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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 9.5 out of 10 I rank it just behind Two Towers and just ahead of Fellowship.
  2. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Spike's funny enough in the episode to get past that
  3. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I didn't know there was so much Darla hate...while I got tied of her getting killed, to come back, to leave, to come back, and then to die again, I liked the character well enough,
  4. Youth N Asia

    What keeps you tuning in?

    It's mostly routine for me. Also give me and the old man a chance to kill a couple hours together watching something we both semi enjoy.
  5. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    While I have all the Buffy and Angel DVD sets, and while I consider Buffy my favorite show ever, I think Angel has a much higher replay value. I've watched my Angel DVDs all the way through so far, while only skimming the Buffys.
  6. Youth N Asia

    "The Sweetest Thing"

    Hot in The Mask...average or worse in everything else she's done. Why did you pick this forum for this?
  7. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Buffy season 1 is $12.99 at Best Buy this week. All Fox season 1 DVDs are on sale this week.
  8. Youth N Asia

    The Nick Saban Sweepstakes is over...

    Is he going to ditch LSU before their bowl game like he did to Michigan State?
  9. Youth N Asia

    No Christmas Story marathon

    I'm pretty sure I will never see that movie again. I don't even know if I'd put it in my top 10 for Christmas movies. TNT has rode that one to death.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Rock and HHH to compete for same role

    Anything to get HHH off tv for x amount of time. Although neither one of them will get it.
  11. Youth N Asia

    TSM 2005 Death Pool

    With Peterson I was thinking more along the lines of murder/suicide. No one gets axed by the state that quickly.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Napoleon Dynamite

    I wouldn't mind the movie so much if it weren't for the people who do like it defending it with, "it must be too smart for you" or something along those lines. Where as I think it's overly simple and gets people to laugh at stuff that doesn't even resemble funny.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Napoleon Dynamite

    It's 3 months later...and the movie still sucks
  14. Youth N Asia

    TSM 2005 Death Pool

    Pope John Paul II...BEST BET Louie Anderson Scott Peterson Dick Clark Eminem Scott Weiland John Goodman Tony Saragousa Michael Moore Ozzy Osbourne
  15. Youth N Asia

    ESPN: A.P. to pull out of BCS next season

    I don't like the idea of a college playoff. While I'm not for paying college players, I also don't think it's fair to milk them for any more games. I love that there's a controversy at the end of every season over who's really the best....screw a playoff.
  16. 1 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events $30,200,000/$30,200,000 2 Ocean's Twelve $18,260,000/$68,660,000 3 Spanglish $9,000,000/$9,000,000 4 The Polar Express $8,550,000/$123,569,000 5 Blade: Trinity $6,600,000/$35,411,000 6 National Treasure $6,110,000/$132,835,000 7 Christmas with the Kranks $5,700,000/$62,306,000 8 The Flight of the Phoenix $5,150,000/$5,150,000 9 Closer $3,500,000/$18,952,000 10 The Incredibles $3,263,000/$237,121,000 11 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie $2,000,000/$76,359,000 12 Finding Neverland $1,915,411/$16,863,485 --------------------- Finding Neverland was on just under a thousand screens, while Closer was on just over a thousand. I don't know what it was projected to do, but Snickets seemed to fall pretty short from what most people were guessing on the board last week. Out of the top 12 -Alexander -Sideways -Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason The Incredibles is now #37 all time for U.S. boxoffice gross, in between Ghostbusters and Beverly Hills Cop. Opening Dec 22 -Meet The Fockers -Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera (Limited) -Hotel Rwanda (Limited) Dec 24 -The Woodsman (Limited) Christmas Day -Darkness -Fat Albert
  17. Youth N Asia

    DS....where art thou...

    At the Target I work at we've gotten just a couple this week and there are people already lined up at the door to get them as soon as we opened. We got in 2 Saturday morning and the first two people through the door ran to electronics and got them. 6 more followed in with them and didn't get squat.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Which way you would prefer to die?

    I'd like to be jacking off on my bed and have my father break into my room at the point of climax and chop my head off with an axe
  19. Youth N Asia

    Things you dont find funny

    Viva La Bam...while I could appreciate Jackass, this show is entirely staged. Takes so much away from what could be funny.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Things you dont find funny

    Napoleon Dynamite...I saw it just cause everyone told me how great it was. I laughed small a couple of times, but throughout almost the entire movie I was just getting annoyed that people thought this crap was funny.
  21. Youth N Asia

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    Tom Cruiser, Danny Devito, and Kevin Spacey's cameos were the best part of Austin Powers 2. And it was great cause I had no idea it was coming.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Non spoiler SD and Velocity listings for 12/16/04

    1) RVD/Misterio vs. Kidman/Akio (non-title) -Looks good on paper, although I don't see the point of non title. 2) Booker/Eddie vs. Kenzo/Dupree -Damn me, but I'm almost liking Kenzo and Rene. As long as they're not holding the tag titles. They have some entertaining/funny spots. 3) JBL vs. Kurt Angle (WWE title) -Alright...you have my interest But 3 matches is crap. Even with a ppv recap and 23 Tough Enough segments, there should still be another match.
  23. Not on the TPI show...Punk had a great match with Aries, and Joe had a great match with Strong. 2 best matches of the show, but no Joe/Aries
  24. Youth N Asia

    Buff Bagwell

    According to Buff's shoot interview, the match was doomed from the beginning cause WCW didn't run through that town...so THAT'S why fans poo poo'd on the match. Not cause it was bad and he's a shit worker or anything.
  25. Youth N Asia

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    Tom Cruise is kind of in Young Guns...durring the sand off at the end in Alex's house he's one of the guys gunned down by Billy and co. You can only tell it's him by pausing. DaFoe is a good one for Spidey 2. And Robert Patrick for Waynes World 2, forgot about that one.