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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia


    If someone has to die I'll pick Jin, but I think he'll make up with the wife right before it happens.
  2. Youth N Asia

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    They're signed for at least this season and the next, so I wouldn't doubt them to have an ending in the works maybe next season.
  3. Youth N Asia

    WWE Signs Masato Tanaka

    Shit, from the main page it read "WWE signs Masato Tanaka." I poped...then cliked the WWE forum to see it was for this one night thing...BAH! Tanaka vs Mahoney is suprisingly always good
  4. Youth N Asia

    DVD player or burner?

    Looking to get a new DVD player, possibly a DVD burner. Seems like all I see now are $40-$80 DVD players and more expensive burners. I had it in mind to get a decient DVD player, in the $100-$150 range, but now I'm just thinking to get a burner. Would I be just better off spending more on a burner and using that as my player as well? While a burner wasn't a high priority, I would like to have one, and since I'm not seeing much in the way of a player I want I might just get one of those. thoughts?
  5. Youth N Asia

    Exclusive pics of Kotzenjunge

    Arron Carter's a pothead?
  6. Youth N Asia

    Shows you won't admit to your friends you like

    Sex and the City...I used to give a friend shit about watching it. But then I caught some eps durring a marathon and started liking the damn show.
  7. Ripped from Observer: ECWA at its show tonight announced the participants for the 2005 Super 8 tournament, which takes place on 4/9 in Newark, DE at the Greater Newark Boys & Girls Club: Eric Matlock (Southern California) Alex Shelley Puma (Southern California) Rory Fox (HWA/Former star of MTV documentary) Andrew Ryker Tyson Dux (Ontario) Petey Williams (TNA) J.J. Perez (All Pro Wrestling/Northern California) -------------------- I like Shelley, Dux, and Petey, but the other guys I just have no idea about. And I know it's the original and everything, but with so many juniors out there right now this tourney just doesn't seem to mean as much as it used to.
  8. Leon The Professional 7.5 out of 10
  9. I was kinda hoping for Regal and a couple others to do Clockwork Orange.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Summer Concert Plans

    I always vow to go to a bunch of shows, but it'll probably just be Warped this year.
  11. Youth N Asia


    BAH! Acevada's good for the role. Vic and the Strike team need a spoiler. And what's with "Everyone from this show," I kinda got the impression that it was shows you liked and watched, with the one character you couldn't stand...not shows you hated all together.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Wanted: UFC 39-43

    I'm going to start picking up UFC DVDs at 44, but I'd like to get the few before that on video. First gen on the best speed possible prefered. http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/yna I'm done trading, so I don't have much left, but if we trade you'll get my copies. Please have refs too, I have more than enough. Thanks
  13. Youth N Asia


    Clayton Hughes from Oz. While his character had a great finish when he went compeltly batshit and got killed, he was just painfully annoying when he was an officer on the show. And it was only a season, he got annoying quick.
  14. Youth N Asia


    I'll agree with that. It almost seemed like the WB's way of putting a black guy on one of their shows...which they don't do. I can't fault Sam Jones too much, it was a crap character.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Doom the Movie

    Rock's not a proven boxoffice draw. Scorpion King went over huge, but The Rundown and Walking Tall didn't do much. So it'll have to look badass on its own, The Rock alone won't make it #1.
  16. Youth N Asia


    Dawn Summers...an additon to Buffy that wasn't needed at all. An annoying character for 3 seasons.
  17. Youth N Asia

    An idea for Foley at Mania 21

    I'd like to buy a vowel
  18. Youth N Asia

    An idea for Foley at Mania 21

    I don't like the idea of booking Foley just for the sake of booking Foley. If he's not going to stick around and do something I don't need to see him, same with Rocky.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Best Stand-Up Comdians

    I like Leary as an actor, but I don't care for his stand up. Lewis Black is better than the rest IMO. Sure, Sam was the angriest, but Lewis is the funniest.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Wanted: UFC 39-43

    My Walmart only had 50, which was actually $12.99 at Target (also had the RVD DVD cheap)
  21. Youth N Asia

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    Me, Myself, and Irene when the little kid's staring at him at the cafe. "What are you looking at, FUCKER!" I spit pop onto the people in front of me over that one.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Orton's Immaturity

    Wasn't he the one that almost got into a bar fight with Jindrak a couple of years ago? If all this is true I'm not shocked.
  23. Youth N Asia

    JBL after Mania?

    Break him up from his group, turn the heatless wonder Orlando face and feud for the US title. As big of a JBL mark as I am I really don't see him as higher than US champ anyway.
  24. Youth N Asia

    TV Mark-Out Moments

    The Ultimate Fighter -DIEGO CHOKES MOFO's OUT! He just looks unbeatable right now.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Little Known Spin-Offs

    Grady from Sandford and Son has a spinoff. He was great. GRADY: "And who are you?" AUNT ESTER: "Ester, Fool!" GRADY: "Estafool? Fred didn't say nothing about an Estafool?"