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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    NBA Playoffs

    This Pistons game is driving me nuts, Pistons by 1 with a few seconds left...
  2. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 29-May 1

    In last week's thread I think most people had XXX at #1 and someone said HGTTG would be lucky to pull in 9 million.
  3. Youth N Asia

    I got a free Women's Quattro razor in the mail

    Ironicaly enough they sent my step mother a Mach 3 turbo razor. I snatched that up for myself and it's almost impossible to get a cut shaving now
  4. Youth N Asia

    JBL... 1 year later.

    The thing that bugged me most about his title win was that he seemly went from lower midcard to main event in no time. What happened to where the guy would just start beating everyone on their level, then the upper cards, then main events. Same thing with Jarrett and Booker in WCW...went from nothing to champ in no time.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Dammit, I want that, but can't justify paying $30 for a movie I already have. I just picked up: -Law & Order SVU: Season 1 -24 Season 1 Finally going to see what the big deal about 24 is
  6. Youth N Asia

    Halloween Boxset...

    I wouldn't mind having it for the sake of my collection, but the last 3 (6-8) have were just rancid. And 3-5 were no gems...and 2 was only decient.
  7. Youth N Asia

    RF and Dana Dameson had sex

    Cause this guy never lies. Anyway, never heard of the girl.
  8. Youth N Asia

    JBL... 1 year later.

    At first I was iffy on the character, then grew to like it. But was really against him winning the title. About half way through his reign I really started liking him. I never wanted to say it, but he's pretty entertaining. And he was the best part of "Christmas at Bagdad" this year.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Smallville Season 4 Thread

    Of course Lex will know about Clark before the show is over. Smallville ultimatly has to be Lex vs Clark. They're not going to run this show long enough to be "Superman." So it's not like they have to keep the mythology straight.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Matt Hardy to go to ROH

    I always thought guys could work smaller shows.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Matt Hardy to go to ROH

    How does ROH figure into a no compete clause? TNA, sure. But ROH isn't competing with WWE in any way
  12. Youth N Asia

    The "What Are You Reading Right Now" Thread

    Yeah, in his shoot interview he puts himself right next to Hogan and Ali for most well known sports figures.
  13. Youth N Asia

    WWE worried about the backlash

    Not if JJ has anything to say about it. It's a tad childish, but I love the fans just butchering Edge and Lita over this whole thing.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Worst song ever?

    Every single off the Gwen Stafani solo album. Each single is worse than the last, this "Holla back girl" is puke
  15. Youth N Asia

    Smallville Season 4 Thread

    Good episode, although for the five hundredth time someone saw Clark use his powers ONLY for them to forget after.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    Back when I ate junk food all day long I would mix Cheeze-Its and broken up Chips-Ahoy cookies. A great mix
  17. 1. The Interpreter $22,809,000/$22,809,000 2. The Amityville Horror $14,200,000/$43,809,000 3. Sahara $9,000,000/$48,919,000 4. A Lot Like Love $7,743,000/$7,743,000 5. Kung Fu Hustle $7,297,000/$8,031,000 6. Fever Pitch $5,450,000/$31,451,000 7. Sin City $3,730,000/$67,267,000 8. Guess Who $3,500,000/$62,375,000 9. Robots $3,300,000/$120,168,000 10. King's Ransom $2,275,000/$2,275,000 11. The Pacifier $2,049,000/$106,510,000 12. Beauty Shop $1,900,000/$33,981,000 ---------------------- The Interpreter was only on a little over 2,700 screens. That's 600 less than Amityville. Kung Fu Hustle went from #21 to #5 with its wide release (2,500 screens) King's Ransom was a nice bomb. OPENING APRIL 29 -XXX: State of the Union -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  18. Youth N Asia


    Next season just may not have many or any flashbacks. Who knows
  19. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown non-spoiler listings from England

    I think he's a British cruierweight, that's all I got
  20. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown non-spoiler listings from England

    Smackdown doesn't look bad. 3 good matches and 3 squashes. I could care less for Kurt's invitational deal now, I'm not liking Morgan's new gimmick already, although I don't hate the guy, and Dupree is so far down on the jobber list I have no idea why he has a match with Cena.
  21. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    How long till one of Vic's kids slips up and mentioneds "Uncle Dutch?" That'll be great. I was thinking this week was going to have some kind of payoff with Vic and Shane, but it keeps building, this is going to end violently.
  22. Youth N Asia

    The Office

    Funny episode, but not the best. Dwight wasn't in this one enough to completly steal it.
  23. Youth N Asia

    The Office

    dammit, last episode tonight. I really hope this comes back next season
  24. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Can't wait for tonight's episode. After last week finally kicked the season into high gear this week looks even better.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Best and Worst Wrestling Books

    Foley's books were very good. Dynamite Kid's was good, but it's short and he's a little bitter. Lawler and Flair had decient books. Death of WCW was good too. The worst: DDP, Wrestlecrap, and Rocky