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Hawkius Maximus

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Everything posted by Hawkius Maximus

  1. Hawkius Maximus

    UFN 16 - Fight for the Troops

    ...I don't think it was the fact that he couldn't take a punch. I think it was the fact that he couldn't take a thousand punches in rapid succession.
  2. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    ...I went back to Megaton and didn't see Jericho... I'm over the NPC army thing. It's becoming more trouble then it's worth. For one, the pathfinding for NPC's SUCKS. I'll be crossing the wastes, and not doing anything outrageous like leaping off cliffs or even going up on rocks, and I'll suddenly notice that the NPC's aren't behind me. For whatever reason, they split up. So I either have to go looking for them, or wait a staggering amount of time for them to filter to me. Dogmeat died due to him deciding to solo a Yau Goai while I wasn't looking. I didn't reload...because quite frankly, Dogmeat's pretty much useless. The IDEA is good, but Dogmeat is way too weak to be so aggressive. There's no real reason to have him, honestly. Then I lost the other NPC's when I went to Evergreen Mills (Or whatever it's name is). We cleared out the raiders easily, and I thought, "Hey, I'll kill this Behemoth in the cage! Easy XP!"...and then Clover went and opened the fucking cage. USING HER SWORD. Why? I DON'T KNOW. She steals all the ammo and weapons I get and she's set to ranged. Yet she INSISTS on using her sword. The Behemoth basically squashed her into paste. Then he charged Sargent RL-4 (Despite me doing assloads of damage. This is annoying) and RL put up a good fight, but was taken out. The Behemoth then went after Charon, but Charon showed some actual AI as he basically began to run away while firing at it while I finished it off. If Bethesda would patch in even one of the following three things, they'd be halfway useful at higher game. 1) A leveling system. NPC's are locked when you get them. They should level. Say...every two levels. That'd mean if you got Jericho at Level 1, by Level 20, he'd have gained ten levels. At that point, he'd be as strong as the PC (Or Fawkes) and actually be able to hold his own. The relative placement in the game would prohibit power leveling. By the time you get to Underworld, or the Brotherhood of Steel, or Raven Rock, you'd be somewhat far in level keeping the NPC's around where they should be by end of game. 2) Better AI. The use of actual tactics would be wonderful. Nothing extreme, but what Charon did basically. Knowing he was against a Behemoth, he actually used some intelligence and ran away while shooting. Clover & Sargent? Not so much. This would also go with pathfinding, because jesus god that's annoying. 3) Better use of Stimpacks. This one quite frankly annoys me. I give the NPC's quite a few stimpacks. And despite them taking a massive shot and not going down, THEY WILL NOT HEAL. What's the point of the system? After a battle, they auto go up to full. So if you can give them stimpacks, why the fuck won't they use them? Another one would be to SIGNIFICANTLY nerf the aggro that comes off the NPC. No matter what kind of damage you do to the enemy, they will almost always target the NPC's. Basically turning the game into a freaking rush to save them because against Deathclaws, you *Know* that they don't have a shot. I ended up reloading my game...but if it happens again, I'm just leaving them. The only reason I didn't, is because I realized that on his own, Charon would end up dead sooner or later. Due to the pisspoor AI, he'd go try to solo a Deathclaw or something and get eviserated without the other NPC's to save him. And I didn't wanna fire him.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPbLjcV6t4w...feature=related Crappy, but it's hard to get any kind of good version. Alot of dipshits took the first fifteen seconds and just looped it. It's Lance Cade's last theme (Swagger used the pure instrumental for a few weeks), but they added lyrics to it directed to Swagger.
  4. Hawkius Maximus

