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Everything posted by DMann2003

  1. DMann2003

    The 2005 Oscar Nominees

    Except for BOOGER, and Regina King, and Sharron Warren's fantastic debut performance as Ray's mother, and the music, "Ray" is much more than just "ooooh Jamie Foxx gave such a great performance" And Bullshit David Carridine getting no nomination for "Kill Bill Vol2", Foxx didn't need the 2nd nomination (nor Alda, he was good but it was a one note performance)
  2. DMann2003

    The 2005 Oscar Nominees

    What about Paul Giamatti, I thought he was like the only other gaurentee besides Foxx? It's a "Man on the Moon" conspiracy!
  3. DMann2003

    Oscar predictions

    Eastwood bumped off Giamatti for Best Actor I have to see "Million Dollar Baby" (and "Sideways")
  4. DMann2003

    2004 Razzie Nominations

    Honestly, Affleck was not bad in Jersey Girl, and Lopez barely registers in the film (and she's not bad either)
  5. I'm just going through my tapes again and I'm watching the KOTR 96 match between Michaels and Davey Boy, pretty good match, and I have their match from Beware of Dog, One Night Only and the SNME from 10/92 with the IC title switch, I know they had a RAW match after the 95 Rumble, but I don't have that one. Just though I'd ask among the guys (and gals) around here their opinions on these matches. Despite the ending, I think the One Night Only match was the best, although KOTR is pretty good too.
  6. DMann2003

    Wrestling Figure Commercials

    "The Undertaker will bury those stiffs." *BONG* "It's lights out. New WWF Figures got the power..."
  7. DMann2003

    Shawn Michaels vs British Bulldog

    There is a moment during the KOTR match where Bulldog takes a bump off of the corner turnbuckle and it's not hyperbole for me to say he bounces like a pinball off of the corner. That match has some really great bumps in it, and a bit off topic, there's a match where Shawn (I think against Razor from 93) where he sails clear over the ropes and lands flat on his back on the floormats, arms spread out. It's a mega-bump.
  8. DMann2003

    The sun is up the sky is blue

    Lennon McCartney Lennon Lennon McCartney Lennon Harrison Lennon Harrison McCartney Harrison Lennon McCartney Six for Lennon, three for Harrison, and four for McCartney. And, honestly, I'd only count maybe two of those for McCartney ("Eleanor Rigby", "Hey Jude"). Trust me, "Let it Be" was all Paul's. And y'all be hating on "Dear Prudence"? That's messed up
  9. DMann2003

    Batista Interview

    This is a bit off topic, but considering it's a Batista thread I'd make mention Anyone see similarities between Batista's push and Monty Brown's in TNA "The Beast" vs "The Alpha Male"- hmmm, we have so few dream match-ups these days, this is probably one of them
  10. Just go to this site, these are some funny shorts. Angry Alien Productions
  11. Okay among my massive tape collection I have a set of 5 Shawn Michaels comps, most of the quality on them is subpar, but the first tape is actually decent with matches from early on in his heel career. Now I'm aware of his match against Savage in Germany that's on World Tour 92, but apparently I have a second match between the 2 from a Wrestling Challenge taping. Liz was present at ringside for this, and was taking away midmatch because she and Sherri got into an altercation. Liz comes back for the finish to prevent Sherri from interfering. Savage wins with a cross body off the top (odd). Gorilla and Heenan are doing the commentary. Is anyone else aware of this match. It's pretty good, much like the one from Germany. EDIT- Thanks to Cawthorn's site (who else), I've managed to get some info on the match, it was taped for Prime Time Wrestling at Sheffield, England on 4-19-1992 and aired on 6-15-1992.
  12. DMann2003

    Who will WWE management give the lead roles to?

    I'd pay to see a Jericho/Benoit buddy picture where they're 2 cops on the case with different styles Benoit's by the books Jericho's a wild card They work on the border, uncovering a Pharmecutical drug running scam in The Canadian Connection If only they hadn't fired Ron Simmons who could play the exaspirated police chief who yells out "DAMN!" And we all know who the real star in WWE is- BIG SHOW
  13. DMann2003

    Daivari threatened by fan

    If I'm not mistaken he's Italian, makes me ashamed my paisan
  14. DMann2003

    2 Savage vs Michaels matches?

    The first tape in this set is pretty good in addition to those 2 matches there's the Flair one (from Invasion 92), vs Bret when he was with the Rockers, vs Razor, vs Davey Boy (1 where Davey wins and the 2nd is the IC title switch).
  15. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Whoo Hoo, Go Aviator (Haven't seen Million Dollar Baby or Sideways yet)
  16. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    5 years later, after Boy's Don't Cry, there's her husband, hasn't worked since "Life Goes On", his main job now is "get emotional when wife wins awards"
  17. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Go Arrested Development (frickin Desperate Houswives will probably win though)
  18. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Well see if they'd put Foxx's performance is drama, Leo'd have no chance And this is coming from someone who thought he was great in The Aviator
  19. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Jamie Foxx is gonna get more stories to tell about Prince after tonight (His HBO special "I Might Need Security" is fantastic)
  20. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Man did Sam Jackson look pissed there for the second he was on camera
  21. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    This award is also know as the "Jaime Foxx" award
  22. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Boy that movie must be really good, if Marty loses the DGA it's all over
  23. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Prince- Now I'm gonna sit in a corner next to a punchbowl filled with rainbows and the hopes of the underprivilidged and artistic.
  24. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    So weird seeing Patrick Stewart with hair.
  25. DMann2003

    The OAO 2005 Golden Globe Awards Thread

    Their Award time dominance has loong since past And this year's Emmy's will be missing the usual Friend/Fraiser in its slot and the next year it loses Everyone Loves Raymond. Voters will have to *gasp* nominate something new. Won't matter Arrested Development may have Best Comedy locked up for awhile.