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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition Lord of the Rings The Two Towers Extended Edition Both for $30 new! gotta love the dirt mall
  2. Youth N Asia

    The one and only VMA's thread

    Ugh, 2 hour was 2 more than I needed of that. I knew Puffy, or P Diddy, or Did He Pee or whatever was full of himself...but goddamn! This is a little much. This year's show basicaly made me forget that rock music was played at all on MTV.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Comics books you liked that are no longer printed

    I even liked Damage from DC back in the day
  4. Youth N Asia

    Cruel Intentions is on...

    Yeah, Buffy, season 3ish...mmmm So they didn't edit the kiss on ABC Family...but they'll axe it entirely on FX???
  5. Youth N Asia

    Will The Pepsi Plunge Be Seen On WWE TV?

  6. Youth N Asia

    Will The Pepsi Plunge Be Seen On WWE TV?

    Actually it's more set up like Candio's top rope powerbomb, Punk is facing the ring when he does it, jumping out
  7. Youth N Asia

    Will The Pepsi Plunge Be Seen On WWE TV?

    I could see the move being busted out a couple of times maybe, but certainly not as a regular move or finish. If Punk ever works into a program with Trips, who knows (and I'm talking a while from now)
  8. Youth N Asia

    40 year old virgin

    I know, the damn thing just happened and that was that, no lead up, nothing afterwords, just *BAM* and that was that. And the ending was hysterical. I was just sitting there thinking "What...the...hell?!" and laughing my ass off.
  9. I'll give The 40 Year Old Virgin an 8 out of 10
  10. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Rock Moment

    WWE should do an ultimate Rock, they could pull of a 3 disk set with him easy. And I'd definatly buy it. I'd forgotten how much I liked the damn guy till I browsed around this thread.
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Thundercats are being remade

    Kids and their cartoons suck ass these days, it only makes sense to bring back the good stuff from my day
  12. Youth N Asia

    Ted Petty Invitational 2005

    Funny how a guy with a dying promotion is going to give a former NWA tag champ and regular tv worker a "shot"
  13. Youth N Asia

    IMPORTANT: Concerning TSM's Future

    pfft *gives you the finger*
  14. Youth N Asia

    IMPORTANT: Concerning TSM's Future

    Alright, what do I have to do? Pushing ups? Get coffee? I'm a semi oldschooler here.
  15. Youth N Asia

    IMPORTANT: Concerning TSM's Future

    I'd like to mod. I'll clean up around here and I keep to myself pretty well, mister.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Rock Moment

    My favorite part of Rocky and Hurricane... HE SOLD IT WHEN HELMS "FLEW" AWAY!
  17. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Rock Moment

    Rocky's turn after winning the title for the first time. "Rocky sucks? Die Rocky Die? You think The Rock forgot about that?"
  18. Youth N Asia

    40 year old virgin

    Then something about "no matter what, you win."
  19. Youth N Asia

    Still Waiting...

    You goddamn better believe!
  20. Youth N Asia

    what to do with ashley

    Give her $250,000 for a few weeks worth of tv and fire her? Yeah, still a better investment then Nash was.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report

    40 Year Old Virgin > Wedding Crashers
  22. Youth N Asia

    Shark vs. Octopus

    I would kick a shark's ass if it every barged into my house...much like I'd expect it to do the same if I went playing around in their ocean.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Mick Foley talked about coming back to Raw

    I hate the WWE, any time Hogan, Foley, Austin, or Rocky show up it's always RAW. They don't even try and pretend like they care about Smackdown anymore.
  24. Youth N Asia

    TSM 2005 Death Pool

    I guess I picked the wrong random 23 year old indy wrestler to die this year. Damn you Matt Sydal!
  25. Youth N Asia

    40 year old virgin

    Just got back from it actually. LOVED IT! Definatly funnier than Wedding Crashers