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Everything posted by Anya

  1. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Clem saying he's about to mix up some country time has to be one of the best "demons talk like humans" quote ever.
  2. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    D'Hoffryn is always awesome(then again, so is Anya). I like the "watercooler vengeance" line, about Warren. My favorite all time D'Hoffryn moment is when he first asks Willow to join him, in Something Blue. I love how it plays the dramatic music and makes it seem like he's gonna be pissed when she refuses and he is just like "oh...well ok".
  3. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Noooo. How can you say that? Nothing with so much Anya goodness can be overrated.
  4. Anya

    SEMIFINALS Tournament ANGEL~

    Not Fade Away A Hole in the World
  5. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That part is great! The only problems I have with the ep is the idea that Anya talked the way she does even as a human. I really don't see what they were going with that(besides a cheap laugh) and it completely goes against her mythos and charm. So she is just rude? That sucks. I also hate how her story was never finished. Whatever happened to finding out who she really is? Is her true self "girl who sits on Buffy's couch, has break up sex and gets stabbed by Bringers"? I really wish she had left Sunnydale to start a new life after talking with Xander. The fact that she is my favorite character and I'd be happier with her being written out like that in episode 5 is sad. It's no wonder Emma wanted out. They did this great ep about her and just went no where with it.
  6. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    "Your logic is insane and happenstance, it is like that of a troll." The scene where Xander and Buffy fight over what to do about Anya is awesome. The hypocrisy there is pretty fascinating to think of. Xander complains that it's different if Buffy is sleeping with the bad guy, yet that's exactly what he's done too. The whole time he was hating on Spike in season 4, 5 and 6 for Spike's past he was with Anya. He never seems to care about her past. She isn't even sorry about it. You never see her show remorse, in fact she's often all nostalgic about it. Like killing men was the good old days. Yet it's never an issue. It's either not brought up at all, or is just a joke. Oh that wacky Anya, talking about killing people again! If Angel or Spike said stuff like that he'd never shut up about it. He doesn't give them a break even when they're all sorry and broody about their past.
  7. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Lenk is in Emma's new movie, which means it's the best movie ever. Selfless was on today. Easily one of the best eps of the season. I love Olaf!!!!! I want a spin off with Xander, Andrew, Olaf and angel Anya.
  8. Anya

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    Because nobody calls anything else a "FPA!"! The whole "FPA" thing was invented by Nintendo to hardsell Metroid as a FPS to skeptical fans. The greatness of DOAX can't be explained. It must be experienced.
  9. Anya

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    Don't bash it till you play it. DOAX is an innovative, ground breaking title from the man that brought you Ninja Gaiden. Not all FPS are straight up action. Just look at Half-Life or Deus Ex. The days of all FPS being DOOM clones have been over for years. The whole point of putting games into genres is to easily determine how a game plays. You can't just make up genres for every single game because it's slightly different or has a focus on adventure as well as shooting. What's the easiest way to describe MP? A FPS.
  10. Anya

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    Have you played DOAX? It's a masterpiece. MP is totally a FPS. Screw Nintendo's buzzwords.
  11. Anya

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    DOAX is really deep.
  12. Anya

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. The dual analog style of control for FPS was really hard to adjust to at first, but it's just too good now. I can't go back. Metroid Prime's controls were a pain because of it.
  13. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    I mean what is shown in the pre-credits ending, the Holy vs. Meteor showdown. It doesn't look like it's helping to destroy Midgar at all. It looks like it's trying to stop it. There's plenty of things to show that humans are not the problem. The whole group you're in is fighting for the planet. There's also the villages, like cosmo canyon, wihch don't use mako. Humans are the ones trying to get Holy to work! If it wasn't for humans Sephiroth would win. A lot of humans are bad and humanity's way of life needs to change, but the game shows there's still some people who understand that and are willing to fight for change. The idea that the moral of the story is that people are bad and in the end everyone dies is bogus. That is a horrible ending that doesn't fit the build up. Barrett went into the cave to fight for the future of his daughter. What kind of an ending is it where she dies to get across the message that people are bad? You ask what the point of the lifestream at the end is? The theme of the game isn't that everybody is evil and deserves to die. The theme of the game, according to Sakaguchi himself, is life. In the end it's not Holy, or Meteor, or any other magic that's the ultimate power. It's life itself. The lifestream is what saves the day. What do YOU think it did? It obviously had a point. It covering the planet is the final image before the credits. You can't seriously suggest it was just there for a lightshow. What do you think the lifestream did at the end? As for the bunnies...it's more like this. A lot of bunnies are bad, but a group of bunnies fight for the future of the planet. The bunnies summon Holy. An old hare tells the other bunnies that Holy may kill bunnies. In the end Holy tries to stop Meteor, but fails. Then the life force of dead bunnies comes and destroys the meteor. 500 years later you see the planet is all green and nice and stuff, but you don't see any bunnies. But then it goes black and you hear bunnies laughing...or....whatever sound bunnies make. Yay! Bunnies live! Enter the sequel, Advent Rabbits. The rocket scene isn't irrelevant. It basically ties up Cid's entire arc. Midgar was nearly destroyed, so yeah, people left. Not only is this what I personally think, it's what Square has apparently gone with in AC.
  14. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    What about the two other members that Illyria killed, that were with Izzy in the limo?
  15. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The new leader was just there to stablize the place while they took care of Adam and decided what to do. It's not like they tried to just continue where Walsh left off.
  16. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Adam left. They found out he exists then he bails. They didn't know where he was until Primeval and by then there was like 20 minutes left until Buffy killed him. And no, I think they'd get a temp leader to come in and figure out exactly what was going on before destroying the place, which is what happened.
  17. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    They found out about Adam right after.
  18. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    Well bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes. They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses. And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
  19. Anya

