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Everything posted by TheBigSwigg

  1. TheBigSwigg

    Jericho's book torn apart

    Wow, I could have almost guaranteed I'm the only guy, on this board, who has been to the Mouse's Ear. I wonder if he took home the 45 year old chain smoking stripper or the girl with the C-section scar and tattoo on her twat? I haven't actually been there, I just happened to be in line at the bank behind one of the strippers. I believe it would have been the chain smoker. Not someone worth seeing more of, that's for sure
  2. TheBigSwigg

    Jericho's book torn apart

    I can vouch that Morristown is not in a dry county. And dear God, anyone that goes near a stripper from Mouse's Ear needs some SERIOUS help.
  3. TheBigSwigg

    Script for Impact on 1/3/08 (with working link)

    First off, Lopez, TV Wrestling has been around as long as television has. Networks aired wrestling as programming from the get go because it was cheap. The show was already there, they just had to add cameras. Wrestling was tried on the radio, but if you can't see the action it would take an incredibly talented announcer to clearly translate what was going on for it to be interesting on radio. Secondly, what I think Jingus is trying to get across about scripting in a match is that you are taught when you learn to wrestle (if you learn from someone respectable) that you have to work with the crowd in creating a match. The match is a product to the reactions of the crowd. If you script out the match, then you're losing a lot of possible drama. Using the Team 3D/MCMG reference, if you tell 3D to work on Sabin, and the crowd that night doesn't happen to care about Shelley, then the hot tag is not going to be that hot. That's something you can't establish before the actual show. What we don't know is how much leeway TNA gives their workers in going off the script. Either way, it's not the best way to shoot a wrestling show. Said by someone with experience in broadcasting and a bit in wrestling. As for being the cameraman/director, it's just like any other sport. Over time you get used to how the action flows and you start to pick up on where to go to get the best shots. If you're a good cameraman or director, that is.
  4. TheBigSwigg

    A late night MSN conversation

    If you look at my post real closely, you'll see a sailboat. It's a schooner! Haha, moron. It's a sail boat. A schooner is a sailboat, stupidhead
  5. TheBigSwigg

    A late night MSN conversation

    If you look at my post real closely, you'll see a sailboat. It's a schooner!
  6. TheBigSwigg

    Impact spoilers (airs December 20th)

    geniusMoment: We are Not Amused
  7. TheBigSwigg

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    According to PWInsider, ROH & TNA are going head to head in Dayton on January 25. TNA will be at the Hobart Arena in Troy, while ROH will be at their usual venue at the Fairgrounds.
  8. TheBigSwigg

    Pictures I Like

  9. TheBigSwigg

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    I see no problem with this. She may very well get that WM Women's Title/Playboy push this coming year. I think that's a little dumb. I thought being with Balls made Kelly more attractive, as you could pretend that she would be ok with dating a fat slob.
  10. TheBigSwigg

    The Dark Knight

    "Fucking Arnold and George Clooney, man!"
  11. TheBigSwigg

    Ridiculous new rules for wrestling in Georgia

    I just realized that these rules allow the state commission's representative the right to prevent a wrestler from working if the wrestler doesn't wear "appropriate attire," which includes "clean apparel." I guess that means we'll never see Balls Mahoney in GA again. Theoretically, though, that could include John Cena, Raven, and anyone else who wears something other than "tights" to the ring.
  12. TheBigSwigg

    WWE/USA network update

    From what I've read, Vince wanted to bring Foley back for the ME at WM, and Kreski was the one who pushed for Tazz, only to have McMahon shoot down Kreski's idea because Taz wasn't "big enough." Another angle in which Vince changed the ending. This is also when Steph started the booking.
  13. TheBigSwigg

    WWE/USA network update

    Turner was pushed out from his position at Time Warner several years ago. His being pushed out is part of why WCW was removed from TBS & TNT. TBS is no longer "Turner Broadcasting System" as it once was, it's just "TBS." It's a network focused around mediocre sitcoms and "comedy." TNT is no longer "Turner Network Television," it's just TNT, and its focus is on drama. Neither network would feature wrestling. Period. The only networks supposedly interested in wrestling right now are Fox's networks. Other than that, no one cares. Wrestling is nowhere near what it used to be.
  14. TheBigSwigg

