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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    Almost suprised they don't work Shawn and Hunter onto both shows. Just so Shawn can go into his "This thing between me and Triple H can't be contained on just one show."
  2. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    The Dupre Shuffle=Ratings!
  3. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    I was just thinking about O'Haire on RAW. I think he's get over in a good tag team.
  4. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    Chavo Sr is due for a monster heel push
  5. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    Booker doesn't need Teddy to talk for him though. Where as Mark, Rodney, and Jazz are all useless talkers. Although I loved Jazz's "You never made me any money anyway!" comment on RAW
  6. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    *runs to the bathroom and furiously masturbates*
  7. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    He got HGH off of Smackdown and got Booker and hopefully the heel Dudley Boys. I think it's brilliant! Although takes away from the RAW lottery
  8. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    HHH back on Raw, eh? A tiny tiny part of me thought Benoit's title was safe for a little while. So much for that.
  9. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    *scratches head and leaves*
  10. Youth N Asia

    Games you should avoid like the plague

    Don't knock it till you've tried it
  11. Youth N Asia

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

  12. Youth N Asia

    Update on Paul Heyman's future in WWE

    Hells yeah, I thought it was a shoot!
  13. Youth N Asia

    Top Drummers List

    I'd put a young Tyler at 8. But not these days. 58. Michael Stipe (REM) That's a load of shit. He should be way WAY higher on the list. Going over these lists you see how they have their favorites and that REO Speedwagon always makes a high showing...BLEH!
  14. Youth N Asia

    Update on Paul Heyman's future in WWE

    If they brought in more ECW guys then I would be for it. But if it's all WWE guys who used to be in ECW then who cares
  15. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    BAH! I still don't know if the credits should count. I'd like to see it a 2nd time on the big screen. Doubt I will though
  16. Youth N Asia

    Top Drummers List

    42. Josh Freese Represent!
  17. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown notes

    DIG IT!!!!!!!!!
  18. Youth N Asia

    Nerd Test

    14.285714285714286% nerd blood flows through your veins.
  19. Youth N Asia


    HHH hasn't been consistant since he tore his quad. I thought the match was alright. I was just shocked to see Trips wrestle on a non ppv show
  20. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown notes

    If Shane is GM Kane will have to jump to Smackdown to put him over every week
  21. Youth N Asia

    Daredevil Director's Cut DVD delayed

    Beh...didn't like Daredevil. And I'm not buying Spiderman again
  22. Youth N Asia

    Update on Paul Heyman's future in WWE

    It's a better way to do it...but sadly a faster way to get Steph back on TV
  23. Youth N Asia

    Heyman Quits.....

    It ain't ECW without Mikey Whipwreck
  24. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I don't think he could carry rocket launchers at his gun and ammo store
  25. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    Yeah, I thought he could have blasted the shit out of them at least while the food was coming to him