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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Firefly on DVD

    I finally picked up the series today. I'll start in on it tomorrow.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Bands who cames back strong

    Pop nearly killed U2. Good for them they smartened up and made music people would buy again
  3. Youth N Asia

    Which DVD's have the best commentaries?

    Yeah, that one was good. As soon as O'Reily pops on screen Dean shouts out "It's Me! It's Me!" Also him ripping on Cyril (his real life brother Scott was funny..."Ryyyyyannnn")
  4. Youth N Asia

    Which DVD's have the best commentaries?

    I loved the Mallrats commentary, they just rip on Shannon and Jeremy the entire movie.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Which DVD's have the best commentaries?

    Cabin Fever, shitty movie, but the commentary with the director and two of the male leads is funny as hell. Young Guns, basicaly commentary from the 3 regulators in the movie who don't get solid work anymore. But it's my favorite movie, so I'm a little bias.
  6. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I have the DVDs, so it's not like I'll need to see it on Spike, but this is stll great news for the show. I just hope the censorship monkeys don't wreck it.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Rob Conway news

    I imagine it's all so he can not get it over and then they'll have a justifiable reason to axe him.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Bands who cames back strong

    I agree with Greenday. While I enojy all of their albums, Warning just seemed to be overlooked. I'm sure Nimrod sold better for Good Riddance alone. But American Idot not only sold huge, but it stayed in the top 10 forever. I had the damn thing for months and never played it, just thought I'd be disapointed that it couldn't live up to its hype. Now it's my favorite by them
  9. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I'm glad to see War of the Worlds and Batman still doing well. I liked both of those a lot
  10. Youth N Asia

    Ring of Honor 7.16.05 Results

    I love the way they're working Punk now. Every night he could lose the title, ROH is pretty interesting right now with this.
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Official Sin City Thread

    Opened today, who saw it?
  12. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    Yeah, I got sick of every sex and the city girl getting nominations every year, this show won't be any different in that aspect
  13. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    I agree that Terry deserves it. He's provided the most interesting character on tv in quite a while.
  14. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    Damn, didn't see that. Goggins and Anderson should have gotten them
  15. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    Glenn Close gets the only Shield nod...give me a break
  16. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    Not that I know of. James Marsters was ripped off for not getting a nod in season 6 of Buffy though
  17. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    Yeah, Ronnie should have his name in the opening credits by now, his role in season 4 was his biggest so far.
  18. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    Margos wasn't on the show enough to be great. Rescue Me got a nomination for Leary last season, I don't know how the cutoff date for this type of stuff works. And SMG should have gotten the nod at least once, and that's just not Buffy love. I can't get into Alias. Geller did a better job than I've seen out of Jen.
  19. Youth N Asia

    It's Emmy Time.

    I could really see Anthony Anderson or Walton Goggins from The Shield getting nominations this year. They both deserve it. I loved the first season of Deadwood, but haven't seen any season 2 yet.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Who's on a diet

    I started my diet Nov 1st...after pigging out on Halloween candy the night before. My start weight was 290lbs. I was closer to 300, but I work unloading trucks, so I pretty much just stayed and didn't gain anymore. I went low carb, cutting out all candy and almost all of my carbs, although I still eat pasta once a week, but down from two times. I've cut Cokes down from about 3-4 a day to 3-4 a week. The first 20 lbs flew right off. The last 45 took forever. Over the last couple months I started walking home from work 2-3 times a week, a 3 mile trip. The only pics I even have of myself are pics at shows, and I don't have a scanner, so all I can do are pics of pics, so it's blurry. The top one is me in Sept at about 290. And the bottom one is me in May at 240, I've dropped to 225 since then Had I known it would be this easy, I would have done this years ago
  21. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    I really like the original. Cool movie, more adult than I thought it would be. The new one looks like a complete turd.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    The Target I work at put them out this morning. I'll likely pick it up soon. I tend to buy every other year of NCAA football
  23. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Shaun of the Dead Enemy At the Gates
  24. Youth N Asia

    Biggest Non-Surprises

    I wouldn't say HHH going over in 2000 was a huge suprise. But I gave him 50/50 to keep the belt
  25. Youth N Asia

    The Transporter 2

    Trailer was awesome! Can't freaking wait to see it