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Everything posted by TheBigSwigg

  1. TheBigSwigg

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

  2. TheBigSwigg

    Memo meant for TheBigSwigg

    Do you know what this thread needs? MORE COWBELL *Hits LFV upside the head with a cowbell for being a dumbass*
  3. TheBigSwigg

    Mr. Clean no dry car wash

    I tried to wash the soon to be wife's car with it, and it didn't clean too well. Of course, she hadn't washed it for like a year before that. Women.
  4. TheBigSwigg

    Bush and Kerry are both evil

    Don't say that. Please don't say that. Saying that will ruin your existence on TSM
  5. TheBigSwigg

    Memo meant for TheBigSwigg

    Just glad to do my simple duty........nevermind.....that sounded too gay... HAHA, you're gay! (You know, somehow, my humor doesn't come across as well on the internet)
  6. TheBigSwigg

    Interview with...SHARK BOY!

    Does that make SharkBoy a fluffer? Oh where, oh where, has our Swiggy gone? It was a joke for WMD. Not you DK. Go give LFV a diving headbutt.
  7. TheBigSwigg

    New Pic of Batman

    I would have to agree. The Emblem should stand out stronger. Otherwise, I think it's ok. I would have to go with Dr. Tom saying it's not as good for YO, but I like it anyway.
  8. TheBigSwigg

    Interview with...SHARK BOY!

    Does that make SharkBoy a fluffer?
  9. TheBigSwigg

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    Jarrett and AJ get fairly equal time, it's just AJ's in the ring for a match, and Jarrett's is in the ring for an EL-KABONG~! Actually, that's just on IMPACT, but on the PPV's they're pretty equal.
  10. TheBigSwigg

    TNA's money match

  11. TheBigSwigg


    You know what's worse than the anti-smokers in this thread? THIS SHIT.
  12. TheBigSwigg

    New Pic of Batman

    Kind of reminds me of the Ross paintings.
  13. TheBigSwigg

    Triple HHH in Blade: Trinity

    Come on people. 4 posts. Everyone missed the obvious. I was waiting for that joke
  14. TheBigSwigg

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

    Would that make the rings on his necklace "fruit loops?"
  15. TheBigSwigg

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    As I stated earlier, Raven was NOT on the way out. If he was going to be on the way out, he would not have stayed for a feud with Jarrett. Every one else they've had for one offs and the like were short term and meant for short term. Hell, they gave Shamrock the title and I'm pretty sure Raven is more stable unsigned than Shamrock. More like 3 months. At most. Just enough to not catch on. And most people I know have completely forgotten K-Kwik, and the fact that he was once K-Krush in TNA. First off, most marks don't know AJ from you. So it doesn't matter where they put him. Secondly, Jarrett's 5 title reigns came when WCW was dying. As in when the ratings were below 3.0. Which means most people won't remember it, and didn't care. EDIT: Jacques, if you're going to sig someone give them credit. "some guy" and "some other guy" is extremely insulting. And WMD, I will credit you with my first sig, because I like you more at the moment.
  16. TheBigSwigg

    Regarding Name Changes

    At least AoO didn't name you Kotzenjunge. That would be such an insult to Kotz.
  17. HAHA! Swiggy: Wow, Coffey's name is funny Tack Monkey: Sho'nuff!
  18. *Waits for it while eating LFV's Cheetos*
  19. To what, though? I recommend THE GUY WHO USED THE SHOGUN PIC. It's original, and catchy.
  20. TheBigSwigg

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

    H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T. That picture makes him look as queer as a football bat. I'll never call you Elaine again.
  21. Ummm...... *Grabs Cheetos and runs*
  22. Start listening to Kylie Minogue.
  23. TheBigSwigg

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

    Really, Elaine, is it that bad? (Can't find the picture)
  24. TheBigSwigg

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    *bows to Coffey*
  25. TheBigSwigg

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

    Don't ever talk to anyone in TNA. They'll call you Elaine.