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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    An ECW rivial

    I heard an interview with Heyman bitching about how only ECW was promoted durring their own commercials cause it was their "core audiance"...and that's really the only time you saw commercials.
  2. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I get them off of Buffy.nu but I can't tie up my phoneline all day. I usually get the ep by Friday or Saturday, but by then the new episode talk has been on for 2 or 3 days, and by then everything I'd say has been said
  3. Youth N Asia

    An ECW rivial

    The general population gave it good TNN ratings when you consider next to zero advertisement and a Friday 9pm crap-slot
  4. Youth N Asia

    Judgment Day Poster...

    I hope that's just an early version. They'll eventually throw someone on the cover of it
  5. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Not in the thread cause I have to do slow ass downloads to see the show. But IMDB has today listed as Alyson Hannigan's 30th birthday. mmmmm, Alyson. Doesn't seem 30 though.
  6. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    Kinda like a lesser Bruce Campbell
  7. Youth N Asia

    Raw gets best rating in almost 2 years

    Well, 2 weeks from now when it's back at 3.8 they won't have anything to celebrate about. They lost good names and picked up very little on top of that
  8. Youth N Asia

    Movies that should have been good...

    I liked Waterworld too...I understand that it wasn't very good. But I enjoyed it. The Postman too actually
  9. Youth N Asia

    True or False - Edge/Torrie

    Statement #1: Women's wrestling should be more wrestling and less T & A. Torrie Wilson: True. I think there's nothing better than seeing two girls kick the hell out of each other. If that were true you'd be out of a job, dear. If she had to get by on her wrestling... *shudders*
  10. Youth N Asia


    I credit Shawn and Benoit more for HHH having better matches lately then I do HHH
  11. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    They should of shown more of Steven's home videos...
  12. Youth N Asia

    Movies that should have been good...

    I love Equilibrium personally. And Ali was painfully slow. I was just waiting for the thing to get over with I really disagree with you there. I enjoyed the 3 LOTR movies and Spiderman. And what's with people who "THINK" they're good movies? Almost sounds like they're crap and it's an unbebatable fact
  13. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    Blood and Smoke is only in audio form right?
  14. Youth N Asia

    Movies that should have been good...

    Unbreakable Great idea...but such a slow movie
  15. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I think Lemonhead and Ronnie should be up for #2 before Tavon...but I could easily see Shane dropping to #5 in no time
  16. Youth N Asia

    Oh what is a Smark to do?

    I bumped into SD Jones last week at my work. I kicked him in the gut and gave him a stunner. Did you pin him for the three-count? Yeah, but I did it the heel way
  17. Youth N Asia

    Oh what is a Smark to do?

    I bumped into SD Jones last week at my work. I kicked him in the gut and gave him a stunner.
  18. Youth N Asia

    TSM Mat Madness II Play-In

  19. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Good episode. Hope the hooker isn't a regular character, she's way too annoying. Almost depressing watching Dani try and squeeze some attention out of Julian and getting shut down. Creppy ass case for Duth...
  20. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    I would suggest Christian go to Smackdown...but with Edge, Christian, and Rhyno all on RAW, there's a one in a million chance of reforming ICW 1996-1997 heel stable Canadian Thug Life
  21. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    I bet Fifi can cut a better promo. FIFI: "Bark! Bark!" *takes a crap in the ring*
  22. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    Dark Tower just seems to get too big after the first one. The first is this little story set in what comes off as a desert/westerny place...then they just go nuts with it. I'm not reading them again till it's done and over with though
  23. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    Angle should give up Sable for Fifi
  24. Youth N Asia

    Needed: One Pic of Lita...

    Although I could give two shits for her in the ring she at least comes off like she has some kind of personality...unlike a Sable or Torrie Wilson
  25. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread
