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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Taxi Driver WM Promo.

    Snitsky's line was great. Carlito was great. And for some reason I loved that London got barely enough tv time so where as you would know it's him.
  2. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I usually don't watch the scenes for the next week, but watching FX you're bound to see them at some point durring the week
  3. Youth N Asia

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    He seems like he'd be a perfect Carnage...just dye the hair red. The only problem with that is they haven't done Venom yet.
  4. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Diego's in the pic too isn't he? I thought the pic was Bobby, Diego, and Josh
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Can't wait for tonights ep. Judging from the previews it looks like Lem is back with Vic and Ronnie, although who knows for how long.
  6. Youth N Asia

    When did you start to hate Hogan?

    I started disliking Hogan when the NWO run went into year two. As a kid I was a huge Hogan fan. I watched very little WCW when he started there, so he really didn't matter too much to me then. When he turned heel I liked it...but by mid 97 or so I just got tired of seeing him. I was watching more WWF at the time, but any time I turned on WCW it was just Hogan's show. And the finger poke of doom is just when I gave up on WCW as a whole.
  7. Youth N Asia

    London/Chavo match unlikely at WM21

    Being that all of the Akio/London matches are on Velocity...which I never remember to watch. They might as well have the match again, it'll be new to most people.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Crappy movies

    Yeah, I know the guy was a sick bastard and everything...but I kinda liked the movie
  9. Youth N Asia

    London/Chavo match unlikely at WM21

    While I'm all for London vs Akio...Akio's never on Smackdown, it would be pointless to rush him into an angle like this with no build up, at least Paul's got a little tv time in the last few weeks.
  10. I don't need Heidenreich I don't need Booker I don't need Booker's girl... This whole angle is a complete waste if they decide to run with it
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

    That pick we saw with Diego, Bobby, and Josh...it might be legit if Forrest can't go on and brings Bobby back in his place.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Crappy movies

    Last I knew that turd still was available on DVD. My pick is Clownhouse, horror film made by the sicko who did Powder...it was released very small and pulled right away
  13. Hero (Jet Li) 7.5 our of 10 Kill Bill vol. 2 8 out of 10
  14. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report

    Sin City doesn't open till April 1st. Still another weekend before that
  15. Youth N Asia

    Jannetty Gets a Contract

    Good for Marty, he's had two tv matches in the last god knows how many years, and they were decient. The tag division is such crap right now that the Rockers might not be a bad idea
  16. Youth N Asia


    It's just trial and error over and over and over again.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Why is Ric Flair kissing HHH's ass?

    I'm almost expecting HHH to start giving him the Eddie/Chavo treatment from WCW. I'm just waiting for HHH to give Ric the "HHH is my favorite wrestler" t-shirt...and then for Ric to "whooo!" and shill HHH some more.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Tom Billington speaks out

    Didn't know he lost a leg entirely, but while it's easy to feel sorry for the guy when you read stuff like this, he comes off like such a bitter asshole on his website and in his book. But if he writes another book I'll pick it up. "Pure Dynamite" was very good.
  19. Youth N Asia

    The "What Are You Reading Right Now" Thread

    Was anyone else disappointed by this? I knew almost every piece of info in there, and some of it had already been covered in the "Sex Lies and Headlocks" book on McMahon. On a side note, are any of the newer useless moron useless moron Scott Keith books good? I remember enjoying his first one. Haven't read it, but I was very disapointed in RD's "Wrestlecrap" book. After I finished it I really wanted my $15 back.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Why is Ric Flair kissing HHH's ass?

    This whole things sucks, Evolution is done with, let Ric do something on his own. He's one of the most over faces on the show, and the fans just don't want to boo the guy.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Great deal

    Where as I could have just spent the buck on the snickers, saved the $4.00, and my breath wouldn't have smelled like shit.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Online Texas Hold'em

    I don't get online poker. The game boils down to reading people and figuring them out, not "the best hand wins" which is pretty much what's online.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Who said it?

    New Jack actually
  24. Youth N Asia

    Samuel L. Jackson

    187 sucked. If you want to know what his movies made check www.the-numbers.com
  25. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Just watched UFC 44. It's kinda cool to look back and see Nate working with Randy in his corner in the match where he whoops Tito.