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Jesus didn't kill anyone. People, manipulative deceitful ones mind you, decided centuries later to use his name to justify their murders.
  15. TheBigSwigg

    Sandman Released :(

    I think you mean "Walk" instead of "Respect." I would be really confused if RVD came out to Aretha Franklin
  16. TheBigSwigg

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    What an idiot. It never fails to surprise me how many Christians consider the idea of Seperation of Church & State a negative.
  17. TheBigSwigg

    I feel like a Canadian!

    You're assuming that they're smart.
  18. TheBigSwigg

    I feel like a Canadian!

    I've been working for a Med School all summer. Most of the students come from a lifestyle WELL above comfortable, and I would LOVE to see them have to earn something for once.
  19. TheBigSwigg

    "An insane amount of ranch please."

    Ketchup on hot dogs over the age of 8 is a capital offense in the world of hot dogs. Though I did find a great combo, yellow mustard on a chili dog with diced onions...Thank you Pink's in LA. Definitely Chicago Dogs are great too That's a Skyline Coney. Although, it is usually topped with shredded cheddar. With all due respect, Hawk, Chili dogs in Southwest Ohio and Chili Dogs most everywhere else are VERY different. When I moved from Tennessee to Ohio, I was STOKED to see Chili themed restaurants. Until I ate at them. Then I was disgusted.
  20. TheBigSwigg

    Need help/opinion on graphic novels

    I'd be wary of using Preludes & Nocturnes, because of the nature of the first few issues. Especially if you're in a overly religious area of Texas. My mom got one glance at the first page and proclaimed it "The Devil From Hell." You'd be better off using the "Shakespeare" issues. A Midsummer Nights Dream, especially. It's award winning, and you can use that as justification if you ever hit problems. Keep in mind that there are lots of parents who have issues with nudity & "satanic imagery" when making your choices. Especially since it is a charter school.
  21. TheBigSwigg

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Where did those notes/rumors come from? I'm assuming WON, but Mecca never gave a source
  22. TheBigSwigg

    Transformers The Movie

    About the plothole/lazy writing when it comes to Frenzy becoming a cell phone & Bumblebee becoming the new Camaro: It's bad writing because they didn't clearly define the rules of the universe. I accepted right off the bat that they could scan for new alternate modes just like Beast Wars. The problem is that they shouldn't be able to change the alternate mode at will. That's a change in the rules of the universe from previous incarnations of Transformers, and that would be ok if they declared it. Science Fiction only works well when you clearly define the rules of the universe the action takes place in. They didn't do that. Now I've said all I'm going to say about that. As for Megatron/Starscream from G1: I've always felt that Megatron kept Starscream around because he knew what to expect with him. An example of keeping your friends close and enemies closer, if you will. Galvatron wasting Starscream in the movie was, to me, because Starscream dumped Megatron into space and left him for dead. Sure Starscream had done similar before, but there was always someone like Soundwave to help out.
  23. TheBigSwigg

    Transformers The Movie

    I'm of the opinion that when you're paid good money to do your job, you do it right. I believe that a screenwriter, and I've lived with one, should have a high priority of ensuring that there aren't MAJOR plotholes in their film. The fact that Frenzy's head magically turned into a cellphone combined with Bumblebee becoming a 2009 Camaro are in fact major plotholes. So major, in fact, that my eight year old Brother in Law caught them. THAT is lazy screenwriting. Simple exposition makes up for that
  24. TheBigSwigg

    Transformers The Movie

    Exactly what I have been saying. But everyone keeps saying "You shouldn't expect good writing from a Micheal Bay movie!" BULLSHIT. The two guys who wrote the script got paid more for their crappy writing than what I'll make for the next 5 years. I should expect better regardless of who's directing.