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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Final Destination 3 poster

    He's not listed on IMDB...which is too bad
  2. Youth N Asia

    Final Destination 3 poster

    The opening crash in 2 was the only tense part of the entire movie...otherwise every single death was actually pretty funny. Everyone was laughing at the theater
  3. Youth N Asia

    Post Your Jack-O-Lantern

    I suck at pumpkin carving
  4. Youth N Asia

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    I was badass at that game, fun fun fun. Although when I was a youngin' I was annoyed it wouldn't let you put in curse words for the names.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Smallville Season 5 Thread

    F*CKING PISTONS! Anyway, here's a bump for the rest of yous
  6. Youth N Asia

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    I was an RPG dork back in the day, and the SNES was the very best for those. Nothing else came close.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    I LOVED that game. And I'm glad to see more love for the TG13. Keith Courage represent!
  8. Youth N Asia

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    I understand that the Gameboy is probably hands down the best invention for video games ever. It's far and away the biggest selling system ever when you add up the different variations. Pretty well done actually, they repackage it different every few years and sell it all over again. I could have probably nudged the 2600 onto my list in the 10 spot, it was a toss up really. But SNES is without a doubt the greatest system ever, in my opinion anyway/
  9. Youth N Asia


    *Gasp* I'm all straight edge and shit, just read my myspace profile
  10. Youth N Asia

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    I just picked up a Dreamcast with 5 games, a vmu, and 3 controllers for $30. I really regretted getting rid of mine years ago.
  11. Youth N Asia


    So um...now what do we do?
  12. Youth N Asia

    Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

    F Fliter, the N64 wasn't even one of my top 5 systems. My list 10. TurboGRFX-16 9. Nintendo 64 8. X-Box 7. Sega Genesis 6. Sony Playstation 5. Sega Dreamcast 4. Sony Playstation 2 3. Nintendo Entertainment System 2. Sega Master System 1. Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  13. Youth N Asia

    JUSTICE by Alex Ross

    I haven't read comic books in years. When I was reading I always read the books Ross was working on.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Non-Spoilers

    I forgot Smackdown was on AGAIN last week...that's 4 weeks in a row now. And this week doesn't look like it'll be stictched in my memory either.
  15. Youth N Asia

    The Rock Comments on HBK

    Maybe Rocky's worried that Shawn might be the only one on the roster that could upstage him. And the other way around.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Favorit Monty Python Skit

    I liked Twit of the Year and Worldwide Hide and Seek
  17. Youth N Asia

    Lost Rhapsody

    Saw the yesterday, amusing
  18. Youth N Asia

    Smallville Season 5 Thread

    The kid that did the Flash was alright, probably helped that they weren't going for just a look. And yeah, he sucked, but we're unlikely to see much more of him, so I'm not worried. I missed the first two eps of the season and have only caught the last two. I hope this season is better than last.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Non-spoiler Smackdown/Velocity listings

    Looks like another forgetable show. I haven't watched Smackdown in almost a month, I keep forgetting it's on
  20. Youth N Asia

    Nightmare on Elm Street DVD set, $37.99 at Target

    Yeah, being that Friday is $50 anywhere, but Nightmare is basicaly 1/3 of the price it was a few years ago
  21. $37.99 till Saturday, then it goes back up...two bucks. I paid Almost $70 for mine 2 years ago at Walmart, and that's when Best Buy had them for $100+
  22. Youth N Asia

    Horror Update

    I didn't care too much for Cabin Fever, but I would like to check out something else by Eli Roth. I'd be willing to give him another shot.
  23. Youth N Asia

    The Nip/Tuck season 3 thread

    I still don't even like the idea of the Carver being a regular character
  24. Youth N Asia

    Nightmare on Elm Street DVD set, $37.99 at Target

    ALSO...3D glasses are included
  25. Youth N Asia

    Nightmare on Elm Street DVD set, $37.99 at Target

    and the other side has Freddy in his hat. Whle the spines of the DVDs go together for another picture of Freddy