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Everything posted by Anya

  1. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I am not like that at all! I never said anything about wanting to marry him or whatever. And it's true, he lost some cuteness when he became all brooding and angst ridden. Plus he wasn't useless. He was a DEMONOLOGIST.
  2. Anya

    Firefly on DVD

    I haven't said much because by the time I got the DVDs and saw it the thread was basically dead. Besides, why should I feel welcome to share my views? I get enough harassment and death threats from the Angle thread.
  3. Anya

    Firefly on DVD

    Whoa, hold up. Just cause I thought Serenity was slow doesn't mean I didn't like the series. I really got into it as it went on.
  4. Anya

    Firefly on DVD

    After they made the original pilot Fox made them go back and do another because they felt it was too slow paced. It does screw up the plot and make no sense. On the DVD they are ordered properly.
  5. Anya

    Old School Goodness

    Contra Hard Corps is a lot better than Contra III.
  6. Anya

    Old School Goodness

    Gamestop employees can be so obnoxious. They always pressure me to buy strategy guides and subscriptions and are overly helpful, rambling on and on about stuff and assuming I can't help myself. They're relentless.
  7. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    Yeah, KOTR is not needed for any optional boss. Don't know where you got that from.
  8. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    None of the weapons require an item that takes hours to get.
  9. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Old school Wes was important, besides being extremely funny he was the resident demonologist.
  10. Anya

    Old School Goodness

    EWJ is another classic.
  11. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Wesley's cuteness comes from my love of nerdy guys, like Andrew, Xander and Warren. Yeah, she took the only horse and left him.
  12. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Wouldn't you be worried she'd turn on you in a second?
  13. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I didn't mean you. Though on that subject, does her curvyness really make up for the fact that she is a cold hearted, cruel, manipulative evil bitch?
  14. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Why is liking old school Wes such a problem? It's not my fault he's a cutie.
  15. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    That makes no sense. Being the best ever does not mean something is perfect. It means it's better than anything else.
  16. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    What's that supposed to mean?
  17. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She's mean and nasty.
  18. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Lilah is an evil bitch.
  19. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well he is cute. You can take my word for it. Old school Wes is the cutest on Angel and the second cutest Buffyverse character ever. Using guns doesn't automatically make you cooler!
  20. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    It's true. Old school Wes was the coolest. He was the funniest and cutest character ever on Angel. The best Wes was season 1-2.
  21. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    No, FF VII is the best ever.
  22. Anya

    Old School Goodness

    I don't like using codes. If something is so hard I have to use codes I'll pass.
  23. Anya

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Old school Wes is a lot better than new school broody Wes.
  24. Anya

    Old School Goodness

    I am sort of interested, but the continue system really turns me off. Sunset Riders is classic! Love the voice acting.
  25. Anya

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    That rant was very interesting. Some unique points brought up that totally put a new perspective on things. Oh wait, nevermind, actually it was the same thing a ton of haters have been going on and on and on about for years.