    UFN 16 - Fight for the Troops

    I guess I should clarify then. I don't have a problem with UFC running so much from a personal standpoint. I'm a fan. I'll watch. But from a business standpoint, it's a fucking insane thing UFC's doing. If it works out for them, super, but I have a feeling running so goddamn much is going to not only hurt these two special's ratings, but it's gonna effect their buyrates. Brock/Randy was already below expectations. I can see the next two including GSP/Penn being hurt by all this as well. This is why I said the worst enemy UFC has is itself. They'll of course "carny" it by claiming it's the economy if that does happen though.
  5. Hawkius Maximus

    UFN 16 - Fight for the Troops

    I don't JUST watch UFC. I've already watched K-1 WGP which went four+ hours. Before that I watched the S-Cup. On NYE I'll be watching DYNAMITE if it airs, and then on the 4th, hopefully Sengoku. If you can sit there and watch every single MMA show that comes on and enjoy yourself, then that's great. But not everyone can do that. And from a sheer business stance, there is something as too much. People aren't going to buy every PPV. They aren't going to watch every TV Special. They aren't going to watch every show. It's called over saturation. And UFC's border lining it. There's too much. And when you do too much, you end up running halfassed shows with the occasional huge one. This UFN is a good example. A pretty weak card that they'd probably never have done if they didn't have so much else going on.
  6. Hawkius Maximus

    UFN 16 - Fight for the Troops

    UFC/Zuffa's biggest enemy is their own over activity. The amount of UFC shows and TV programming can be really excessive. This month's the worst I can ever remember. You have all the usual stuff like Unleashed...Throw in a WEC live special. Then throw in TUF episodes. Then throw in TWO live specials within days of each other. Then add a PPV. Thankfully, they take roughly a month off before they do GSP/Penn. Too much. Way too much stuff. One, two events per month is fine, but this is insane.
  7. Jack Swagger's latest is one you should keep an eye out for. You can find the instrumental verison on Youtube easily enough, but his current has lyrics by someone who sounds eerily like Rage Against The Machine's front man. I'd kill to find that.
  8. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    I have. Outcast Power Armor, the worst of the three...but I can't afford to piss off the Brotherhood, and my game hasn't spawned the Enclave yet. If they were in regular armor, they'd have died many times over.
  9. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    She doesn't work too well when you're the devil incarnate. Or as the game calls me right now, "Harbringer of War". Plus, I don't think Fawkes is too viable a companion. You have to go deep into the main story to get her. Once you get her, she'll murder everything, but it's the whole "getting there" first thing.
  10. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    Charon in general seems to be glitched. I've read that you can have him with Star Cross, and Fawkes. So, even without glitching if you're good you could have an NPC army. NPC's would be much better if they used some kind of tactics. I had some of them die on me last night. I ended up in Old Olney, and the Deathclaws were too much for them. Clover for some odd reason began just running into enemies with her sword. Not good with Deathclaws. They don't seem to have any real strategy for battle beyond "shoot them". And since they don't level, high level enemies can fuck them up pretty quick. So I eventually just got the hell out of there after I reloaded.
  11. Hawkius Maximus

