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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    I love the Bible now

    POPE: "It's a celebration, bitches!"
  2. Youth N Asia

    What does (sic) mean?

    wouldn't have guessed
  3. Youth N Asia

    I love the Bible now

    *holds hands up, backs out of thread slowly*
  4. Youth N Asia

    New Batman Begins pics

    He looks the part. I had so little interest in this movie a year ago. But now after the casting I can't wait for it.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Band of Brothers airing on The History Channel

    I don't know. It's the History Channel, so I'm hoping they'll keep it in tact.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Warrior and Sting

    I confused Renegade with Warrior the first time I saw him in WCW. I think a few people did.
  7. Youth N Asia

    TSM Mat Madness II

    Northeast Region 1 Eddy Guerrero 5 Ultimo Dragon 6 Rob Van Dam 2 CM Punk Northwest Region 1 AJ Styles 4 John Cena 11 Matt Hardy 2 Kurt Angle Southeast Region 1 Shelton Benjamin 4 American Dragon 3 Chavo Guerrero Jr. 2 Brock Lesnar Southwest Region 1 Chris Jericho 5 Spanky 6 Chris Hero 2 Christopher Daniels
  8. Youth N Asia

    Most Annoying Wrestling video game losses

    I use to piss a buddy of mine off so bad when I would just whip his ass with Jericho and do the cocky pin with the foot on the chest. And to make it worse when I knew I had him I would stand up and imitate it while the game is counting him out
  9. Youth N Asia

    The South Park and Chappelle's Show Thread

    Forgot about that. I taped the episode and thought "was that John Kerry?" So I slowed it down. I love how random their celiberity bashing is.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Wanna join a fantasy wrestling trivia federation?

    Post this once, not once in every other forum...once
  11. Youth N Asia

    Does anyone know what story this is?

    My cousin (11) was asking me the other day for good stories, and I remembered one I read at his age that I really liked, but can't recall the name. It's a short story about kids/teens who when they reach a certain age can get a baby dragon. There's x amount of kids and x amount of dragons and the dragons will choose their owners. And after a certain number of years if you're not picked you just don't get one. And this little squirt kid is in the running and ends up getting one, but he doesn't show up to get it cause he thinks he won't. And the jerk ass heel kid who's in his last year doesn't end up getting one. Anyway, I don't know if that helps, but does anyone know the name of a story like that?
  12. Youth N Asia

    Best and Worst Treatment of Title Belts?

    The idea of Kane posing at a photo shoot is enough to take the belt off of him.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Best and Worst Treatment of Title Belts?

    When he was in WCW they gimmicked a metal trapdoor in the ring so he could make those FANTASTIC unpredictable entrences and exits with the fog. Bulldog got slammed hard on it one night and it messed up his back.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Best and Worst Treatment of Title Belts?

    He also managed to badly hurt the Bulldog without even touching him.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Best and Worst Treatment of Title Belts?

    With DDP it worked cause he was such an unlikely champion. I didn't come off as disrespect for some reason
  17. Youth N Asia

    ECWA Super 8 Results

    I saw Dux a couple times in 2001 at BCW, and a few times on Velocity. While he can he entertaining as all hell, I don't remember him being great in the ring...but not bad. *Does the Tyson Dux Shuffle*
  18. Youth N Asia

    Best and Worst Treatment of Title Belts?

    Cena at least looks like he's happy to have the title. And I don't know if they make the tag titles in "size Bubba." I always thought the belts should be worn to the ring and carried off after the match.
  19. Youth N Asia

    ECWA Super 8 Results

    Why was Dux out?
  20. Youth N Asia

    Most Annoying Wrestling video game losses

    Anyway, wrestling. Goddamn No Mercy 64. For some reason I could not get out of facing Farooq. He'd block and reverse every damn move. I just couldn't get anything off. My only offense was suckering him out of the ring and nailing him when he got back in.
  21. 11 Taking Lives $3,505,000/$27,483,000 12 Starsky & Hutch $3,200,000/$81,887,000 Youth daddy called it last week in the boxoffice thread. The Girl Next Door is going to have to make some money. They've been running ads heavy for a month now.
  22. Youth N Asia


    Maybe now we'll get more midget reality dating.
  23. Youth N Asia

    When you order a WWE PPV through digital cable

    Of course...just like you'd record any tv show. I have last year's Rumble and Mania recorded off of digital. Perfect picture
  24. Youth N Asia

    ECWA Super 8 Results

    ehh, the show had no namepower. I don't think Daniels putting Aries over would have done much for ECWA. Plus why have former winners in the tourney if there's no chance of them going over.