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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Steve Corino Question

    My favorite pre-hardcore Corino is his match with Chris Chetti at House Party 99. CROWD: "You suck dick! You suck dick!" *Corino punches Chetti in the balls* CORINO: "I PUNCH DICK!"
  2. Youth N Asia


    FUCK FOX! They start it on Fridays, a shit night. Then move it to Thursdays, an impossible night. Plus they haven't promoted the show for shit. FUCK FOX!
  3. Youth N Asia

    Family Guy primed for a 2005 return

    Family Guy volume 1 on DVD is $24.99 this week at Target
  4. Youth N Asia

    Most Annoying Wrestling video game losses

    I wrecked a controller over Virtual Fighter 4...the last guy just kept kicking my ass. And the worst part is there are no continues once you make it that far. It's one and done
  5. Youth N Asia

    Your most prized possession

    I have a very nice Miami Dolphins afgan my mom made for me just before she passed. That's it for me.
  6. Youth N Asia


    Beh, once you figure out what the ending's going to be you're pretty much just sitting through the rest of the movie waiting for it to end. Decient for the first 2/3 though
  7. Youth N Asia

    Identify this zombie movie

    Is that the movie with the great quote. "It smells like Gozilla's butthole in here"
  8. Youth N Asia

    Terri, Sean O'Haire part ways with WWE

    I'll agree with that. Although the last couple years it's been the same match over and over again with the same spots.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Kelly Osbourne enters rehab

    Well, I never pegged Ozzy's kids as "smart"
  10. Panic Room 5 out of 10 Worth my time, but nothing great or that I'll watch again any time soon.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Kelly Osbourne enters rehab

    He'd have probably given her shit for giving them away for free.
  12. Youth N Asia

    WWE Divas '04 cover chosen!

  13. Youth N Asia

    Family Guy primed for a 2005 return

    UPN is crap. If it weren't for Smackdown and Simpsons reruns I don't think I'd ever watch it
  14. Youth N Asia

    Russo calls for changes....

    He'd probably take up tons of tv time, go away for a little while, and keep making "suprise" returns
  15. Youth N Asia

    Die Hard 4 News

    No! NOT the edited for tv verison!
  16. Youth N Asia

    Terri, Sean O'Haire part ways with WWE

    He should have stuck to the big boot and sidewalk slam
  17. Youth N Asia

    Kelly Osbourne enters rehab

    *voice-over* Parents who use drugs. Have children who use drugs
  18. Youth N Asia

    Terri, Sean O'Haire part ways with WWE

    While I'm not for people out of jobs, Terri had nothing to offer and has just been hanging on the last few years. For T&A she was arlight for a little while, but she was aging as they were bringing in much hotter and younger girls. And her interviewing wasn't any good. O'Haire just seemed like he could have been a star. Shame they waste 2 pushes on Nathan Jones and don't even give this guy one good shot.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Kelly Osbourne enters rehab

    Jesus Christ, these people can't go a week without one of them in the headlines. I almost think their media whore mother sets it up. I check the headlines on IMDB.com and for a couple weeks straight it seemed like there was always an Osbourne piece, and mostly Sharon. While I think it's a sad story. She's a shithead, so I won't cry over it.
  20. Youth N Asia

    What are you listening to right now?

    "If I Fell" by The Beatles
  21. Youth N Asia

    The "The Fucking Hell?" Thread

    How could they not remember when he was leading them through it? Didn't help that durring the 3rd of 4th time through he left out a couple of parts
  22. Youth N Asia

    The Greatest Horror Films Of All Time

    *cuts your throat* Halloween 1 was great. 2 was good. 4 and 5 were passable for slashers. But 6-8 were complete balls. H20 didn't offer one likeable charcter, and that started their trend of not killing rappers and pop stars in horror movies. Kelly Rowland died in Freddy vs Jason. She took one for the sake of horror. But anyway... 10. Dawn of the Dead (2004)...sue me, I loved it. 9. Clownhouse 8. The Hills Have Eyes 7. Dog Soldiers 6. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original) 5. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4. Night of the Living Dead 3. Halloween 2. The Evil Dead 1. Dawn of the Dead (1979)
  23. Youth N Asia

    Die Hard 4 News

    While I like the first the best. Die Hard 2 and 3 were both kickass action movies. I'd love to see a 4th one before Willas got too old for the part, he could still pull it off now.
  24. Youth N Asia

    For those who "don't laugh"

    Yeah, even for a comedy/horror that was a little much. Other than "uhhhh" and "rahhhh" zombies should keep their traps shut.