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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Famous Couples of an off beat nature

    Carlin can be very funny at times, but mostly he comes off as just a grumpy old man who really stretches to make a joke out of something. Todd Glass did a bit about Carlin streatching for a joke. *In Perfect Carlin voice* "So the flight attendent tells me 'get ON the plane.' I said FUCK YOU LADY! I'm getting IN the plane!" "alright goddamn, you know what she means." And female comedians for the most part just don't make me laugh.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Bret Hart to be in LA during WM 21 weekend

    Every goddamn year I have to hear about this. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN!
  3. Youth N Asia

    Who said it?

    "What's black, and white, and red all over? The Dudley boys after fucking with me."
  4. Youth N Asia

    Samuel L. Jackson

    If you put Ford and the movie's he's had to carry against Jackson's then there's no contest. Star Wars would have done just as well without him. The Pixar name sold the Incredibles, and the dinos sold Jurassic Park. And while he was great in Pulp Fiction, that was looked at as John's big come back movie. While I like Sam Jackson, I wouldn't call him the boxoffice king based on this alone.
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

    I tend to like Matt Hughes matches.
  6. Youth N Asia

    MMA Matches you like

    The fight's almost sad to watch. Coleman was undefeted in the UFC by this point I believe (8-0?). And Mo's just dominating him and keeping him from shooting by kicking the crap out of his legs. Mark's legs are dead near the end of the fight and his shooting attempts just look ugly. Mark's so beaten and you just know there's no coming back from it. I was shocked by this one.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Famous Couples of an off beat nature

    Bert and Ernie
  8. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Well, I saw Alex tap, so I kinda figured it was over... If you watch the opening credits they show Forrest getting his cut tended to with a huge smile on his face (and shaved head)...I figured that was him after winning a match, so I pretty much knew he was going to win his fight. This show's great. Looking forward to the middleweight fight Monday, no matter who's in it.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Can Cena's gimmick keep him over?

    I think it's funny that this gimmick basicaly started as a joke durring their halloween show
  10. Youth N Asia


    I'm Irish and straight edge...today doesn't mean anything for me
  11. Youth N Asia

    Can Cena's gimmick keep him over?

    Once Cena turned face the rapping gimmick went stale, I could deal with it before that. The gimmick is boring, he has the weakest finish in the company, and I'm not impressed with his in ring work. At least as a heel he was amusing.
  12. Youth N Asia


    The only thing dumber than someone saying phat beats is someone spelling out phat beats. This band is in life support, I hope people have gotten smart in the last few years and just don't buy this crap.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Cliches In Videos

    Seemed like for a while every rapper's first video was about growing up tough and poor in the ghetto...and their second video was cruising in Bentley's throwing hundred dollar bills around and dumping booze on stripper's asses.
  14. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    They'll need Dutch to crack a huge case and that'll get him off the shitlist.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown/Velocity Match Listing

    Smackdown just feels like the exact same show every week.
  16. Youth N Asia

    I'm almost to 10,000 posts

    If my number weren't gimmicked I would be around 14k by now. I mean, hey...alright
  17. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Shane needs to play the heel this year, not saying he can't join back up with Vic for a little while, he still has Terry's death he could use to turn Vic's life to hell. Lem needs to come back to the team. Slow started, but I think they just had too much story they had to try and establish in the first episode. The action should pick up from here. And I didn't mind Glenn Close as much as I thought I would. I just hope we don't get the "tough old school officer" routine that often. PS. Commercials looked promising. FX is 3 for 3 on their dramas (and Lucky wasn't bad either)...now they have 2 new ones coming out.
  18. I'd hit it... Wait, what! Why is this here?
  19. Youth N Asia

    Big Dave

    I was at an IWA show last June hanging out afterwords. And Gowen was hanging around acting like such a prick. He was a heel that night...but the show was long over and most of the fans were long gone. I think the guy just is a legit dickhead.
  20. Youth N Asia


    I could see Michael dying...the actor seems to keep pretty busy with other work and might not be available for another full season.
  21. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Good start to the season. Everyone's still on the show with something to do, even if it's in a lesser role. Shane and Lem gone should open up more for Ronnie to do. Great ending with Vic and Shane. They need to square off this season in a big way.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Big Dave

    Yeah, Tully would have ran interfierence while Ric walked away with the wife.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Big Dave

    Assuming the story is real...those are the kind of things you like to read about the champion doing outside of the ring.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Big Dave

    Where as HHH would have went over to the table and said. "I'm HHH! The Game! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH..." cut to 20 minutes later "Blah blah blah..." *Spits water, poses, pedegrees them both*
  25. Youth N Asia

    April SD Magazine

    Still not as bad as the WWF magazine that came out BEFORE Mania 4 that had Savage listed as their champion.