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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney getting WWE tryouts

    Didn't Mikey retire from in-ring action? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For about a minute. I went to one of his "retirement" shows in 2001. And in 2002 and 2003 he wrestled for ROH. I don't know if he's done anything reciently though
  2. Youth N Asia


    I think it's actually "Niggers come in every color." The dickhead was such a camerahog.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney getting WWE tryouts

    MIKEY! AND! TAJIRI! Make it happen, you asses! I liked Balls and Axl, but I just don't see they doing greatly in the WWE, but Balls is a pretty good wrestler, he doesn't get enough credit for that
  4. Youth N Asia

    IWA News

    Super Dragon was in last year's TPI, he's masked
  5. Youth N Asia

    Favorite potato chip flavor

    Better Made Sweet BBQ...best chips ever
  6. Youth N Asia

    New skins available

    I've been using the Canadian one. I just like the look better than the others. It's nice to have options
  7. Youth N Asia

    What are you listening to right now?

    Bright Eyes, "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning"
  8. Youth N Asia

    Raw trade finals

    I was hoping to see Tajiri go to Smackown durring this. They've broken him off from Regal and he's just completly lost in the shuffle right now.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I heard that "The Perfect Man" had the worst non-holiday 3 day opening amongst theaters that only sell 1 sizes of nachos instead of 2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that sounds like one of those worthless stats Sportscenter pulls out of its ass... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Chicago Cubs are 0-6 on Flag Day when Hillary Duff movies are playing in theaters
  10. Youth N Asia


    Yeah, the clothes were definatly bad
  11. Youth N Asia


    Damn me, but I thought she was cute to begin with...plus I have a thing for girls who are just a little goofy...and wear glasses
  12. Youth N Asia

    NBA Finals

    goddamn cracker-thug
  13. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Yeah, but $10 million opening for a summer movie is not good
  14. Youth N Asia


    Tony Atlas...oldschool True Life. I bitch about MTV doing nothing music related in the last 10 years or so, but True Life is one of the better things they've come up with. I liked the embarassing parents one. The Plain White Rapper! or whatever he was. And the Star Wars story was damn near heartwarming.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Rize looked like it'd be on a really low screen count
  16. Youth N Asia

    IWA News

    Quack and Dragon had a good semifinals match last year. I'd like to see IWA put at least one of their own in the finals this year. Last year it was Dragon, Joe, and AJ. The three biggest names, sure, but no real IWA guys.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I was hoping for Land of the Dead to do better. But it's at least kicking Hillary Duff's ass
  18. Youth N Asia

    Roger Ebert's wife

    That pic would be a million times better if Rog had a hat with a feather in it and a cane
  19. Youth N Asia

    Lesnar wants back in.....

    I wouldn't mind seeing Brock come back. But you know he'd go to RAW. They're keeping Smackdown a #2 show on purpose. They just took the top draw in the company away, and any time Rock or Austin show up it's always RAW
  20. Youth N Asia

    Ok who else went to the Warped Tour?

    Got bored, so I dug them up to read myself 2004 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...1&st=&p=entry 2003 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...1&st=&p=entry AWK > EVERYTHING!
  21. Youth N Asia

    Ok who else went to the Warped Tour?

    mmmmmm...Angent M from T Bomb. Your buddy in the top pic looks like Harland Williams from Half Baked
  22. Youth N Asia

    Ok who else went to the Warped Tour?

    For a $40 ticket I'd like to think people would show up for the music. There were a few overly aggressive people in Rancid's pit last year, but otherwise no problems. If you wanted a search I did write ups for the last two Warped Tours
  23. Youth N Asia

    NBA Finals

    When did they just make up their minds and decide to stop calling traveling all together? I saw a clip on sportscenter this year where they counted a guy going coast to coast in four dribbles.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Ok who else went to the Warped Tour?

    Whiny goth bollocks. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With catchy tunes
  25. Youth N Asia

    NBA Finals

    I loved the Pistsons durring their back to back title wins back then. You had Thomas, Lambo, Mahorn, and Rodman just bullying people like it wasn't anyone's business. I remember watching a game where for no reason Isiah just buched Bill Cartwright in the gut. The new Pistons play the same D, but they're just not assholes about it