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Everything posted by Anya

  1. NFA and Gift. Rudo is right about all. The ONLY thing wrong with NFA is that we barely see the fighting. Hamilton/Angel is ok(besides the dumb ending) but with like Spike and Lorne's fight we see nothing. I want to see more of Gunn's!
  2. Anya

    Resident Evil: Apocalypse

    They just used the Ashford name as a nod to the fans. It wasn't supposed to mean anything or be taken from CVX. Angela was nothing like Alexia. If they were a take on any RE characters it'd be William Birkin and Sherry.
  3. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That's what I do. I think of those times all the time. Watch a lot of eps too. I watch OMWF like once a week and listen to the soundtrack all the time. I got the Darkness Falls DVD yesterday. I have to do my part to support EC. I also ordered the new Anya figure that comes with the Magic Box counter and cash register. I might order another signed by her. Her new movie, Bandwagon, still hasn't found anyone to distribute it. They're thinking about just releasing it on DVD. They need to do SOMETHING. I'm tired of waiting.
  4. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    So do I. I often think the same thing. She choose to be human and in the end, died a very human death. All the scoobies are now proud of her and take back the mean things they've ever said or done to her. She proved she was a champion. Then I think of her getting cut and Joss thinking it's funny and I weep.
  5. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Good job getting me started on this. I am still devestated. Unfortunetly, it had nothing to do with redemption or making her a hero. Joss had always wanted to kill someone major out of no where, with no build and no payoff, and he picked her out of convienence. His own words... I couldn’t kill any of my core four and still call it a happy ending. I couldn’t kill Dawn and still call it a happy ending, either, so Anya got the nod. And to make it as unheroic as possible just felt very real and very creepy and that shot was in fact her last shot. He also claims he needed the battle to have a "toll". That's great and stuff, but it ends about 1 minute after and none of the characters even sell the cost of the battle at the end so what's it matter? He also says that since Emma wasn't coming back she was a good choice. WTF? The series is OVER. NOBODY'S coming back except guest appearances on other shows. Nicky's not coming back, that doesn't mean Xander must die. Last month he also said killing her was "funny". Whedon is a jerk! He wasn't even going to have the Andrew scene at the end. Originally there was going to be no payoff at all. He added it in because he felt bad about it. He says nobody caring is "short hand" so he could do a happy ending. Whaaaaat? The fact that she is gone hurts me bad, but I could probably deal if it meant something. But the lack of respect she got is just awful. I can't believe the nerve of Joss thinking it's still a happy ending, especially for Xander. The logic of "if you were on the show for 7 years it's unhappy if you die, but if you were only on for 4 then everybody is hugs and puppies after you die" makes no sense. It's horrible writing. He should be ashamed. Seeing Xander talk about the mall and starbucks just makes me want to weep.
  6. Anya

    Ten years ago today

    Yeah, it's true.
  7. Anya

    SNK news:

    I'll buy them all.
  8. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That came out of no where.... And I care.
  9. Anya: You're pasty and wet and disgusting. They can dig without you. Xander: Look...I don't really feel that bad. Anya: I inflicted a lot of putrefying diseases on men when I was a vengeance demon, and you look like you're getting all of them. Xander:.....ok. I'll stay. But you should go. You could catch it. Anya: We'll die together. It's romantic. Let me get your trousers off. Xander:.... you're a strange girlfriend. Anya: I'm a girlfriend? Xander: Uh...There's a chance I'm delirious. Anya: Ah yes. Well, whatever it is that's making you sick, so far, I like it. It's so deep.
  10. Anya

    Tekken: The Live Action Movie

    Since the MK movie came out Midway has been taking things from it and making them canon in the MK story. Like the Liu Kang/Kitana romance, Kano being Australian and Reptile's lizard appearance. Usually they don't even explain the change. They just suddenly happen.
  11. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Top 8 Buffy eps ever: 1.The Body 2.The Gift 3.Once More With Feeling 4.Triangle 5.Pangs 6.Selfless 7.A New Man 8.Hells Bells And Brian can never get on my case again. At least I don't wear a bunny suit.
  12. Anya

    Tekken: The Live Action Movie

    Because heel = evil. They'll probably make Kazuya sympathetic, if they even follow any of the story at all. I just hope Namco doesn't start making the character traits from the movie canon like Midway did with MK.
  13. I understand it. I just don't think it's all wonderful. Especially since the rest of the ep is nothing special and I don't even really like the ship.
  14. Ok, but I just don't like her as much as you do.
  15. He could do that without having sarcastic and goofy delusions.
  16. It was unnatural and just plain bizarre. Who talks to figments of their imaginations like that? They could have had him hesitate and think about their ship without the use of Lilah. Alexis is good enough to do it. That whole ship is depressing.
  17. That scene is overly weird and completely unnecessary. Dead Lilah is way to snarky. Both here and in Home. A figment of his imagination refering to itself as one? Come on... meanwhile Pangs has syphalis.
  18. Salvage is just...there. That whole series of eps is one big story and Salvage is just a middle part of it. It doesn't stand out, except the Faith part and I don't find her to be that big of a deal. Beast dying is nothing, he was an afterthought then and his death sucks. The rest of the ep is talking. Everyone sits around the hotel talking. The ghost Lilah stuff was just plain weird. Salvage has nothing on PANGS.
  19. Anya

    Tekken: The Live Action Movie

    The original King from Tekken 1 and 2 was killed by Ogre. One of the orphens he raised takes the mask and becomes the new King, trained by Armor King. Later Craig Marduk killed Armor King in a bar fight and King's been out for revenge since. Armor King was good, even in the first tournament. Just because he's rivals with King doesn't mean he's evil. AK has ties to Jinpachi Mishima and Wang, who were both good, and was trying to help take down Heihachi, who is the main villain. For the sake of telling a simple story he would probably be made evil in the movie though. I doubt King would be given much time in a movie. He's not really that important to the story. The movie should be about Kazuya. That's what Tekken is all about. If the movie's not going to be Kazuya's quest to kill his father then there's no real point in doing a movie based on Tekken. The whole talk of steroids and UFC fighting really makes me nervous. If he wants to make a movie about that, why use the Tekken characters and story?
  20. Hush (4.10) Not Fade Away* (5.22) The Gift (5.22) Passion (2.17) I cannot believe a nothing ep like Salvage has made it this far.
  21. Anya

    Tekken: The Live Action Movie

    Armor King is a good guy.
  22. Wes is not a fruitcake. If you've never seen him outside Buffy then you won't understand.
  23. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    No one would have stopped her from leaving right after Apoc Now. In fact Angel seems so pissed he would have prefered her to get out of there. She should have never revealed she was evil. Or even been evil at all. Had she just come forward and said omg I'm mystically pregnant again everything would have worked out. The whole thing is really convoluted(and wasting a great villain and plot) for something that doesn't really end up meaning a whole lot in the end.
  24. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Ok, but like, why not just have Cordy take a vacation or show up from Heaven in Ohio or something instead of the hotel? It's like both in Buffy S7 and Angel S4 the first half of the season is spent hyping and hyping and hyping these huge, eleborate schemes that are like the biggest thing ever and it ends up being......a distraction. Even if you can fit it together it's still really underwhelming.