    De La Hoya vs Pacquiao

    I'm not coming to troll the thread, or anything...but I'm watching this *Stream FTW* and...I don't get it. If you bought this, doesn't it piss you off that they are just TALKING during this while there's a fight going on? I guess it's because I come from MMA, but this just seems...weird. If this was TV, that's one thing, but this is PAY PER VIEW. And you can't view the fight!
  12. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    I've completely broken Fallout 3 with all these companions. On one hand, it's very fun, but on the other hand it's not a challenge anymore. I may up the difficulty to the highest and see what happens. Yao Guai can't even get close to me. Clover, Charon, Sargent RL-4, Dogmeat and I just rape them with attacks. On my own with the Plasma Rifle I got, I can kill Raiders in one shot, so it's like a walking army of death at this point. If there's one weakness to the army, is that in tight corridors they can get stuck...but at some point they'll free themselves. Or simply loading a new location does it. I did "THOSE!" and it was a piece of cake. WIth my build, I probably coulda done it pretty easily, but with all these companions the Fire Ants were nothing. It was amazing how easily I could do it. Out of all the NPC's I've had, Sargent RL-4 is by far the funniest. His quotes are fucking hilarious. Some include: "Kill them all! Let God sort it out!" and "Take that, you damn commie!" and of course, "It's a good day to be in this man's army!" He'll occasionally yell out "HOORAH~!" too. Charon's somber and tactical. Clover's psychotic and protective (She always seems to stay closer to me then any other NPC...I think they might have programed her that way), Dogmeat's completely devoted and always eager to fight...Sargent RL-4 seems to be really, really enjoying himself.
  13. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    The Companion glitch is where you've got the one companion...You want another. You fire the current companion, and immediately hire the other. Then before the NPC tries to speak to you (You buy Clover from Eulogy or Sargent RL-4 from Tinker Joe), you speak to the old companion and they will join you. You have to be quick though. Because if the new NPC speaks to you, it'll close the glitch. After that it's gravy. Dogmeat works outside of the cap though...but if Dogmeat dies, you get a free companion slot due to the companion slot not closing. You can find more info on the Fallout 3 wiki.
  14. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    I turned myself Neutral and grabbed Sargent RL-4...I think I'm pushing the glitch a WEEE BIT too far. I then started eliminating Arefu for no reason, but the game crashed. So...you may not wanna do four companions. I will continue to test. I'm having some difficulty moving around...But in theory, outside of a Behemoth, there shouldn't a goddamn thing in the game that can possibly kill my army. Charon, power armor & his shotgun + Clover with power armor & a Laser Rifle + Sargent RL-4 with his laser weapon and FLAMETHROWER = DEATH. FYI: Charon joins at any karma. Clover, you have to be evil but will stay at any karma, and Sargent RL-4, you have to be neutral, but I read will stay at any karma. The key to the last two, is don't kick them out or else you have to get the karma. Dogmeat joins at any karma.
  15. Hawkius Maximus

    Fallout 3

    I'm finally back into playing Fallout 3...I've tried off and on with various games since I finished my one, but I couldn't do it. My character is a level 11 evil as fuck Energy Gun user...I've got the A...number...Plasma Rifle which does batshit damage. I also used the companion glitch to get Charon and Clover, along with Dogmeat. So I'm leading an army. If you want a difficult game, I do not recommend you do that. Having two incredibly buffed out companions and Dogmeat is like leading Raiders and shit to the slaughter. You can't control them well either. However, unlike with one companion, when they run off to kill shit by themselves, the two cover each other. So instead of it being one person (Or a dog) being swarmed when they ran into a room, it's all three essentially sweeping and clearing as they go. Add in my one-shotting Super Mutants, and you have a deadly group. One thing I really like, is because I'm so evil I'm seeing things I didn't first go around...A great example is Paradise Falls. Instead of having to earn entry, I basically said, "Bitch do you know who I am?" and they let me in. And now they pay tribute to me every time I visit to appease me and keep me from blowing them the fuck up. Great stuff.
  16. Hawkius Maximus

    Japanese MMA Thread

    I will be up for K-1. I've very much looked forward to it, as I do every year. I am picking Bonjasky to win the tournament this year.
  17. Hawkius Maximus

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I'd favor Kenny over Diego, personally. Diego only originally beat Kenny due to the huge size disadvantage and the fact that Kenny was still raw. Diego's shown no real discernible improvement in quite some time. Kenny? Kenny improves by leaps and bounds every time he fights. I really don't see what Diego would have better then Kenny at 155. Strength, I suppose. I'd say Kenny's stand up is far more developed then Diego's at this point. Kenny works angles, he uses strategy. Diego just bulldozes. I can't see that working that well with Kenny. Kenny's like...a exciting Lyoto Machida in the way he strikes standing, really. On the ground, it'd depend on who got control probably...both are very strong, but thus far, Kenny's top game is virtually a death sentence. In none of his last few fights, has anyone really come close to escaping him if he's on top. That's very impressive. He's gotten all his last few fights down at some point, and controlled them. In the case of Lauzon and Stevenson, it was their death knell. The only chance I'd give Diego at this point, if he got Kenny down, and somehow kept Kenny from sweeping him. That or rocking Kenny's chin. That's about it, really.
  18. Hawkius Maximus

