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Everything posted by TheBigSwigg

  1. TheBigSwigg

    TNA needs to get REAL music

    Since when was WCW brought into this discussion. I think you're trying to throw us off topic!
  2. Wait a minute, I don't even believe in JEEBUS!?! Seriously, though. The stigmata thing is more than likely going to happen. Because they stole the gimmick. That's right, I'm saying it again, and I'll say it in every single thread about Mordechai. They stole the gimmick.
  3. TheBigSwigg

    TNA needs to get REAL music

    I'm pretty sure Panda has their limits, and would see shelling out cash for music as a bit of overkill. I'm not sure they should go for mainstream acts either. I would just be happy if they had a better soundguy and music that wasn't obvious ripoffs of mainstream songs.
  4. TheBigSwigg

    JP Losman as a Buffalo Bill

    Especially with a Pro-Bowl tailback like Henry in the backfield. The guy played through broken ribs and you could hardly tell whenever he was given the ball. I hope they do better this year, though I hate McGahee.
  5. TheBigSwigg

    NFL Union Backs 3 Year Rule

    Tim Duncan? He's the first one that sprang to my mind, but look at the others. Zuh? I thought Duncan played 4 years at Wake Forest? I do believe he did graduate.
  6. TheBigSwigg


    It could've been ME, VR
  7. TheBigSwigg

    TNA needs to get REAL music

    Until TNA hits WWE levels, I don't think anyone will get anything but the crappy music they have now. This isn't necessarily because of the price of music, but because the only place they look is to the major labels. If they looked to independent labels, they might actually get one that will let them use their music for cheap, the only problem being that the Jarretts aren't quick enough to do that. Until they start MAKING money, we're stuck with tin can "reproductions" of real songs.
  8. Ticket prices for floor may run about $400, but I'd expect $500 or more for the first few rows (but you get a FREE CHAIR!!!).
  9. TheBigSwigg

    Should the gay gimmick be ridiculed

    Has everyone forgotten the unforgettable Lodi and Lenny in WCW?? They were a gay tag team before Chuck was even in WCW. They did it well, and the fans seemed to like it. Also, not quite sure about Gorgeous George being gay. I think he was more of a prima donna. I've only seen two matches with him in it, though, so I'm not necessarily an authority there.
  10. TheBigSwigg

    TNA needs to get REAL music

    I hope by gettting real themes, you mean music that doesn't sound like it came out of a can. Otherwise, you'll forever be disappointed.
  11. TheBigSwigg

    JP Losman as a Buffalo Bill

    I would have to say part of the problem last year was they let a large part of the team's success go elsewhere. Peerless Price, Jay Reimersma, and others. It was a stupid thing to do. Let's also not forget the #1 draft pick that didn't play at all last season.
  12. TheBigSwigg


    It's too much gimmick for any random viewer to understand. Not to mention that most of the gimmick was stolen from ATH/PTI. Poor Max, he was good on ATH.
  13. TheBigSwigg

    New Lance Storm Q & A

    Oh, cry me a fucking river. Are they still whining about this? He's not whining, he's answering the question Or aren't wrestlers allowed to have opinions on things anymore? *prepares to be bludgeoned* I agree with him completely. If the wrestlers don't even call each other by their real names, how dumb does it look when fans do it?
  14. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    I've got the man with the solution to the zombie problems, and here's the proof! He'll do anything for Vince McMahon, and now he's on my payroll and ready to chokeslam the zombies straight to hell! Side Note: SWAMP THING IS NOT QUEER! At least not in the comics. Bastard.
  15. TheBigSwigg

    In the Orlando area? Attend IMPACT!

    Ever been to a wrestling show in Orlando? Almost always great crowds. Ever heard a crowd from Universal Studios? Never hot. -=Mike Can you imagine what someone who doesn't watch wrestling at all that will stumble in there and think? Wait a minute, this ain't the Back to the Future Ride! Jeff Jarrett? This sucks.
  16. TheBigSwigg

    In the Orlando area? Attend IMPACT!

    NEGATIVITY?? In the TSM forums? NEVER!!
  17. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    I decided to bring my family along to help out Ash and the Ghostbusters.
  18. TheBigSwigg

    Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story DVD

    I would prefer that as an option. I hate watching the Cactus-Sabu and the Cactus-Sting matches on the Foley DVD because I have to hear Coach the whole match
  19. TheBigSwigg

    Sneak Peak photos of IMPACT! stage setup

  20. TheBigSwigg

    This Day in WWE History Thread

    This beats the shit out of WWE's TWISE
  21. TheBigSwigg

    Sneak Peak photos of IMPACT! stage setup

    I wonder how this will play out since they are filming it in a soundstage. Soundstages are typically soundproofed, so now the crowds will sound even more dead than in the Asylum.
  22. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    The moment Fred Durst was brought in, this thread sunk to new lows. I shall bring it lower by bringing the great evil of Courtney Love to flash all of you away! FLASH COURTNEY FLASH!!
  23. TheBigSwigg

    Which match should me the main event

    The ironic thing is that HHH was the one who wanted the title match to be the ME at WM X8 instead of Hogan/Rock. His mentality was that the title should be more important than the Hogan/Rock Icon vs Icon idea. Wonder what he's saying now?
  24. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Good kitty, good job. *Kitten points gun at Laz* Who's the fat kid now, huh? That's right.... *Kitten sees a bird and leaps out the window after it* Oh, shit.