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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups

    Bill Hicks??? WTMF? I meant Ron White. RON WHITE! That guy was funny as hell.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Vince meets Bret Hart after Raw

    I'm a huge Kurt fan...but if you're going the Evil GM route (which SUCKS) then Paul is much better in that department
  3. Youth N Asia

    Favorite TV Show openings

    Where as Oz is my 2nd favorite show of all time, the opening gets old for me and I just skip it now. I also loved the Wonderfalls opening...be it the 4 friggin times it aired.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups

    I thought the redneck standup guys were great. Especially Bill Hicks...and I'm not a redneck either. Kings of Comedy didn't do much for me. Cedric got some laughs out of me, and so did Bernie when it came to beating up children, but for the most part it didn't get me. When it comes to Wanda Sykes it's really iffy for me. Sometimes I think she can be funny, but most of the time annoying. Although she cracks me up on Curb Your Enthisiasm.
  5. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    How do you run your feuds? Do you book every feud every show. Or feuds every other show...or really stretch them out?
  6. Youth N Asia

    If you died today, what song....

    "Ready to Die" by Andrew WK Seriously though. Maybe something soft like "Catch The Wind" by Donovan or "Perfect Circle" by REM. Something soft, but not deathly related. EDIT. I'm thinking "Keep Me In Your Heart" by Warren Zevon
  7. Youth N Asia

    True or False

    So HHH thinks people shouldn't be given things. And Batista thinks guys should pay their dues for getting tv time... interesting
  8. Youth N Asia

    Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups

    Agreed on Sagat. I remember watching a special saying "I don't want to see this shit. I hate Full House." And I was just laughing my ass off the whole time.
  9. RAW World: Chris Benoit IC: Randy Orton Tag: Flair and Batista Womens: Victoria SMACKDOWN World: Eddie Guerrero US: John Cena Tag: Rikishi and Scotty Cruiser: Chavo Who's going to be the next person to win each title?
  10. Youth N Asia

    Clarett ruled ineligible

    Screw Clarett. The NFL has their rules and that's that. I really don't think a judge should have had the power to try and change that anyway.
  11. Youth N Asia

    New Worst Episode Ever

    Shit... Anyway, the character's proven to score twice...worst character development...EVER!
  12. Youth N Asia

    New Worst Episode Ever

    Worst ever? I don't know about that. But it was pretty bad. And comic book guy shouldn't have gotten laid, killed his character
  13. Youth N Asia

    Lesnar banged up after crash

    You think it Tazz was in the other car, just before the moment of impact he'd yell out "Well...he comes the pain!"
  14. Youth N Asia

    TSM Mat Madness II

    Northeast Region 1 Eddy Guerrero 3 Rey Misterio Jr. Northwest Region 1 AJ Styles 2 Kurt Angle Southeast Region 4 American Dragon 2 Brock Lesnar Southwest Region 1 Chris Jericho 2 Christopher Daniels
  15. Youth N Asia

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    I think you can only blame Darko for one of those turnovers. But he did get a point
  16. Youth N Asia

    it's just a NBA rookie of the year poll.

    sorry sorry, I did mess that up. But he did say he wouldn't show up if he wasn't starting...then took it back after a ton of media heat
  17. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Cameo In A Film

    I think Heyman gets billing in the movie...where as SHane has a cameo
  18. Youth N Asia

    What is your nickname...?

    Right now it's Shannibal Lecter...cause my name's Shannon. It's stuck for a while now, could be worse.
  19. He's almost a wrestler
  20. Youth N Asia

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Pistons do have the top defense in the NBA. The Bucks have the forth best offense and they were held 8 points or so belowe their average. The Pistons were just nailing blocks and stealing left and right. While it might have been an off night for the Bucks, the Pistons dominated the game and should be credited for doing so.
  21. Yeah, Out Of Time didn't clean up. And this one's getting even less promotion.
  22. Youth N Asia

    One And Only Beg For A Backlash Webcast Pass Threa

    I think the days of free ppvs are over. Chip in a few bucks
  23. Youth N Asia

    Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups

    Yeah, as far as "funny" Bruce was "ehh"...but he was the first major standup to just say the vulgar things
  24. Youth N Asia

    How long is this guys penis?

    Yuh huh...not really a current event