    Persona 4

    I'm incredibly anal about voice acting. I can't stand most English VA's at all. I'm one of those folks. Original Japanese VA work just has more gravitas. It's a bigger industry, with more standards of what's expected. Here, it seems like anyone with a funky voice can do VA work. This being PS2 basically makes it a lock I'll check it out at some point though.
  19. Hawkius Maximus

    Persona 4

    I downloaded Persona 3 UNDUB...Mainly because the idea of Undubbing fascinates me. The game is fun. I was having alot of fun with it. But early on, I had no idea WTF I was doing and by the time I was at, I was pretty under leveled. There's nothing worse in an RPG then that. Plus, that game had fatique systems, and day to day plots. I started to feel like I was about to be executed by the game if I didn't get leveled fast enough...but I wasn't strong enough to get past the boss of the level in...whatsthatplace. So...I was kind of stuck. Fight weaker enemies for small XP, or keep trying in a battle I couldn't fucking win. So, as usual, I just moved on. What system is this for? If it was PS2 and an UNDUB came out, I'd probably give this a shot. I can't fucking stand English VA's most of the time though.
  20. Hawkius Maximus

    The Ultimate Fighter: Noguiera vs Mir

    ...I think that just spoiled who wins this fight. ...Super.
  21. Hawkius Maximus

    UFC 93: Franklin vs. Henderson

    I think this show suffers from what I will dub the "Anderson Silva syndrome". Meaning, I don't care about these two fighting because Silva murdered them both so easily and decisively. Neither should get a title fight with Silva again, and if they fight at LHW for the title...so what? They still were murdered by Anderson Silva. The semi main event doesn't do much for me. If Shogun's knee isn't something that will hurt him fighting, he should murder Coleman like he should have years ago. But Shogun's knee has been an issue trying tocome back. That could help Coleman. Either way...neither gains really. Shogun beats Coleman...well, so what? He beat an old man. Coleman beats Shogun...Well, so what? You'll be retiring pretty soon anyway. I am a cold, cold human being.
  22. Hawkius Maximus

    ECW on SciFi, December 2, 2008

    ...What. ECW's the most consistently good show week in week out. Good solid wrestling. Storylines that make sense. Rising up and comers. What more could you want?
  23. Hawkius Maximus

