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Everything posted by DMann2003

  1. DMann2003

    The Band

    Artistic Integrity should be kept as far away from that show as possible, no one's gonna throw a fit if someone butchers"I Want it That Way" or "Genie in a Bottle"
  2. DMann2003

    The Band

    I recently bought The Band's first two albums, Music From Big Pink and The Band, and I had already been familiar with a few of their songs but, wow, this is some of the most stripped, laid back beautiful music I have heard is so long. Maybe it's just current music (certainly popular) doesn't attempt the arrangement or inner reflection these songs have. When I'm listening to it, I get a sense of a group playing in the moment, letting the song guide them vocally, lyrically and musically. I'm sure there are others here who have great appreciation for their work and feel free to discuss their work. And if you haven't discovered them yet, do yourself a favor and give them a chance.
  3. DMann2003

    The Band

    "The Weight", I swear to God he does it as some R&B up-tempo almost sing-rap, if that's even possible- so bad it'd make Levon call Robbie to say "man I'm sorry they screwed your song that bad".
  4. DMann2003

    The Band

    Dear God did anyone just see American Idol- I hope Robertson, Helm and Hudson weren't
  5. DMann2003

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    I've always felt things step up a bit from the Rumble through WrestleMania
  6. DMann2003

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Girls screaming can mean only one thing...Cena's here
  7. DMann2003

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Lita jerking Flair off...the ladder
  8. DMann2003

    The Band

    Yeah I own the DVD, wish it had more of the Band though, sorta turns into a show for the guest acts (which I guess is its selling point)- I'm just so into the Band music right now I wanted to see them performing more of their tunes- I guess that's what Rock of Ages is for.
  9. DMann2003

    The Band

    I figure the next two albums of their's I'll get will be Stage Fright and Northern Lights, Southern Cross, as the concensous seems to be those are the next strongest works.
  10. DMann2003

    The Band

    Man Greg Allman's probably the only other guy who could do that song justice
  11. DMann2003

    The Band

    I'm glad to know I got someone else to pick up an album of their's through this thread. Tears of Rage is such a haunting beautiful song and Richard Manuel hands down might have the most aching vocals ever commited to record.
  12. DMann2003

    Arrested Development

    I just caught a funny bumper on Adult Swim, it went- Arrested Development Genius Cancelled Maybe we should put it on It wouldn't be the first thing we showed that was trashed by FOX
  13. DMann2003


    Okay I've officially named it the TBDC- remmember that
  14. DMann2003


    What the hell was that - I'm loving Eko's backstory though
  15. DMann2003

    Munich is a really great movie.

    I really feel that this is one of Speilberg's best. The tension that built in scenes was pitch perfect (ex- the scene where Bana's in the hotel room next door to the man they're about to blow up, I was tense waiting for the bomb to go off). As for the criticisms that Speilberg lets the terrorists off too easy, I think people are missing that while Speilberg understands the need for action and yes at times retribution, given this conflict all he's asking is whether or not anything truly gets accomplished by the killings on both sides. Easily the best film I've seen all year.
  16. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

  17. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    Shit the Bengals learn Palmer's out for the season and they decide to throw the game
  18. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    Well that's that Palmer's done for the season... FUCK!
  19. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    Palmer needs to tell the team to "win one for the Palmer" ":-D
  20. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    We've got to start producing some turnovers
  21. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    Lose the last 2 games of the reg season- No prob Face a Steelers team on a winning streak- We'll take it Knock out our star QB and a Wide Receiver 2 plays into the game- Bring it on!!
  22. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    Yeah I know, almost thought we had a sack for a second
  23. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    Yeah I know, almost thought we had a sack for a second
  24. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    God I hope he decides to stay next year, I know he wants to start again, but he's such a good back-up
  25. DMann2003

    NFL Playoffs

    Cincy Touchdown!