Xander Anya & Andrew Anya, Andrew & Xander
  8. I am playing Midway Arcade Treasures 2 now. Neither MK II or 3 are arcade perfect. Both have weird glitchly shadows and some of the same sound and slowdown problems that MK1 in MKD has. So lame. MK3 is especially bad. The background music is too low and the sound effects are muffled. When you do a Fatality it just keeps playing the music too, which is dumb. What really sucks is that you can't save Smoke, so you have to enter the Ultimate Kombat Kode every time. It's not a small code either, and it involves using both controllers. I'm glad to have a new version of MK3 to play around with though. I can never get enough MK3. I must be the only one in the world who likes it's Fatalities. They're so funny.
  9. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah. I would go to the Magic Box every day and not leave. I'd also rent an apartment next to Xander. It would be great. I am sooo hyped for season 7. It's only a few weeks away. I can't wait to watch Selfless over and over and the other eps. I need to memorize every Xanya scene in them. No more fast forward through commercials when I want to watch Chosen too. I wish they'd show the disc art. I want to know if Emma got one. No, wait, that will never happen. When I mean is I want to know who stole her spot. Probably Kennedy.
  10. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    We only see the interesting monster stuff though. Days, even weeks, go by with them just leading their normal lives. Like Xander and Anya have a lot to do, they both run businesses. We hardly ever get to see them alone just chilling out in their apartment. I am like obsessed with their normal lives. I want to see it more. No baby sitting Dawn or calling Buffy to warn her about monsters. Just them like having breakfast and getting ready for work. That would be so cool. I also want to see more of their apartment. You only see Xander's room and the main room. And even then, you only see the bed in Xander's room. I can't figure out when she moved in with him. You would think it would be right after The Replacement, because he got the place for her, but she still has her own place in Into the Woods. Then in All The Way Giles asks if she is moving in but in OMWF she is there. I want to know this. I deserve to know.
  11. Sidewalk all around Onaga. Everything he does is extremely slow and easy to sidestep. Abuse a short, easy to do chain with a strike at the end that staggers. Every character has at least one.
  12. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Groo should have been around more, he's so cool. They need to do a special where Groo, Illyria and Anya all hang out. They could play Crash or something.
  13. Anya

    Firefly on DVD

    I've been watching the dvds again the last few days. I forgot how cool Jayne, Mal and Wash are. I hope Jayne doesnt turn on them in the movie.
  14. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    As long as Anya comes back to life I would support anything. At this point I would settle for a Clem spin off. I just want something.
  15. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Considering it's like my favorite thing in the world I don't think I'm watching the wrong show. Bad stuff happening on the actual show is good, except a few things. But why would I imagine bad things happening to them on my own? That would just be depressing.
  16. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, he calls it giving us what we need instead of what we want. It makes you care about the characters more because they're more real. Still, I want the scoobs to be happy.
  17. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She clearly stakes the vamp. The stake is like stuck in him. He pulls it out and the skin just heals up. Anya also claims Holy water doesn't work on them, which isn't true either since Andrew's works on the first ubie.
  18. Yes, that is the big hidden character. And the way to unlock it was found tonight a few hours ago. I am shocked it took this long. 3 days doesn't seem like much, but ever since UMK3 we've known how to unlock the hidden characters before the games had even shipped. This wasn't leaked or in a guide, the community actually had to find it on it's own. Kenshi is just chilling out somewhere. You can't miss him since it forces you to meet up with him and shows his location on the map. Maybe you're just not supposed to find him yet. You don't meet with him till later in the game. Edit: WAit, do you mean the actual guy, or the key to unlock him as a playable character? The Key is in the village part of Earthrealm, where you first started. It's right out in the open...
  19. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, I've imagined myself hanging out with the scoobies a lot. I'd be fun. I don't think I could handle the monsters though, even with Buffy around. I often think about xander and Anya. It's weird. Usually there's no monsters involved either. They're just hanging out. My mind is like a never ending season 5-6. The only difference between it and Joss' real writing is that everybody's actually always happy and nothing bad ever happens. Except the other day I had a dream where Gunn got shot. He was going to live though, I think.
  20. I am marking out so much now. I beat Konquest..... You get to train with Liu Kang. He is a ZOMBIE. Like, an actual zombie! His skin is all rotting and grey and he has these chains around his arms. It's really funny. His moves are awesome. He has Cage's jeet kun do stance, some new style and Cage's old nunchaku. He has all his classic special moves. The bike kick looks cool in 3D. When you train as him, you fight against a ghost version of him. he looks alive but is transparent. I cant wait to unlock him!
  21. People insist he is supposed to be a parody of Ken, but I don't see how. I think it's just because this German magazine mistranslated his original name, which was "Ben". He's really a homage to the guy from Karate Kid. A lot of characters are homages to movie characters. I'm about to beat Konquest right now.
  22. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well they had the Turok-Han official name, Ubervamp was just Buffy-speak. I like how Anya talking to her "contacts" suddenly made it so they COULD be staked. See the power Anya has? She can talk to people and warp reality! What a champion. I want to know who her contacts are anyway. Where were they in the other seasons? Are they the same people as Giles' mysterious "coven"? Do either of these groups even exist or do An and Giles just use them as an excuse to go on vacation away from the crowded Summers house? It's sad how they had nothing for Lorne to do once he became a regular so they just gave him Anya's "I know stuff about demons, here's some exposition" job. At least it lead to those funny floating girls that say "ohhhhhh Angel".
  23. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    More people need to be hardcore like me.
  24. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That was mean.
  25. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I lose sleep worrying about Buffy characters even when I'm not sick.