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Everything posted by DMann2003

  1. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    See Paul E shill, shill Paul shill
  2. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    Agreed. But the setup of Maven pimping the lady in the hallway before going to his office was a nice touch to show that Maven wants the ladies and can get that in Evolution. Shhhh, that's not what it was the writers aren't that subtle, the real reason was that they wanted to show off a no talent bimbo, AND THAT'S ALL!
  3. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    The "Job" of the week?
  4. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    See that's Hunter's problem with promo's, always was, he can never cut to the point, he takes 15 minutes to say what should take him 3. Probably thinks he saying Shakespeare out there and he deserves to have a long soliloquiy.
  5. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    What oh what will Maven do? DUH DUH DAAAAAAA!!!!!
  6. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!" Son we live in a world that has walls and those walls have to be gaurded by men with guns, who's gonna do it, YOU?
  7. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    I just realized that if anyone were ever to play HHH in a movie, that man would be....Sean Bean
  8. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    WWE 24/7..... ME WANT! ME WAAAAANT!!!!
  9. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    That reminds me of a MAD Magazine article on the little ridiculous things in wrestling, example: "If you jump from 15 feet onto a lumpy boney wrestler you'll be fine, but if he moves and you land on a flat, padded surface you'll be knocked silly." Yes, finally about 6 months after I said they should, Eugene & Regal are Tag champs!
  10. DMann2003

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    Okay, Benjamin/Benoit vs Edge & Christian, could be very good if given 15-20 minutes, I see that being in the 10 spot.
  11. DMann2003

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Man this show has lost none of it's great wit and writing...I love it
  12. DMann2003

    The 40 LEAST Metal moments

    I have to disagree with Metal and Symphony, I dug S&M, but them I have a preference for bombastic and operatic things.
  13. DMann2003

    The 40 LEAST Metal moments

    Considering he made a bagpipe metal...I agree And what's wrong with Jimmy Page...he won't let Cameron Crowe use "Stairway" in a pivitol scene in "Almost Famous", but let P. Diddy rape "kashmir" is fine with him.
  14. DMann2003

    Snoop Dogg covers

    Into this hizzle we're bizzle?
  15. DMann2003

    Recent purchases

    I picked up Gone With The Wind the new 4 disc collector's set and The Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection, got GWTW for 24.99 at Target and Marx Brothers for 38.77 at Sam's Club.
  16. Gotta give 'em credit for putting a possible 30+ minute match on TV- Just not sure these are the 2 you want doing it.
  17. DMann2003

    The Incredibles: Best Pixar film yet.

    That's what "Chicken Little" is, Disney's first in-house fully CG Animated feature, after the quasi-experiment that was "Dinosaur" Anybody see the trailer for "Robots", it's from the guys who did "Ice Age", looks pretty cool- But "Madagascar", from the Shrek/Shark group looks plain odd.
  18. DMann2003

    A word of warning about the new

    No, I got the documentary Oliver Stone's America and the 2 docs he did on a bonus disc (and a free ticket to see Alexander). The only thing that sucks is that you lose some cool deleted scenes from Nixon and The Doors and JFK (although I already have the 2 disc JFK, so I'm cool there) and a pretty good documentary on making The Doors.
  19. Okay, this new Oliver Stone DVD set touts intself as the "Ultimate" collection... How "ultimate" can it be when I know there are 2 disc sets for JFK, The Doors, Nixon and Any Given Sunday and this set only gives you disc 1 of those DVDs How "ultimate is that. I mean, if you are cool with just the films I'd say get it, it's on sale at Amazon for around 85 dollars, but I think it sucks that they make a 14 disc set and then skimp out on given an Oliver Stone fan everything on Stone and his films.
  20. DMann2003

    CNN Live projections

    I concur
  21. DMann2003

    CNN Live projections

    Who has to work later this morning
  22. DMann2003

    CNN Live projections

    America has decided Will Forte is funnier than Seth Meyers
  23. DMann2003

    CNN Live projections

    Looks like my hometown (Dayton) is where these final ballots are coming from, and they're mainly Republican, just give it up John
  24. DMann2003

    CNN Live projections

    If you support fighting this obvious outcome, you are, as I figured, trying to tear down the political system because, like a petulant child, you are unable to handle a loss. If the shoe fits --- and with Gabe, it does --- that's his problem. I find it cute that you think Kerry has a prayer. -=Mike If George Bush is running this country, then It isn't my country, I didn't vote for him, he's not My President. Oh, you're pulling this "He's not MY President" bullshit? What are you, seven? -=Mike Why does that upset you so much? It's rather simple logic isn't it? If I didn't vote for him, why should I claim him as MY president? I never voted for Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr or Clinton, because I was under 18 during those elections and he was still my President. See how silly that logic is. Look, I know for a fact that AMikeSC HATES Jimmy Carter with every bone in his body, but even he'd never say Carter was never his President.
  25. DMann2003

    CNN Live projections

    Hopefully we get those votes, and to be quite honest with you, I don't care if they are legit or not. Now that might be fraudulent, but I'm okay with that as long as my guy wins. My hatred for George Bush runs deep. Hawaii goes to Kerry From AP Bush 249 Kerry 251 (without Ohio of course) God I hardly agree with the guy but after saying this... Get 'em Mike