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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    What do you look like... (Pages 1 2 3 ...73 )

    I'm a myspace dork. If you wanna see me pop over there. http://www.myspace.com/youthnasia
  2. Youth N Asia

    My Name Is Earl

    Looks like a Tuesday, and the FX stuff comes on later, so I'll definatly check it out. Jason Lee on TV sounds like it should work.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Land of the Dead DVD

    Ugh, why? It's not like it made enough the first time through
  4. Youth N Asia

    The weekly box office top 10

    The Brothers Grimm was all kinds of awful...I will not miss that one when it leaves the top 10
  5. Youth N Asia

    Help me with TNA matches...

    I just watched those the other day. Sabin vs Joe is great. Puts Joe over well as a monster but doesn't make Sabin look like a bitch or anything. I hope they put Joe/AJ on Demand soon
  6. Youth N Asia


    We should have a season 2 thread, let new people get into it easier
  7. Youth N Asia

    Bob Denver

    But what's really important here... Did anyone have him in the death pool?
  8. Youth N Asia

    Vince and Shane McMahon

    I HATE Shane as a wrestler. It just seemed selfish to me for him to have a match, take a dumb bump, and then not work again for 6 months. Everyone talks about his spot while the other guys still have to wrestle a couple hundred more times that year. If RVD had to work three times a year then you can bet he'd pull out some amazing tricks.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    LOST season 1
  10. Youth N Asia

    Happy birthday, Mole

    WE LOVE YOU MAN! *big hugs*
  11. The Brothers Grimm...I'm not giving it a score, BUT IT SUCKED ASS!
  12. Youth N Asia

    IMPORTANT: Concerning TSM's Future

    So uh, yeah...when do I get to be a mod?
  13. Youth N Asia


    Sale prices for season 1 of Lost this week TAGET: $37.99 BEST BUY: $34.99 with an extra disk CIRCUIT CITY: $39.99 and you get $5 off a cd with the purchase
  14. Youth N Asia

    Your ROH MOTY

    I thought Dragon has the much better match with Aries over the May Doubleshot midwest weekend. The Gibson match was decient, but I didn't think it was great. Mine would have to be Punk vs Rave in the cage from Chicago
  15. Youth N Asia

    Trading in old consoles/games

    Try here first. You'll get more for your stuff from us than the buck trade in for your Goldeneye at Gamestop
  16. Youth N Asia

    Land of the Dead DVD

    Cool boxart...just with the movie was better
  17. Youth N Asia

    The Cost of Oil.

  18. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Nip/Tuck season 2
  19. Youth N Asia

    On Captain of Outer Space

    You know... ... ah fuck it *walks away*
  20. Youth N Asia

    The one and only VMA's thread

    And with Puffy's "anything can happen," it seemed like most of the celebs in the crowd were bored by it than anything else. And you know when he gave the watch away the second time he could have done it durring the break...but he wanted that on tv.
  21. Youth N Asia

    TSM 2005 Death Pool

    You're just tearing up your living room over that one, aren't you?
  22. Youth N Asia

    The one and only VMA's thread

    Is there really a difference between best rap and best hip hop video? Or is it just an excuse to give out 10 nominations and 2 awards for the same subject?
  23. Youth N Asia

    The one and only VMA's thread

    I tuned out before Green Day won everything, but the entire show just seemed geared towards hip hop untill then
  24. Youth N Asia


    *scratches head, leaves*
  25. Youth N Asia

    I hope you have a big Weekend Box Office Report

    F YEAH! 40 Year Old Virgin was badass. I'm glad to see it doing so well. Way better than Wedding Crashers. Transporter 2, this friday