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Everything posted by DMann2003

  1. DMann2003

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    I figure this is the best thread to mention this- VH1's Illustrated had a damn funny parody of Hannity & Colmes with Gollum/Smeagol hosting his own Fox News show, Gollum was conservative and Smeagol was liberal, just insert "precious" for Bush and "stupid fat hobbit" with Michael Moore and you've got it. It was pretty funny.
  2. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Evolution entertains me Therefore, I am not concerned if Evolution is in most of the main stories on RAW And BECAUSE everyone on this board complains about the WWE not trying to entertain it's fan, I'd say they're doing the job for me Maybe in this board's opinion, I'm not the RIGHT type of "fan"
  3. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    You don't get out much do you And if you can't take a little shot at your post tough, you're the one making it sound like this ONE match caved in your little wrestling world.
  4. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    No, it was very overbooked at the end, but it was still a tight match.
  5. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Eh, I don't care if Benoit's a heel, he's still champ!
  6. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    I will admit it's a little cheap of Benoit for fighting Eugene over the chair.
  7. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

  8. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Good, Hunter's been in control since Benoit missed the swandive headbut
  9. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Good, Hunter's been in control since Benoit missed the swandive headbut
  10. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    They were from post Unforgiven 2003 to Armegeddon 2003
  11. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Some, been liking Orton since WrestleMania/Backlash
  12. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Nothing offensively bad on the show tonight, Uhhhh, I like that SummerSlam commercial
  13. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Stevie-kick from Victoria
  14. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    You at least gotta admit his matches drag with all the restholds. He holds onto them for too long I will agree, but he does put effort into them instead of just laying there with a side headlock (he wrenches, tries to get above his opponent to get leverage), so if he just cuts the time he spends on them in half, those parts will get better.
  15. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Let's see if Stevie interferes.
  16. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Randy's going to try out for the NFL?
  17. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Awww, shit now I have to watch that shitty Diva search just to see what happens with those 4. "The following is a bathroom break match"
  18. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Orton should snap in the back and clock Eugene, then HHH steps up to him, planting seeds or HHH/Orton
  19. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    I demand rematch for RAW, don't worry Randy, that won't be the last title you see (Protests of Real F'N show notwithstanding)
  20. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    That's the risk you run when you only schedule 7 matches on a PPV WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! Wrong wrong finish, Damnitt HHH use your stroke, Orton didn't need to lose it yet!
  21. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    This is a really good match.
  22. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Barring injury, Orton will be World champ withtin 1-2 years, he's just finding his groove so well.
  23. DMann2003

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    The risk a 'boring' chant if they stay in this too long.