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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    April 2nd...

  2. Youth N Asia

    Trump to trademark You're Fired!

    I've just trademarked "Game Over"...the video game companies are going to have to shell out mad dollars to use it
  3. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    not to mention he was likely to run out of ammo before he ran out of zombies. They'd keep coming and the end result would be him not having enough to shoot his way out if he had to
  4. Youth N Asia

    HHH the Vampire

    Please, dear God, don't curse us by giving Vince this stupid idea. Holy crap, that's going to happen. HHH in that pic looks like Lestat on steroids and with a gay shirt
  5. I seriously wanted to murder her last time...no, really. This whole crap about "My daughter id defying me!" He'd say it a dozen or so times every promo for a crowd pop. It took up way too much Smackdown time
  6. Youth N Asia

    A wrestler's take on RF...

    You know, when he puts it like that I guess FUCK THAT PERVERT! I still don't buy that Robby was tricked into going to the house. Any time he could have just said no and blocked the name from his buddy list
  7. Yeah Vince, way to give us "new storylines" and "new superstars." Just throw your shitty kids on tv every few months
  8. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I expected the ending to go like this. They make their big run to the docks and everything, and when they get there all of the boats are gone. Michael looks at Ken and says something like "how much ammo do we have left?" Ken: "Not much." Then he loads his shotgun and they're just firing upon the thousands of zombies that are rushing them. Durring this time the camera just goes to a wider shot, untill you just heard the guns click, no shots. Then the zombie just take up the entire screen. I thought that was how it was going to end when I was watching
  9. Youth N Asia

    Somebody make me like punk rock again.

    They'd be so underground they never heard of themselves. Yeah, a real punk band stops being punk once a single person has heard of them. After that they're just goddamn sellouts
  10. Youth N Asia

    The thoughts on the Undertaker...

    He does look like a dead western outlaw...but the bandana just takes all that away and makes him look like a biker again
  11. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I didn't mind the amputation deal. In Day of the Dead the zombies were under studies for months or so. And they were friggin scientists, so they knew that. In Dawn 2004 they were clueless on the whole thing. And they never had a chance to get to any bites in time. The dude kept his wife's bite a secret. And Michael had to keep his quiet so they could make it to the dock
  12. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I liked the readhead, a tad annoying over the dog. But cute enough to make up for it. And yes, I was looking forward to a zombie dog too.
  13. Youth N Asia

    TNA asks AJ to leave ROH

    Unless TNA can give him a solid reason to get him to leave ROH I think it's dumb. Want them to quit other indies? Pay them enough to make up for it
  14. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I think it's just a matter of getting in through a window or something. With no threat of cops there wouldn't be a problem forcing your way into a building like that. Typical Mall Cops, think they're hardasses
  15. Youth N Asia

    Somebody make me like punk rock again.

    You can't even define punk anymore. I like stuff that's almost punk, MXPX, TBS, and so on. I know if I mention a band a like some indy kid will pop up out of nowhere (maybe behind my desk) and shout out, "That's not punk!" And I'd be all like, "I never said it was." And he would be "Well, yeah...cause it's not!" Indie kids are little shits for the most part, Punk's dead...make way for "almost punk," there's a lot of them
  16. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I also marked out in the beginning. The subdivision in total anarchy and up in flames. And props for having "The People Who Died" by The Jim Carol Band in the credits at the end. And an "interesting" cover of "The Sickness" by Distubed earlier.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Post your DVD collection here!

    http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=youth+n+asia http://www.guzzlefish.com/collection.php?u...me=youth_n_asia My DVDs...I haven't posted here since one of the first couple pages, so it was time for an update.
  18. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I don't know if I liked the credits having its own ending. I'd rather that just be an alternate DVD ending. I'm glad CJ got to make his hero's stand at the end. Wish Andy could have made it out, but I know happy endings aren't really expected in horror films. Like I said earlier. Great movie from start to finish, glad I got over that "remake" crap and saw it. It's pretty much it's own movie, didn't feel like a remake. And it was a good idea for survivors to show up in the truck...meaning the bodycount could shoot up later in the movie.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Renting DVD movies

    I've only rented 2 DVDs and they've both screwed up on me. I just think people don't take care of rentals.
  20. Dawn of the Dead 2004 10 out of 10, bitch!
  21. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    Just got back from the movie. Loved it. Glad they put Scott Reiniger, Tom Savini, and Ken Foree in the movie. 3 guys from the first one. Start to finish it was great action with very little let up. Is this a spoiler thread now?
  22. 11 NASCAR: THE $1,345,000/$3,435,000 12 Twisted $1,340,000 $23,607,000 --------------- What's so special about this NASCAR movie?...68 theatres! $1.35 million on 68 theatres!
  23. Wha?! Skeet Surfin'! I love that movie.