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Everything posted by DMann2003

  1. DMann2003

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    If this was real, they wouldn't keep the camera on it Greatest work shoot ever
  2. DMann2003

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Here comes Hardy
  3. DMann2003

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Dude maybe it was a shoot, see Johnny Ace run out there, probably to watch the ringside.
  4. DMann2003

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Guess he was backstage huh?
  5. DMann2003

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    I see Carlito with a HTM special
  6. DMann2003

    Heaven/Hell wrestling events

    Okay here goes with my Heaven card- Jushin Thunder Liger vs Rey Mysterio Jake Roberts vs Cactus Jack Eddie Guerrero & Art Barr vs Hollywood Blondes Roddy Piper vs Owen Hart Chris Benoit vs Dynamite Kid Hulk Hogan vs Paul Orndorff- streetfight (they always got the best out of each other) Brock Lesnar vs Big Van Vader Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle The Rockers vs Midnight Express Arn Anderson vs Curt Hennig HHH vs Randy Savage MAIN EVENT- 1 MORE TIME Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat
  7. DMann2003

    Countdown to Live8 Begins

    My sentiments exactly
  8. DMann2003

    Countdown to Live8 Begins

    I've got the DVR set to record the MTV broadcast and the ABC highlights- I'm sure Pink Floyd's set will pop up somewhere there.
  9. DMann2003

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    My favorite I remmember, playing Smackdown-HCTP, 3 way match against Rock and someone else, and I'm Rhyno. Rock's going for People's Elbow on the other guy while I'm knocked out. Suddenly Rhyno kicks up just as Rock's bouncing off the ropes. I run at him and GOAR GOAR GOAR!!!! 1-2-3 it's over.
  10. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    I'm sorry, seeing those three interact, knowing they're enjoying what they're doing, I have to smile
  11. So I don't know if anyone's interested but there's yet another 3hr AFI countdown special on tonight, this one dedicated exclusively to famous lines, quotes and catchphrases from films. Kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel now aren't they? Still I'm a sucker for countdown specials and I've always enjoyed these AFI lists (and the inevitable bitching that results from them), so I'll be watching and anyone else watching tonight feel free to add any thoughts. My guess for #1- "Here's looking at you kid"- Casablanca
  12. DMann2003

    First Time You Saw ECW

    Like a lot here I first learned of ECW through PWI in late 94, the first event I ever saw was Hardcore Heaven 94, which ends with the raining chairs sequence, but I don't recall ECW TV being available in Dayton until August 1996, right after Natural Born Killaz, when it started airing around 5-6pm on Saturdays on America 1.
  13. Everyone knows the best quote from Scarface is- "Where'd you get that scar, eating pussy?"
  14. AFI.com said they'd post it after 11pm
  15. I always thought the better line from that film was- "Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa."
  16. DMann2003

    Favorite Funny ECW Moments?

    The best is when they try to spell "WCW" using the letters off the Public Enemy Jersey. And one point where Meanie says something out of the blue (no pun) and Stevie looks at him and breaks character for half a minute and says "what?" "Ladi-dadi we like Ice Cream"
  17. DMann2003

    Did Peter Jackson lose 100 pounds?

    He's begun the wraithing process
  18. DMann2003

    OAO Raw Thread (6-20-05): Angle v. Some Big Guy

    Well that's the 1st time they've publically acknowledged (minus One Night Stand) the whole Matt Hardy incident itself
  19. DMann2003

    Did Peter Jackson lose 100 pounds?

    Carrie Fisher just made me laugh my ass off
  20. DMann2003

    Batman SE DVDs coming

    That's right, I forgot about Elfman's score, it improves on the Batman score from 89
  21. DMann2003

    Did Peter Jackson lose 100 pounds?

    William Shatner and chorusline Stormtroopers is GOLD
  22. DMann2003

    Batman SE DVDs coming

    I think it was something like "The End is the Beginning is the End" And enough with the "Batman Returns" hate, I must be the only one on this board who not only likes the film but views it as some weird little masterpeice. It may not be a great "Batman" film, but as a dark character film, with a witty funny script and creating an odd unique world that the characters inhabit I love it. And I'm no Burton apologist by any stretch. The man's weakness is and always will be character development. But here is a film with 4 main characters all with split personalities. Of course you have Bruce/Batman, Selina/Catwoman, then there's the dichotimy between the animalistic Penguin and the publicity created Oswald Cobblepot and then even Max Shreck has his public businessman face and his dark villianous side he keeps in private. The film isn't perfect but I think if people let go of looking at it as a comic book/action/"Batman" film and gave it a closer look there's much to appreciate and admire in the film. Phew I'm done.
  23. DMann2003

    Batman SE DVDs coming

    Well I'll look forward to picking up the 1st 2, and of course I'll get Batman Begins on DVD too.
  24. DMann2003

    Sandman signed a wwe contract ?

    Honestly, I'd love to see a Sandman/Bradshaw fued, I just think it would work.
  25. DMann2003

    Jack Bauer will save the day again..

    They should use my idea.... Release 12 2hr movies over the span of a year, I'm convinced the cost of the picture will be recouped over the grosses of the 12 flicks. Still I'd go see this, instead of "WHERE IS THE BOMB!!!!" we'll get "WHERE IS THE FUCKING BOMB MOTHERFUCKER!!!!"