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Everything posted by TheBigSwigg

  1. TheBigSwigg

    A Personal Message from Vince Russo:

    RUSSO JUST BEAT JARRET FOR THE TITLE!!!....Tune in next week to see the rematch, AGAIN!!!
  2. TheBigSwigg

    Tidbits and Rumors grain of salt stuff

    Since when has UPN been a "major network"?
  3. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Everybody's got a price, you know. And Scroby, for giving away my secrets you will now face the punishment! The Ultimate Warrior will now begin to tell you of the evils of being liberal, and how being conservative is more important than anything else. And just in case you try to run: My cat is watching
  4. TheBigSwigg

    A Personal Message from Vince Russo:

    Does this mean he won't be DOA anymore? Will there be an Erik Watts return soon?
  5. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    When it's all the underwear you have left, you do what you have to. Besides, your mom loved it.
  6. TheBigSwigg

    Should The Ultimate Warrior be inducted into...

    I agree. The Ultimate Warrior was SOOOOO much better than Harley Race. I mean, he ran to the ring, man. Did Harley Race ever do that? [/Warrior Mark]
  7. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    All I ask is that you quit throwing the Dorito's into the alligator pit. It's a perfectly good waste of Dorito's, and the alligators tried to eat my ass....literally
  8. TheBigSwigg

    June 2nd TNA Preview

    The title match looks sooooo screwed up. Who came up with this idea? It's novel, but I don't know how well it's going to work. And since when is it ROODE? people will be pronouncing it Rudy now. Great.
  9. TheBigSwigg

    OAO Thread: The Eddie Guerrero Story

    Here it was I thought JR couldn't get any worse
  10. TheBigSwigg

    HALLOWEEN HAVOC returns!

    I prefer the name I saw on the sign Monday Night "RAW is SUCK" Anyhow, I'll be glad when they bring Havoc back. It was always my favorite WCW PPV. Beats naming it Fully Loaded.
  11. TheBigSwigg

    Do you even care anymore...

    I'm at the point now where I watch it because I don't want to get away from it, but the show doesn't keep my attention at all. I used to get pissed when people talked while RAW was on, but now I'm talking. Everything I want to see gets screwed up, axed, or overdone to the point where I'm sick of it. HHH-HBK is way past done(bad), Benoit-Kane hasn't even started(bad no matter how you look at it), Tommy Dreamer retired(bad), Hurricane & Rosie are one of the best actual teams on RAW(bad), and Randy Orton hasn't defended the IC title to a legitimate contender in God knows how long(bad). Looks like he'll get Benjamin(good), but I'm still not as into that as I should be(bad). They're trying, but it's not working.
  12. TheBigSwigg

    Who is sick of Babyface Victoria?

    Damn you, you made me spit out my breakfast when I read that I'm amazed at how many people eat while reading this forum. Add me to the list of people who don't like face Victoria. It is pretty dumb to take everything likeable about her, and then dump it so she can shake that ass. At least someone's happy with it. **coughLAWLERcough**
  13. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    I'm just thanking God that NikJohns isn't mod in this forum By the way, found a picture of your girlfriend: your ex: and Mike handed over the pic of your mom: and damn you for bringing Vince McMahon into this, I would've never thought of that
  14. TheBigSwigg

    more on Sting to WWE

    Because that's smartmark kayfabe. 'Net is what everyone that isn't in the IWC is. I really hope that Sting doesn't show up in WWE. If he did, what would TNA have to put on their commercials?
  15. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    You're getting it now, Laz. I've called the big guns. When they didn't answer, I called the little guns. When they laughed at me, I had only one choice left: JEFF JARRETT Jeff Jarrett says: Corey Lazarus, prepare to be stroked!!! Now, I will hide in a corner, because Mike showed me the pictures of your family.
  16. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    I knew sooner or later, that picture would come back to haunt me. I'm sorry Laz, but I have absolutely no choice now. **Begins line dancing to achy breaky heart** IT'S ON!!!
  17. TheBigSwigg

    Favorite ECW Chants

    Pfft..."Boring" is far worse. No, "boring" indicates that the guys AREN'T putting on a good effort. "You fucked up" is usually done when a guy tries an insane spot and blows it. Heck, I HATED the "E-C-W" chants when guys did some insane spot. Jesus, give the PERFORMER a little credit once in a while. -=Mike ...Then again, ECW fans lost their right to look down on others when they nuts for Sid I always considered "You Fucked Up" as the fans saying "Thanks for trying. We'd ignore it, but it was way too obvious." I would say that the fans chanting that helped drive some of the workers to better matches.
  18. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    You have left me with no choice, Laz. I will now unleash on you the greatest evil known to our kind. Prepare yourself for..... DUTCH MANTEL!! Since you have canceled the show, I have no recourse but to tie you to a chair and force you to listen to Dutch Mantel's booking ideas....FOREVER MWUHAHAHAHAHA! Brought to you by Poop Cola
  19. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    Silly, silly, Mike. Your Terminatortubby has nothing on my ultra-cute HAMSTER OF DOOM!!!!! Prepare to cower in fear at the sight of ULTRA-PEEPI!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! **ULTRA-PEEPI STEPS ON EVERYONE'S TOES** HAHAHAHAHAHA
  20. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    This is quite possibly the greatest thred I've read since joining TSM.
  21. TheBigSwigg


    I think it would be smart of them to bring in...TAG TEAMS. They keep signing guys, then bringing them up as singles stars. Think of the tag teams they split from OVW: Conway & Dinsmore, and Seven & Bane. Then the guys they brought in from OVW in tag teams that weren't that way: Bashams. Hmm.... Anyhow, yes, I believe the hot tag is getting annoying as it's so overused and so predictable in every match. Rudo's formula is the same formula for every single tag match, even if they're booked back to back. It's boring and retarded.
  22. TheBigSwigg

    Will RVD ever be the wwe champion?

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I completely agree with Man of 1,004 Modes. He said exactly what I was going to say.
  23. TheBigSwigg

    NEWS on the Nwa Tna Video Game from E3 !

    I can't think of any company that could publish a wrestling game that would be any good...who makes the Mortal Kombat games? Did Williams go out of business/change their name/get bought out/merge? Because the only contenders I could see making a decent game would have already made one by now (Capcom, mostly, and they already made Saturday Night Slam Masters). Midway is the driving force behind Mortal Kombat. If they made a wrestling game, I would expect it to be like NBA Jam and all their other sports titles
  24. TheBigSwigg

    The next World Champion (Raw)

    The only chance Christian would have to get a title shot would be if he jumped to Smackdown. And I only say that because if they gave Bradshaw and Hardcore Holly title shots, it would only be a short amount of time until they gave it to Christian. As I see it now, Billy Gunn's in line next.
  25. TheBigSwigg

    The WWE Creative team drops the ball

    You contradicted yourself. Not quite....Double Negative! Which is what the Bashams new name should be EDIT: What the hell is wrong with me today?