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Everything posted by DMann2003

  1. DMann2003

    I have a question

    Look at it this way. The Empire is a dictatorship, which uses fear and force to take control. The most obvious comparison one can make to the real world is Hitler and Nazi Germany. They came to power in 1933 and 12 years later the "Third Reich" was a shamble. I too at first thought the Empire had been around for centuries but in a way this makes more sense. Power mad dictators never stay in power for very long.
  2. DMann2003

    Queen first rock band to be legally sold

    Just proving that fundamentalist Islam is no match for the majesty of "Bicycle Race"
  3. DMann2003

    Monty Python

    It's Bicycle Repair-Man!
  4. DMann2003

    Metallica Live '04

    Think about it, who here thinks they could do Ride the Lightning when they're 40?
  5. DMann2003

    Metallica Live '04

    Years of heavy drinking and screaming at that level for 20+ years will have that kind of effect on a voice. Look at what drugs/smoking did to Steven Tyler and Al Pacino's voices.
  6. I got a kick out of watching the opening intro interviews with all the guys about wrestling in World War 3, just cause when asked who they'd throw out first everyone says "Disco Inferno", even The Giant, 'cept Sting who is obssessed with Ric Flair. And I was wondering, having not watched the event in awhile, is there anything remotely good in Benoit vs Kensuke Sasaki?
  7. DMann2003

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I just have one quick Question, what position do you need to be in with Randy Orton to execute the RKO. Everytime I execute his special it does that weird Rocker Dropper variation.
  8. DMann2003

    War of the Worlds...

    This is something I don't understand. The idea that Spielberg isn't good because he prefers happy endings, and his films aren't gritty and real. If we are to believe in the auteur theory that a filmmaker must make films that are honest to his feelings, and having seen several interviews with Spielberg I can safely say the man is an optomist. He grew up in suburbia, and like many dealt with a painful divorce growing up. Therefore he wants to hope that things will get better. And if it's the guy's belief that life is good and there is a hope, why should we complain about his 'happy' endings. Wouldn't his films be false if he was dark and 'real'. Disagree with his filmmaking because you don't agree with his ideology or his manipulative form of filmmaking (of which he is guilty as was Hitchock). I'm just tired of people complaining about Spielberg because his works aren't 'real' (whatever that means) or end with a happy ending (How is Minority Report happy? Because Anderton lived? His entire worldview became shattered so he has to rebuild, the ending is optomistic but I wouldn't say it's 'happy' and for me what's most important is that the ending doesn't feel fake or forced). If Speilberg believes in an optomistic and uplifting film experience, he's being true to his vision when his films end as such.
  9. I just saw this as it's part of The Martin Scorsese Collection I just bought. It's basically the nightmare from hell happing to one guy (Griffen Dunne) in one night. Little things go wrong which turn into bigger things which turn into collosal things to the point that his life is in danger. It's really funny if you love farcical films and watching one guy get totally dumped on for 90 minutes. It's a lesser known Scorsese work (kinda like Empire of the Sun for Spielberg) but it's really good.
  10. DMann2003

    The Tep 10 Business Movies

    Fuck that list Where's "Barbarians at the Gate"?
  11. DMann2003

    Anyone wanna talk poker?

    Damn, everytime I find out about a torunament in my area it's too late for me to get off work and be available for it the whole weekend. I have to keep up on torunaments in Ohio and Union sponsered games.
  12. DMann2003

    War of the Worlds...

    I heard somewhere they were gonna do it as an adaptation or Orson Welles radio broadcast version from 1938.
  13. DMann2003

    Recent purchases

    Picked up The Martin Scorsese Collection yesterday... ...After Hours is one fucked up movie.
  14. For once, HHH NEEDS to win the title at Unforgiven, an unsure, broken Orton falls as easy prey to HHH, and starts to build himself back, reaches the Rumble and wins it and gets his revenge at WrestleMania dethroning HHH and regaining his title.
  15. Say what you want, that was a page out of Old School NWA Like the Horsemen turning on Luger or Sting.
  16. I don't know if Orton can play the babyface needed for this to be pulled off. Hunter's got his work cut out for him.
  17. If anyone looked weak it was Benoit, he shouldn't have let go, Orton would've tapped Ohkay, we knew this was coming
  18. This is what we call "The Rub" And the RKO is deadlier than the Pedigree
  19. You know what would really make this match special? THE WAVE!!!!
  20. No "way to do it" involves a crappy midcard-caliber guy like Orton winning the title twice. Once is enough. Look, whether you like it or not Orton is the WWE's groomed prospect, I'm merely laying out a scenario based on these facts. (of course, I dig Orton, so I'm biased)
  21. Make a song about Lita using "Lovely Rita" and then we'll talk. See I tried that earlier and only got the opening line off "Lovely Lita, she got laid, by the Big Red Machine" Work from that
  22. Here's an idea- -Benoit beats Orton -Evolution punks out Orton, for getting bigger than HHH -HHH beats Benoit -Orton claws his way back and beats HHH for the title at WM 21 AND that's how you do it, not as Orton retaining as a face, but by regaining the title that came too fast too soon from the man who tried to squash him down.
  23. "Evolution is your Solution" When's that gonna show up on a T-shirt
  24. "Let the voting begin" replace "voting" with "WarGames" and I'd feel a WHOLE lot better.