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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Your 10 Favourite TV episodes

    I couldn't just pick 10 between Buffy, Angel, Nip/Tuck, Oz, The Shield, Rescue Me, and Six Feet Under. Although "Passion" from Buffy is my favorite TV episode ever.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Jose Canseco Book

    Rafael Palmeiro openly shills the performance enhancer Viagra. I'd personally be quicker to admit to steroid use.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Your 10 Favourite TV episodes

    Don't forget Clue. Death stole that movie.
  4. Youth N Asia

    What Horror DVD's are a MUST have?

    I agree with the Dawn 3 disk, Hills Have Eyes, Elm Street set, TCM. Dawn of the Dead 04 Army of Darkness Boomstick Edition Evil Dead 1 & 2. Halloween 20th anniversary 2 disk edition The Prophecy 1 & 2....maybe 3. Christopher Walkin is awesome in these
  5. Youth N Asia

    X-Pac hating....

    When he stuck to his same boring style of kicks and boring moves over and over again. Didn't help matters that he was killing guys twice his size with ease. He just didn't look the part.
  6. Youth N Asia

    New films you saw w/ friends

    Memento. Buddy saw it in a theater and picked me up the next day with "we're going to see this movie." I hadn't heard of it before then. Loved it. Seen it 4 or 5 times now.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Moments you *did* see coming

    Vince winning the 99 Rumble. The announcing was so bad just going on and on forever how Austin was going to throw Vince out at the end...ok, we get it, he's going to lose.
  8. Youth N Asia


    I watch PTI every now and then. But I can't watch Kellerman, he just doesn't seem to know as much about sports as he likes to think he does. Very annoying.
  9. 1 Boogeyman $19,500,000/$19,500,000 2 The Wedding Date $11,000,000/$11,000,000 3 Are We There Yet? $10,400,000/$51,058,000 4 Hide and Seek $8,900,000/$35,707,677 5 Million Dollar Baby $8,770,000/$34,691,000 6 The Aviator $5,445,380/$75,913,361 7 Meet the Fockers $5,000,000/$265,300,000 8 Sideways $4,800,000/$46,808,305 9 Racing Stripes $4,425,000/$40,513,000 10 Coach Carter $4,400,000/$59,505,000 11 In Good Company $3,500,000/$40,900,000 12 Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera $2,665,000/$42,860,000 ----------- Out of the top 12 -Assault on Precinct 13 -Alone in the Dark (that was quick) Boogeymen did almost $20 million, and it only cost $7 million to make. I didn't expect it to do that well, especially on Super Bowl weekend. But being that it's a PG13 movie helped it sell tickets. Wedding Date was only in 1700 theaters. 1000 Less than the #3 movie Are We There Yet? Meet the Fockers has done about $7 million more in 9 weeks, than the Incredibles in 13 weeks. Meet The Fockers is currently #26 in all time US boxoffice, in between Shrek and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Opening Feb 11, 2005 -Hitch -Pooh's Heffalump Movie -Bride and Prejudice (LIMITED) -Inside Deep Throat (LIMITED) -Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (LIMITED)
  10. Youth N Asia

    When did you know WWE would regain the #1. spot

    When Foley went flying off the hell in a cell. I honestly knew it wouldn't be long after that.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Favorite TV shows that lasted a season or less

    I liked Greg The Bunny, but despite a good cast and a funny show, it just felt like it was going to get canceled quick.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Pizza Guy

    I don't even mind tipping, till pizza guys post about making non tippers or bad tippers wait longer for their pizza. I'd hate the idea of ordering pizza and tipping out of fear that next time they'll take their time. Fuck those guys. If they can delivery within the time they give you over the phone then I believe in tipping.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    Big Show needs to have a girl to show he's a gentle giant...although he's do for a heel turn, he never stays one side for this long. I hope this diva crap isn't an annual deal.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Pizza Guy

    With what I said earlier about tipping, while I do so, I don't feel obligated. And it's stupid for a pizza man to get a bug up his ass if he doesn't get a tip on every single delivery...sometimes you just can't spare it.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    I know her, Christy, and Joy...Christy cause she's the only one with any personality whatsoever. And Amy and Joy cause they're getting shoved into main event angles. Thank God, take a few more of them with you.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Moments you *did* see coming

    You can usually see a Big Show turn coming, he's tunred more than anyone since he debuted in the WWE
  17. Youth N Asia

    Moments you *did* see coming

    Trish turning on Jericho. Angle's masterful abduction of what's her name a couple weeks ago. Evolution turning on Orton. it goes on and on and on...
  18. Youth N Asia

    Moments you *did* see coming

    Austin turning on team WWF at Invasion. Rock turning heel at Survivor 98. WWE is so bad about their shocker turns, there are too many to name.
  19. Youth N Asia

    American Dad

    I'm not being a Negative Nancy...I'm being a Sensible Shannon. I was looking forward to really liking this, but I didn't get a single laugh out of it. And the show seemed like it was trying reeeeal hard.
  20. Youth N Asia

    American Dad

    I don't think this one will last a season.
  21. Youth N Asia

    American Dad

    Very unfunny. Once I saw the TV PG rating I knew it was all over.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Pizza Guy

    $2 for a smaller order, 2 or 3 pizzas $3-$5 for a bigger one is pretty much normal. Although on Superbowl Sunday I think you have to tip a tad higher than usual. It's cold outside man, tip a brotha!
  23. Youth N Asia

    SNL Review

    Seems like I lower my expectations for SNL a little each week. But I'm sure Jason Bateman is a little more likely to make me laugh than Paris Hilton.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    I doubt Wrestlemania is really the best time to draw in new fans anyway, it's a $50 show. They need to get back the old fans, the ones that kept the ratings in the 5s and 6s.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    I like the commercials for the most part, but they both seem to go on a little too long. And I loved Flair going into HHH overshill, even though it's a little sad, it was pretty funny. Although where was the water spit in all of this?