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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Non-spoiler Smackdown listings

    The Basham swicth, fools them every time. Especially since they look nothing alike.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Non-spoiler Smackdown listings

    1) Battle royal for cruiserweight title -Screw this. Couldn't they do an 8 man tourney and stretch it out 2 or 3 weeks? This is stupid. 2) Eddie Guerrero vs. Doug Basham -Beh 3) Booker T vs. Luther Reigns -I don't care to see this. 4) Rey Misterio vs. Danny Basham -Why? Seriously, you'd think there was a tag match at Mania. 5) Akebono vs. Eddie Vegas -What a waste of space on Smackdown. This sumo thing is stupid to begin with. 6) John Cena vs. Carlito Carribbean Cool -ehh, could be decient, but not great. More matches really doesn't equal out to a good show
  3. Youth N Asia

    It's been a while, but worth another go.

    ^ supprisingly soft hands
  4. sounds like poop stacked on top of crap
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Office

    I enjoyed the show. But it just feels like it doesn't have a long lasting run.
  6. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I think Vic and Shane are going to play nice for a while, even get along, untill Shane just screws him over royal and there's no coming back from it
  7. Youth N Asia

    Could Christian Ever Be Believable Main Eventer?

    I want Christian to win the ladder match. First match of Mania. Batista wins the titles from Hunter, then Christian comes out right after the match and gets his title shot. Wins it with help from Edge (just because) and Tomko. Holds it for a month while Batista just kills everyone in site and loses it back at Backlash.
  8. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Two fights next week, plus the last ep before the final. I hope they get an even better rating.
  9. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Anyone think Shane had Gilroy offed to tie up loose ends? He had the hitman's number. Maybe got the heads up that he was in town before Vic and had it done. Good ep this week, but still nothing great so far. Next week it looks like Dutch might get back into big cases, which is always good. I know she was brought on to be one of the stars of the show, but there's just way too much Glenn Close in the first few episodes.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Johnnie Cochran dead at 67

    Me either, but it is news I guess
  11. Youth N Asia

    I hate my father

    I used to collect comics years ago, and I picked up a motherload due to a dad selling his kid's stuff while he was away at college. Basicaly the 4 issue Wolverine mini series, and the first 10 or so in the regular series, first 10 issues of Preacher (when it was the big thing), and tons of other good stuff for $10. The Wolverine mini alone was like $120 by itself at the time. I figured if I didn't pick them up, someone else would.
  12. Youth N Asia

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    Yeah, this being the RAW before a Mania it was an awful show.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Jarrett meeting with Viacom

    I was all for TNA getting on real tv (not an hour on Friday afternoons). But their shows are just so ugly now and I'm sick of Jarrett more than HHH. I honestly don't even know if I'd watch TNA on Spike.
  14. Youth N Asia

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    I have a $7 ticket to see the show on a theater screen. I couldn't imagine ordering this show at full WWE ppv price otherwise.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Most consistently enjoyable actors.

    I also seem to like most of Sean Astin's roles
  16. Youth N Asia

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    It is completly unforgivable to have a Wrestlemania without tag titles or the IC title being defended...or even the US Title (even though it doesn't carry the same lineage)
  17. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

  18. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Who the hell could have given the fight to Koscheck, let alone all three rounds? Diego was better on his feet, and on his back. There was never one point in the match where Josh could have put him away. There was 4 or 5 times where Josh was in trouble of getting beaten. Dude needs to learn submissions or throw punches or something. And how good are his takedowns if Leben and Diego could pop back up any time they wanted. DIEGO! F'N! SANCHEZ!
  19. Youth N Asia

    Most consistently enjoyable actors.

    John Cusack, I just seem to like a lot of stuff he's in. And can make a crapper like Identity watchable.
  20. Youth N Asia

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    This is probably the least interesting Mania for me since 15
  21. Youth N Asia

    Is the ROH world title

    The champ, not the snake
  22. Youth N Asia


    GREAT! But the song ends way too soon. And Slicksters sig made me laugh way more than it should of.
  23. Youth N Asia


    Shit computers, we've all been there. Hurry back
  24. Youth N Asia

    Is the ROH world title

    Does Jarrett defend the title anywhere outside of a show he can't book himself?
  25. Youth N Asia

    Dan Maff pulled from shows....

    I'd like to hear from Maff before I draw any more conclusions, but if he doesn't come out and say anything then people are going to make their minds up without his side of the story.