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Everything posted by TheBigSwigg

  1. TheBigSwigg

    OAO Best Damned Wrestling Event Ever Thread

    "What the hell? When did Thunderbox make it onto FSN?"
  2. TheBigSwigg

    Most uncharismatic wrestler ever?

    Jeff Jarrett
  3. TheBigSwigg

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    1 hour and not much to talk about. Somewhat disappointing, but I've got two hours to go.
  4. TheBigSwigg

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    Have to say, with what I've seen already I'm impressed. The production values are MUCH better than usual. EDIT: Is it just me or does Kazarian remind anyone else of Henning with his look?
  5. TheBigSwigg

    Torch Column on TNA

    Nothing breathtaking there, though he's right.
  6. TheBigSwigg

    Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

    What's ironic to me is that this belt looks better than the NWA title in ways. It looks more updated and it's "bigger".
  7. TheBigSwigg


    I thought the show was great. Not Soprano's great, but better than most of what network TV would put out. And of course they're not going to show all the good guys, where's the entertainment in that?
  8. TheBigSwigg

    Bush wants to bring back the line-item veto

    Hey WildBomb, explain how the Patriot Act is constitutional. That should be fun.
  9. TheBigSwigg

    Biggest announcer overreaction ever

    but it's true....
  10. TheBigSwigg

    OAO Best Damned Wrestling Event Ever Thread

    *insert gay porn/beastiality joke here*
  11. TheBigSwigg

    11 States ban gay marriage

    Actually, most Christians will admit that we don't know all that God intends for us, and accept that the Bible was written by man. The idea is that the writers were INSPIRED by God to write what they did. And so you know, I'm against gay marriage, but for Civil Unions. I have moral issues with homosexuality, but I don't think legislating is the way to deal with that.
  12. TheBigSwigg

    The Bible is literally true.

    They have faith, just dead faith. Dead faith means faith is alone, not that it doesn't exist....... according to James. ONE MORE TIME: The rules of faith apply to humans differently than they apply to demons and angels. Therefore the verse in James doesn't count for them the way that it would for us.
  13. TheBigSwigg

    Savage already gone from TNA

    Damn you Lazarus. Damn you. Side Note: Are you letting that Chipmunk light up so that he's more relaxed when he climbs in your ass?
  14. TheBigSwigg

    TNA News & Notes

    It would be interesting to see Hogan vs. Savage down the line. Not because it would be a good match, but because Savage has talked shit for soooo long that something needs to happen. This way, everyone loses. Just like TNA wants.
  15. TheBigSwigg

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    I think that $30 is a bit much for a 3-hour PPV when you were getting 6 hours a week for $30. They should make it around $25
  16. TheBigSwigg

    Do the Democrats need a makeover?

    There is actually precious little actual evidence to indicate that the gay marriage amendments helped Bush at all. Show me proof otherwise.
  17. TheBigSwigg

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    It's mostly because we've been watching TNA for a while, and have shown no ability to actually put on a competent show. The PPV sounds ok, though, and I'll download it to give it my own opinion. EDIT: Anyone know where I can DL this? My usual site is down.
  18. TheBigSwigg

    Banders Kennany

    if you're going to entertain me, i at least demand some more creative use of language. if you want me to respond to what you're actually saying, you need to step up with something that actually catches my attention. when you give me nothing to work with but "godthedoginsignificantassholerandomcliche," it doesn't really provoke a reaction, it just kind of makes me notice that you mentioned my name. your lack of style and anything noteworthy may amuse inc in a 'real world san diego' kind of way, but my standards are higher. not that i think you have any potential to really be anything substantial, but you can do better than you've been doing. try harder. but he's not different, that's the whole problem. he's a garden variety wwf folder lurker, only noticeable because he posts so much. I actually think he's trying to hard. If he'd just relax a bit, then he could come up with some better stuff. As it is he seems to be in too much of a hurry to reply.
  19. TheBigSwigg

    A question for you gents

    I didn't go to college for nothing.
  20. TheBigSwigg

    3000 posts

    Me next, Me next! More like "The Last Free Voice" What have I ever done to you to deserve THAT? ANd if your answer is "Post," then I understand. Yo Swiggy, You got SERVED~!
  21. TheBigSwigg

    Do the Democrats need a makeover?

    Mike, I'm not calling OR a fundamentalist state. What I'm saying, though, is that the amount of "Conservative Christians" and others came out in full force in those eleven states BECAUSE of that amendment. Without that amendment it's likely that OH would've went to Kerry. Not saying that it would've been impossible for Bush to win OH without it, but unlikely.
  22. TheBigSwigg

    A question for you gents

    Something like that. You know those crazy German's!
  23. TheBigSwigg

    I hate my computer

    ME? Ewwww, you're fucked. My old college roommate had ME on his computer, and it glitched in a new way every week.
  24. TheBigSwigg

    Do the Democrats need a makeover?

    Actually, it's like everyone who wanted a state constitutional amendment against gay marriage overruled the bunch of college kids.