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Everything posted by Anya

  1. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    You can describe any arc like that. "Well a guy in a rubber suit is here. He's big and bad. They unleash Angelus. He SHOCKINGLY gets out of his cage. Here comes Faith! Yay it's all good. No, wait, Cordy is evil and can't act and is giving birth to a space cowboy. Then let's take over W&H".
  2. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    But there's also good arcs, like Buffy being depressed and the Xanya engagement. Doublemeat Palace is really funny too. Everyone lost their memory in season 4 Angel, everybody was all worshipping Jasmine (which kinda tied in with the overall arc, too), they went to Vegas, Gunn did the spy/theif thing with Gwen, and Angelus and Faith watched Angel save a puppy Spin the Bottle is good, but is not as good as Tabula Rasa. Randy Giles and the Anya/Giles shippage is too good. The House Always Wins is not that good.... Players is not that good..... I'm not a fan of Faith.
  3. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    On Buffy, it's like you never know what wacky situation they'll get into next. Like in S6 sure there's the main arc but there's also... Everyone sings and dances! Everyone loses their memory! Buffy is invisible! It keeps it really interesting and fun to watch. Angel S4 is just one big story. It's like "24" or something. Fine the first time, but not as fun to watch over and over. Warren is god.
  4. Anya

    Resident Evil: Apocalypse

    Well, Jax and Kahn are also in the movie. Neither where in MK1. The whole point of MK II was to force the Earth warriors into Outworld so that Kahn could kill them himself. In the movie they do the same thing, except it's Shang and an extension of the first tournament. At the end Kahn comes to Earth. Starting up with Kahn invading and going right into MK3 makes a lot of sense. In the games storyline MK II is basically irrelevant anyway. It's been treated almost like a sidestory since MK3. The only important part about it is introducing characters like Kitana and Kahn. Which they did in the first movie.
  5. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Buffy S6 is so much better than any Angel season. OMWF alone tops anything on Angel. Tabula Rasa is a lot better than Spin The Bottle. Warren is a lot better than Jasmine. Hells Bells is amazing.
  6. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Buffy S6 is very watchable. It's dark, but still really funny. Angel S4 eps bleed into each other so much. Buffy has more viariaty, with Angel it's all one big story, which gets more boring in repeat viewings.
  7. Anya

    Resident Evil: Apocalypse

    I haven't seen the movie but... The graveyard thing does not sound like a mistake. There's graveyard scenes with zombies digging out in RE3 and CV. MK Annihilation couldn't really follow MK II's story since they basically combined MK and MK II in the first movie. It made sense to do MK3's story.
  8. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Angel is not as watchable as Buffy. It's not as funny and charming. Also, I just saw the whole season about 2 months ago.
  9. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm having trouble getting into Angel S4 now, watching it on DVD. Darkness Falls is kind of cool.
  10. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Gavin just comes off as really creepy. I like it whenever he or Lindsay would argue with Lilah.
  11. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I can't wait to hear the commentary on Selfless. Gavin looks a lot more intimidating than lindsay.
  12. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Gavin dying sucks. He was better than Lindsay.
  13. Anya

    SF Anniversary Collection

    The jumping axe handle move sucks. Sagat has a super taunt in A2G.
  14. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    They need more commentary from the cast. They should re-release the DVDs with commentary for every ep. Commentary is great.
  15. Anya

    SF Anniversary Collection

    Yeah, but there's also CE versions of the others too, like Sagat, Bison, Ryu, Ken... There's also an alternate Sakura...who seems exactly the same but with different colors....
  16. Anya

    SF Anniversary Collection

    I have SFC for both PSX and Saturn. There's no slowdown on PSX. It has both Akuma and Survival mode. The differences between Alpha 2 and Alpha 2 Gold are not that big of a deal. Mostly classic versions of characters and Cammy.
  17. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't be sad when something does go bad for my characters. It's going to suck when S5 doesn't follow the formula. So it'll be Angel/Cordy except for one...
  18. Anya

    SF Anniversary Collection

    Why do you want SF Collection? And why for Saturn? If you want it, just get it for PSX. Alpha 3 would be better than Alpha 2 just because 3 is the last game in the series. The collection should have been the definitive collection for the entire series with the final game of each. SF1, Alpha 3, Hyper II and 3rd Strike. It makes no sense for it to just be Hyper and 3rd Strike. Well, besides the fact that it's a bundle of two seperate Japanese releases.
  19. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She calls herself a PTB even AFTER her plan is crushed. She calls herself one even after her true face is revealed and she has lost everyone's attention.
  20. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Why would Jasmine lie about being a power?
  21. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She's an evil bitch. Wes should be with Fred.
  22. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Jasmine refers to herself as a power that be. What more do you want? I could watch the Angel opening credits all day. The theme is like the best ever. What does the J in J. August Richards stand for?
  23. The main point of S4 is how the scoobies go their seperate ways after high school. Everyone's got their individual arc related to it. S4, S5 and S6 are all like related. That's one thing I dislike about S7. It's theme of feminism and leadership really didn't fit with the last 3 seasons.
  24. There's a lot to talk about with season 4 too though. The themes are very clear and are built up in most eps. I'd write a paper about Xanya over any season.
  25. S5 has some really boring eps though. Like Shadow, Listening to Fear and Weight of the World. The entire Joyce arc is really boring, made good only by The Body. I think I like S4 the most. It has the best stand alone eps. I really like the main arc and villain. S4-6 is the best era. I don't like watching S1-3 nearly as much as them.