    The Great TSM Wrestling Survey

    General Interest Questions 1. Who are you and what's your business here? I've been here before many of the people that are "established". I stick mainly to the MMA folder these days. J00 may call me Hawk52 since someone else is claiming the name Hawk as well. 2. When did you discover an interest in wrestling? I was born into it. My entire family watched wrestling, and my Grandfather would hold me on his knee before I was even one and watch wrestling. Never had a period where I wasn't a fan, ever. 3. The Company Line: A. Which companies have you actively followed in your tenure as a wrestling fan? B. What have some of your favorite companies been? Your least favorite? (In theory, your answer can be the same - if you were growing up a fan of the technical wrestling WCW brought to the table but thought the end of the line for them was some of the worst television this side of My Mother The Car, that's cool). C. What is your favourite company right now? Any reason why? A: Well, considering I was born in 1986 the only promotions I can say for that period are WWF(E), WCW, and ECW. Since about 2000 I've been into Japanese Pro wrestling, so i guess you can add New Japan, All Japan, NOAH, DRAGON GATE, etc, etc. B: WCW. I was loyal until they died. I still have many old shows, and occasionally I'll grab a classic one. Never anything past 1998 though. It got pretty bad. I'm a pretty big DRAGON GATE fan. Not as big as others, but pretty big. Been a fan for years now. I watch what I want from NJPW, AJPW, NOAH, and those feds but I'm not hardcore about them. I generally watch every big match they have. I'm actually a pretty big fan of classic All Japan Woman's now. I didn't even really know about "Joshi" before AJW died, but going back through their shows and matches they were probably legitimately the greatest wrestling promotion to ever exist workrate (and possibly drawing power) wise. They once ran a Tokyo Dome show that legit sold out and went TEN HOURS. If you count MMA, I was a hardcore PRIDE fan. Never been half as hardcore about any other promotion, UFC included. C: I guess DRAGON GATE would go here. 4. (Not So) Favourites: A. Who were your favourite wrestlers (or gimmicks) growing up / when you first started watching wrestling? B. Who were some guys you couldn't stand? C. Who are your current favourites (if applicable / different from A.) D. There was a 4th question here, but it basically ripped off the entire premise of a thread (or more than one thread, in theory) that already exists in General. A: There's a few that stand out as a little kid. Hulk Hogan, obviously. The Ultimate Warrior. I was pretty big into both. I was a big Sting fan and to a lesser degree Macho Man. I was never one of those kids that didn't like heels. I liked them all. As for ones that aren't "normal", I was always a big fan of The Great Muta. I thought he was about as cool a wrestler there could be. And I turned into a huge mark for Big Van Vader. I still am of his classic work. B: I liked all Pro-Wrestlers. But if I had to say, probably anyone WWE brought in around 1995 with those silly gimmicks. I don't remember barely any of them and I know I watched the shows. C: Current favorites...Tough one. By favorites, I'm equating it to someone I'd tune in to see. Edge kind of has that effect, but then I quit watching because Smackdown sucks. Hiroshi Tanahashi is the only other person I can think of. Specific Questions about your Interest 5. How would you gauge your current interest level in the product? Do you still get butterflies of excitement that make you look forward to upcoming PPVs? Did you ever? Do you watch every televsied wrestling program live, or just a few - and FF'd via DVR at that? If you consider right now to be the most interested in wrestling you've ever been, the rest of the questions in this section can be skipped over. A. This one's a bit hard. I watch Raw and ECW...I only watch Smackdown when it interests me. I skip Impact altogether. I occasionally watch Triple A. I download shows for the Japanese feds. I occasionally get legit feelings from wrestling, but they are few and far between. John Cena returning at RR...CM Punk's title win...Outside of these events engineered to shock I can't think of anything. Flair's retirement invoked real emotion from me, but I dunno who it didn't to. All I look for in shows these days is that they make SENSE. That doesn't happen much anymore in any promotion. Anywhere. 6. At what point in wrestling history (if it's not now) would you consider your interest to have been at it's peak? When were you compelled to watch every second of televised wrestling AND shell out money on PPVs, get excited about the release of video games, have TV/PPV parties with friends, etc. A. Never bought many PPV's. Never was rich enough for that. Probably around...1995-1997 for me. WCW was incredibly hot. NWO was on fire. And I really don't remember liking WWF even when they started the attitude era. It was all WCW for me. I remember when WCW/NWO World Tour was coming out. I was *OBSESSED* to play that...and I didn't even own a N64. 