    Inspector Gadget

    I never cared about it or had an interest to see it, but now that Dawn is in it I want to rent it.
  20. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    They can't just destroy it at first because Adam is loose and there's this big raise in demon activity. Once that's over they do destroy everything. The thing is burnt down and filled with concrete. Well, at least until they retconned that in season 7.
  21. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    The thing is it did work, it just didn't do what they thought it would do. Instead of going for the meteor, it went for what it thought was the bigger threat, humanity. And the lifestream had to intervene the save the planet from the meteor. How do you figure? What you can see is that it goes straight for Meteor. It shoots out, hitting the Highwind, and immediatly goes for Meteor. Where do you get this theory from aside from "Having the opposite effect" and Bugenhagen's speculation? What is actually shown in the ending doesn't back up what you're saying at all. When was that? Near the beginning, shortly after Cid says "lady lucky don't fail me now". They are stuck in the cave and Holy blows them out of it. You can't miss it. That's not what I said. It didn't make a choice if humans were bad for the planet or not. If you're right, it just goes after the meteor and the game doesn't address again at all. This of course would make all the dialogue with Bugenhagen pretty pointless. The dialogue isn't pointless, it just isn't uber important and set in stone either. It's an offhand remark. It's speculation. It was never meant to be this huge thing. He doesn't know any more than Cait Sith does. He is simply bringing up an interesting point. What if Holy decides we are bad? It's just something to think about. It builds up the theme that perhaps we are the problem. In the end we're not. The reason the threat is going beyond Midgar though was because Holy was helping it out and making the Meteor stronger. The conversation with Bugenhagen proves that the line wasn't a translation error because he told you there's a good chance that it WOULD happen. If any line was a mistake, it would have to be the "It's too late" line. He also says everything that is a threat will disapear, yet humans don't disapear when Holy hits their ship. So he isn't 100% correct any way you look at it. Holy helping Meteor makes no sense. As Red points out, Meteor hitting the planet is a big danger to the planet. Why would Holy do something like that? Are you saying Holy is stupid? That's silly. Why wouldn't it stop meteor then just go around killing humans? Wait. It does do something, but it just doesn't do anything? Holy is completely irrelevant according to you because it doesn't matter. The lifestream would save the planet from the meteor no matter what. The characters could've just stayed home and waited. On the other hand, if Holy did make the people disappear, then you could say they helped saved the planet by getting rid of what was causing the most damage to it. Holy isn't irrelevant, it sets up the end game goal and the big surprise uplifting ending. Just because it doesn't work doesn't mean it's irrelevant. That's like saying the rocket scene is irrelevant because it doesn't work. We don't know if Lifestream would have come had Holy not been summoned. Maybe it took both of them to destroy Meteor. But yeah, the heroes don't really save the world. Aeris summoned Holy anyway, so it's not like Cloud and the others would get credit for that even if it had worked. They beat Seph though, so yay for them. The ending shows you what the world was like 500 years later. Since there's no people in it but it has other life, it's telling you that Holy took all the people off of it. Obviously real children aren't laughing, because there isn't any there. It's probably coming from the lifestream. The planet is happy because it could return to nature or something. All you see is the canyon and Midgar! No people doesn't = they don't exist anymore. You don't see bunnies either, but that doesn't mean Holy killed the bunnies.
  22. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    They did. They just had to take care of Adam first.
  23. Anya


    Demon nazis are good.
  24. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The problem I had with Adam wast he government involvement. It wasn't that they were involved, but once things went wrong how could they have not terminated it. I mean, really. We've got smart bombs. Just drop them on the initiative complex. Raid it with an army. Nuke the place. Once Adam killed Walsh, that should've been the end of him. They didn't know where he was. They only found out he was in the Initiative when his plan started up. I have Buffy dreams. Last week I had a dream I went bowling with Emma Caulfield and Tony Head. Plus I daydream about Buffy like 24/7.
  25. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    Oh well. I always got the impression that holy was released too late, and the effect of it interacting with meteor would eventually destroy meteor, but it would also destroy the earth. Maybe. That does make sense. Whatever the case you can clearly see Meteor push through Holy.