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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    WWE cracking down on tape trading

    I remember reading in a mark mag about Paul E saying something to the effect of dubbing ECW tapes to pass onto other people. I don't think he assumed tape trading would be as big as it is online. And I also hoped that it would be in the effect that you would also buy tapes yourself. My wording wasn't perfect, but that's what I meant.
  2. I didn't mean height. All the guys listed there have 10+ lbs on him. And based on their shorter frame look bulkier.
  3. As much as I like Christian, he'll never get the world title. He's too small. And you can make arguments for Eddie, Benoit, Jericho, and Michaels. But Christian's a step below all of them and even smaller.
  4. Youth N Asia

    WWE cracking down on tape trading

    ECW encouraged tape trading, helped get them a whole new audiance they may not have reached otherwise.
  5. Youth N Asia

    WWE cracking down on tape trading

    You'd think that'd be the place to start.
  6. Youth N Asia

    What is the evolutionary purpose of

    Mine are still in. They've never caused me any pain or jacked up teeth
  7. Youth N Asia

    daed si yknaB

    I've always been under the impression that Banky's corpse would leave a pleasant smell.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Who has the best/worst All-Star Game?

    Beh. They wouldn't shut up about that last season. Kept pushing it as a game that meant something. It's a friggin exhibition, the fans don't care a bit about th world series gimmick.
  9. Youth N Asia

    daed si yknaB

    Can I call you Sebastian? Banky will return...Banky always returns.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Word yo, Word

    I miss Officer Smith (I think). He only made a few posts though
  11. Youth N Asia

    Who has the best/worst All-Star Game?

    Has to be the MLB game. It's usually the only one where the guys try and put on a real game. I don't think anything else comes close. The NHL and NBA ones are just players showing off and racking up the points. But it was cool watching Owen Nolen (I think) call the top of the net and put it there. And the pro bowl is a joke.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Honky TM Shoots on Flair and JR

    While he always makes good points...he just always comes off like a washed up bitter asshole with nothing better to do then to try and start more online feuds.
  13. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Shane's a little whipped. I wouldn't put it past him to give her a copy of the key. And that was funny as hell Lem picking on Shane in the start of the show, when they were playing games.
  14. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Hmm...my natural distrust for newbies leaves me wondering...
  15. Youth N Asia

    The Return of Hal Jordon as Green Lantern

    I never really read GL, but when I worked at a comic book store I would just grab things at random to read (and I was suprised that I liked the Robin books). And I picked up the TPB where Hal just loses it goes nuts on the other Lanterns, and the story ends with Kyle being given the ring. What's the TPB called? I was never into the series but really liked that story, and all I really buy anymore are TPBs and graphic novels. Thanks
  16. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Series Premiere?

    They seemed to go less overboard with the killing in season 2 and 3. By then I realized how good the show was and forgive the overkilling. Which they way way WAY overdid in the last episode.
  17. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Yeah, if he can't pull it off having sex with her I doubt a pic would do it. Especially since she's not much to look at.
  18. Youth N Asia

    What did I miss?

    I whacked off into a sock or two
  19. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I don't want to think about who took the money, I just want it to play out and be happy with the results. Nothing on David's story, not much on the rapist this week. The Tommy thing was good, but you didn't know the character much to have that much feeling over it. And I knew damn Julian was going back to the dark side in the jerk room. Very good episode. Next week's looks epic. I hate waiting a week in between episodes.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Non-spoiler SD match listing

    Save for Guido and Chavo, Smackdown looks like trash
  21. Youth N Asia

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    I'd feel ripped off if I bought them and they WEREN'T used.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Series Premiere?

    Yeah, Buffy was too campy in season one. By the time Angel season 1 hit they'd dropped that. Angel started off very good.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Chappelle's Show thread

    So that's what the "all new episode" was? Beh, glad I taped the Shield then.
  24. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    tonight's looks "ehh" by Shield standards from early previews, but I'm sure it won't disapoint.
  25. Youth N Asia


    It's an easy challenge to make when you know the other guy won't accept. WWE doesn't need NJPW, it would only give NJPW the attention and do little for them. Like when WCW was above WWF, Vince took the cheap shots and whatnot. When WWF was on top WCW did the same.