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Everything posted by DMann2003

  1. DMann2003

    The Biggest Angle Ever

    That's a little ambitious there, Although I must admit I always liked storylines that somehow involved the whole promotion in some way (nWo, Austin/McMahon, McMahon/Helmsley regime)
  2. DMann2003

    Deep Throat Revealed!!!!

    He doesn't look like Hal Holbrook EDIT- And I prefer to think of Deep Throat as Michelle Williams and Kirsten Dunst
  3. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/30/05

    I really wanna see Batista stalking Hunter next week throught the backstage with just a chair in his hand, the Game a bloody mess, It's a nice visual isn't it?
  4. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/30/05

  5. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/30/05

    When'd they update Batista's theme?
  6. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/30/05

    I don't know how Christan lit that fire under his ass, but he's been GOLD for the past few months. I'm beggin for Cena/Christian at SummerSlam
  7. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/30/05

    Like a shot of adreniline...here comes Christian!
  8. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/30/05

    Edge looked in that toilet and saw himself, Cause, we all know, Adam Copeland is feces remmember?
  9. DMann2003

    What heels in wrestling

    Roberts vs Raven, how much mind games would've been played in THAT fued.
  10. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/30/05

    Stacy's Hot chant, God bless Canadian crowds
  11. DMann2003

    What heels in wrestling

    ^^Ahhh, but Honky was just a cocky arrogant heel, true he annoyed fans to the point of insanity, but he never did anything truly horrible or despicable, except for when he shoved Liz, that was hardcore.
  12. DMann2003

    Box Office report

    Besides it's Memorial Day weekend, Monday's grosses are to be counted in with this weekend.
  13. DMann2003

    10 minutes of Batman Begins footage

    I always thought the most amazing thing about Harvey Dent in the previous films is he went from a black man to a white Texan? and I'm declaring right now that in whatever sequel he's used in, Paul Giamatti should be the Penguin!
  14. DMann2003

    What heels in wrestling

    I also just remmembered the Dudleyz in ECW from 98-99, they nearly started full scale riots, and I was present at one of the best (Heat Wave 99)
  15. DMann2003

    Batman DVD's at FYE

    Okay, I was at FYE earlier today and they had Batman and Batman Returns marked to 7.99 apiece. Now neither DVD has ANY extras (not even a trailer) but I like the first 2 enough I thought I'll get them. I get up to the clerk and he tells me in addition to being on sale for 7.99, all the Batman related films have 6 dollar mail in rebates, which brings the final cost to 1.99. This purchase just became irrefusable. Thought I'd give everyone a heads up. Now if only Warners would put together some 2-disc SE of these films.
  16. DMann2003

    Batman DVD's at FYE

    I think Batman Returns is one of Tim Burton's most personal films and Daniel Waters screenplay is witty and satirical. If given the time I can expound on why I think this film is so great.
  17. DMann2003

    Batman DVD's at FYE

    But a steal for "Batman Returns"
  18. DMann2003


    "In 2005, Jack Bauer was almost sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit. He faked his death and escaped to the Los Angeles underground. There he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help you, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire JACK BAUER." OMG That's exactly what I was thinking, though you forgot to add he'd solve the problem in under 24hrs.
  19. DMann2003

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I just stumbled onto a site detailing a short film made during the making of ROTJ called Return of the Ewok, apparently Warrick Davis owns the only copy of the film. It looks really cool, first I'd ever heard about it. Anyone else know about it? Here's the site Return of the Ewok
  20. DMann2003

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I really like the film although when I saw it at 12:20 I'd already been up for17 hours, so I was a little pooped. But there were some great moments and a good story to go with it. Bit I loved: I loved Palpatine when Anakin had Dooku beat going "Very good Anakin*beat*kill him". Just his matter of fact way of saying it"
  21. DMann2003

    "Heaven and Hell" by Black Sabbath

    Asshole, that's "The Prophet's Song" by Queen. That song is great, with a great solo by Brian May. It's better than "Bohemian Rhapsody" damnitt. You will "listen to the wise man!!!!" AoO.
  22. DMann2003

    Bands/Artists you just can't get into

    Out of the Big Four Thrash Metal bands from the 80's, I've been the least into Slayer. One the reason's I think is their music is very nhilistic. Now most metal brings to mind dark or disturbing imagry, but the lyrics I've read from some of their stuff seems to wallow in it excessively. Second, and this might sound naive, but being raised Catholic and still having a general sense of faith in God, the rather anti-religious ditrabes a few the songs have can be offputting (it seems the main credit for those ones is Kerry King). It's not that I can't take a critical, even negative attitude towards religion. It's just that most attack the hollier than thou preachers and hypocrites every religion has, while Slayer sometimes attacks God itself and Jesus, at least it's the feeling I get. Knock around the Jerry Falwell's all you like, but lay off Jesus, he had a rough time when he was down here on Earth. Okay rant out of the way. However, because I'm willing to give it a listen (and because the damn album's been praised over and over in publications and on this board), I checked out "Reign in Blood" through the Ohio Library system and it's on my reserve list. I also checked out "Seasons in the Abyss" because, of the few Slayer songs I've heard, I always dug that one. Songs about insanity, I have a soft spot for them.
  23. DMann2003

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    Isn't that the match that never happened though? Actually there wasn't a rematch, just Jericho giving back the title, then a six man later in the night where HHH pinned Jericho. So still the same, but not quite.
  24. DMann2003

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    OMG Lita helped Edge, I am shocked, shocked I tells ya....
  25. DMann2003

    Survivor : Palau

    Hmmm, Tom or Katie