7. At what point could you tell your interest was dipping and why do you think this happened, or what specific event(s) triggered the decrease? Was there anything even specific? Just a gradual interest loss of interest? Retirement (or death) of a favourite? A boring title reign on SmackDown in the Summer of 2004? A. WCW's death started it. I lost all interest for awhile. WWE will do something every so often that pisses me off, but never enough that I've said "fuck wrestling". 8. Have you ALWAYS stuck with wrestling even during times of low interest, or are there any lengths of time you stopped watching for a period only to come back at a later date? A. As soon as I discovered Japanese Pro-Wrestling, I never have given up. Why? If WWE annoys me enough, I don't watch it. But there's enough variety for anyone that you can find something to watch. You just have to look and have an open mind. Most people don't have that. 9. If applicable, at what point did you decide to pack in the wrestling fandom? A. Never did. Interesting Questions of a Somewhat Random Nature 10. What style of pro wrestling best resonates with your personal tastes? Has it always been this way, or have your tastes changed over time? A. I consider there to be only a few “true" differences in styles. There's American & Japanese Pro-Wrestling. Lucha Libre. Joshi. European. And Worked Shoot. All other forms of pro-wrestling fall within these five categories. As for which I like best...Obviously traditional pro-wrestling. Although if I had to choose, I'd take a tag of Dynamite Kansai and Mayumi Ozaki vs. Manami Toyota and Kyoko Inoue over anything else in Pro-Wrestling in a second. 11. Where do you "draw the line" with the whole "suspended disbelief" deal? Do you tell critics to "relax because it's just wrestling and you should enjoy the matches" (aka TNA fans about everything that happens on Impact!), do you come up with solutions that the writing team didn't bother to think about but you figure "it's there if you read between the lines" (aka "WWE Apologists"), somewhere inbetween, or do you take your greatest joy in watching wrestling to deconstruct everything that makes no sense? A. I look at Pro-Wrestling as art. Specifically the wrestling. I look for little touches, storylines, and psychology. Good spots help too, as long as they don't get whacked out. As for what I dislike...I dislike matches that have fifty thousand pinfalls. The only exception is DRAGON GATE since they move at fucking warp speed. I dislike shows that feel like the same match over and over (ROH fits here often). I used to despise no-selling limb work, but I've gotten over it now. I'm not a "workrate only" type of person since I enjoy good booking. Poor booking can anger me. Which happens. Alot. Wrestling is a form of theatre. I don’t believe in kayfabe, nor do I believe in “protecting the business”. I think if Pro-Wrestling was more open about it being a form of athletic theatre it would be far more popular here. So I never suspend disbelief. It is what it is. 12. Do you attend live events? And more specifically, do you get a thrill out of big arena shows, do you prefer the smaller 'intimate' settings of the local indy show, or would you rather forget the whole thing and watch everything unfold on your HDTV without dealing with 'the marks'? A. I've never had a chance to. The few times WWE's been here, I haven't had the money to go. I don't think I'd really enjoy it though. Or if I did, it's ruin my ability to view it rationally and critically. 13. If applicable, what are the best and worst experiences you've had going to a show live? A. None. 14. What are your favourite matches, moments, or events? A. One moment I've always had a fond moment for is the "Commercial Break Match Ending" WCW used one time. For years, you'd hear "Fans if the match ends during the break we'll show you what happened!" and it would NEVER happen. Yet one time, in a tag squash (I believe) with Larry Zbysko and Arn Anderson the match *actually ended* in the break. They "broke" the jobber's arm with a flying knee strike. That's always stood out to me as a cool device. Another moment was the NWO Beatdown in the back on WCW early on where Nash lawndarted Rey. It had an unpredictability to it. No one knew what was happening. It was incredibly well done, and it left you wanting to see revenge. Plus, the WCW guys were shown as couragious (Since, ya know, they were faces) when they refused to backdown to the NWO. Highlighted by Rey's fearless plancha, despite paying for it. 15. Freestyle I got nothing. I like to think I view Pro-Wrestling differently then most do, so I'll be interested to see what people think of this. I’ve thought about reviewing shows/matches in my free time, but I don’t have the energy to do it.
  24. Hawkius Maximus

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    There wouldn't be a "finally" behind that statement if Fedor had decided to punch him a few more times. Anyway, I feel bad for Sylvia really. The guy wants to be respected, and loved so badly. I can't see K-1 or Sengoku booking him. He has even less drawing power in Japan then he does in the US. Sylvia really needs to just kiss and make up with UFC at this rate. Even though I don't think he'd ever win the title again. He'd atleast be on the main stage again.